Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As we continue with Part 3 of our series about the Truth in Stem Cell Research, Dr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., gives us the whys and wherefores of Embryonic Stem Cells vs. Adult Stem Cells research and applications.

"Why are Adult Stem Cells Preferable to Embryonic Stem Cells?

"Adult stem cells are a 'natural' solution. They naturally exist in our bodies, and they provide a natural repair mechanism for many tissues of our bodies. They belong in the microenvironment of an adult body, while embryonic stem cells belong in the microenvironment of the early embryo, not in an adult body, where they tend to cause tumors and immune system reactions. Most importantly, adult stem cells have already been successfully used in human therapies for many years. NO therapies in humans have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells. New therapies using adult type stem cells, on the other hand, are being developed all the time. There are many examples of success stories using adult stem cells."

"Treatments from Adult Stem Cells"

"Spinal Cord Injury, Leukemia, Krabbe's Leukodystrophy, Parkinson's Disease examples show the use of Adult Stem Cells that have been successful for the following patients: Laura Dominquez, Patrizia Durante, Gina Rugari, and Dennis Turner. (details on request)" There are many other documented examples of successful adult stem cells usage to this very day.


Most types of stem cell research are morally acceptable and laudable. Only research using EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS RAISES INSUPERABLE MORAL OBJECTIONS. An ethical overview:

"Embryonic Stem Cells -- ALWAYS MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE, because the human embryo MUST BE DESTROYED in order to harvest its stem cells.

"Embryonic Germ Cells -- MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE when utilizing fetal tissue derived from ELECTIVE ABORTIONS, but morally acceptable when utilizing material from SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS (MISCARRIAGES) if the parents give informed consent.

"Umbilical Cord Stem Cells -- MORALLY ACCEPTABLE, since the umbilical cord is no longer required once the delivery has been completed.

"Placentally-Rerived Stem Cells -- MORALLY ACCEPTABLE, since the afterbirth is no longer required after the delivery has been completed.

"Adult Stem Cells -- MORALLY ACCEPTABLE, assuming informed consent from the adult donor."

As we travel up the Achievement Ladder of Success in Stem Cell Research, we will find documented proof that Adult Stem Cell Usage has been extremely successful with many patients over the years. When we start to explore Embryonic Stem Cell Usage, we are ignoring the respect and the dignity that the sacredness of human life demands and requires of an informed citizenry. MAKING THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS has never been a good reason to risk DESTROYING HUMAN LIFE AT ANY AGE OF EXISTENCE, DEPENDENCY, OR RESIDENCY. HUMAN LIFE IS A CONTINUUM FROM CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH.

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