Today is the New Year's for the Christian World with the beginning of Advent. Today all Christians are asked to look inside their hearts and to renew their commitment to really live the Christian life as Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, gave as a loving example to each of His followers. Waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was the HOPE of all of God's people as expressed through each of the Prophets that foretold the coming of Emmanuel, God with us. His first coming was the First Christmas more than 2000 years ago. His humble beginnings were in poverty, but HIS WEALTH OF LOVE WAS ABUNDANT to all of His followers. He came as an embryo, a fetus, an unborn baby, and then as a baby born of poor but loving parents. His Mother, Mary, and His foster Father, Joseph, were living examples of what God's love can accomplish for all of His followers who say, "Yes," to His invitation to live a life of Faith, Hope, and Love. AND HIS KINGDOM WILL HAVE NO END, AND HE SAID, "I WILL BE WITH YOU ALL DAYS UNTIL THE END OF TIME."
With all of the hustle and bustle of the secular world to buy presents for gifts for their family, their friends, and their many acquaintances, the BEST PRESENT OF ALL DURING THIS ADVENT SEASON is to prepare for the SECOND COMING OF THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD for each one of us. WE KNOW NOT THE DAY NOR THE HOUR WHEN THE SON OF MAN WILL VISIT HIS PEOPLE AND CALL THEM BACK TO HIM. Yet, every day is an opportunity to recommit and to rededicate ourselves to the GLORY OF THE HOLY TRINITY, THE HONOR OF MARY, AND FOR THE SALVATION OF SOULS especially our own soul and those souls entrusted to our care. Our growth in holiness, in spiritual formation, and in converting our environments to God's ways demands that we renew the face of this earth through the power of the Most Holy Spirit and the spirit of the Good News that we have received since the First Christmas. "What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but then lose his/her own soul?" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. HIS KINGDOM COME, HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. O COME, O COME EMMANUEL!
With all of the hustle and bustle of the secular world to buy presents for gifts for their family, their friends, and their many acquaintances, the BEST PRESENT OF ALL DURING THIS ADVENT SEASON is to prepare for the SECOND COMING OF THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD for each one of us. WE KNOW NOT THE DAY NOR THE HOUR WHEN THE SON OF MAN WILL VISIT HIS PEOPLE AND CALL THEM BACK TO HIM. Yet, every day is an opportunity to recommit and to rededicate ourselves to the GLORY OF THE HOLY TRINITY, THE HONOR OF MARY, AND FOR THE SALVATION OF SOULS especially our own soul and those souls entrusted to our care. Our growth in holiness, in spiritual formation, and in converting our environments to God's ways demands that we renew the face of this earth through the power of the Most Holy Spirit and the spirit of the Good News that we have received since the First Christmas. "What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but then lose his/her own soul?" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. HIS KINGDOM COME, HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. O COME, O COME EMMANUEL!
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