Friday, November 7, 2008


There are 74 days before the United States of America witnesses the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009. As in all festive occasions, this festive day will be very special and uniquely historic. With all of the economic, political, social, ethical/moral, issues that will be seriously considered, our Nation will continue to survive and to meet the challenges that every change presents. With a new Congress and a new President and Vice-President much will be anticipated and the expectations will be riding high especially for the beginning of the "honeymoon" as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer. The Global environment will be listening and wondering what will really be the focus of the new administration at the White House. The World community is looking for leadership that is honorable.

In 76 days from today, there will be a gathering of Americans in Washington, D.C., to call attention to the greatest scourge on human life in the 20th and 21st century. The decision to declare elective abortion of innocent unborn babies as legal in the United States of America in 1973 separated and divided our Country on a very serious CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE. As we resolved one Civil Right issue with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at least legally, we still need to deal with attitudes that make the atmosphere in most communities civil and respectful. If we are unable to have respect for the most vulnerable and innocent of all human life, how can we expect to see any attitude change regarding age, race, gender, and national origins. The Declaration of Independence demands more than apathy.

With more than 50,000,000 unborn babies aborted in our Country since 1973, the time has come to reexamine our attitudes and our reasons for killing unborn babies because of their age, residence, and state of dependency. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was used as a scapegoat for resolving the issue for so-called "women's rights to choose." Whenever that term is used by an advocate of extreme feminism, the freedom of choice really means....freedom to kill an innocent unborn baby. CHOOSING LIFE MEANS RESPECT FOR THE HUMAN LIFE FROM CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH. This is a CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE as well as an ethical and moral dilemma that needs to be resolved before the other end of the spectrum is tested to eliminate humans of a certain age, handicap, or state of dependency.

When human law supersedes divine law, divine law always takes top priority. "Render to government what is government and to God what is God's." Let us all pray for our newly elected President and Vice-President for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they assume the most responsible offices in our Country. Let us all pray for the 4,000 unborn babies that are aborted daily in our Country that a change in attitude as well as law will soon come about. CHOOSE LIFE!

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