Friday, December 5, 2008


Have you noticed that every year at this time, we witness the additional politically correct persons who want to secularize Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To make a civil religion get more popularity, many individuals have resorted to HAPPY HOLIDAYS or SEASON'S GREETINGS or XMAS or some other term to distract the attention of well-intentioned persons to go through the period of Thanksgiving and Christmas Day without understanding the true meaning of why we stop to realize the significance of these wonderful days. Families gather with well-intentioned thoughts and ambitions and are overwhelmed by the world's emphasis on money, money, money for any reason. Retail sales are considered a flop if they are unable to be successful in the four to six weeks that end a given calendar year. Why are we giving presents to others?

In the Judeo-Christian world, the weeks before Christmas are preparations for the most significant remembrance of the Incarnation of the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in the "temple of a virgin named, Mary." This woman said "Yes to God." Her "Yes" was the turning point of the Old Covenant with God to begin the New Covenant with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit...a Triune God who has unconditional love for His creation. Jesus Christ came as a baby, born of a virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit to live, die, and rise again and to be King of the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Jesus is King, Friend, Brother, Lord, Savior, the Anointed One, the Messiah, and Emmanuel. Jesus told His followers, "I will be with you all days until the end of time." Yes, we have reason to celebrate every day the Love that God provided for His people. Every Day is a Celebration of Christmas...Christ's Mass...a remembrance of His Love come down at the first Christmas. He comes to us each day through the Holy Eucharist as He explained in John 6 and at His Last Supper on earth. He came to serve, not to be served. HIS KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD, BUT OF THE WORLD TO COME FOR EACH ONE OF US. He wants to dwell in each person's soul as a living reminder that His work of His Mystical Body continues every day through each one of us.

Yes, It is OK to say MERRY CHRISTMAS. Also, It is OK to say MARY CHRISTMAS. Let us leave room in the Inn for our Lord and Savior by being open to His promptings, His Love, His Attitude, His LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EACH ONE OF US. Let us be able to say: "WE DID IT TOGETHER." Together Everyone Achieves More using our eyes, our ears, our mouth, our heart, our mind, our attitude in tune with His attitude, our hands, and our feet. Jesus lives through us and with us to accomplish His purpose through our time, our talents, and our treasures. HE MUST INCREASE, WE MUST DECREASE. PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD, COME LORD EMMANUEL, COME LORD JESUS CHRIST. LET US HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH HIS PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE IN 2008.

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