Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today marks a very special occasion in my life as a lifetime Educator. Over 60 years ago, my outstanding loving parents were getting me ready to start my eighth grade elementary school at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School in South Philadelphia. My previous spring found me in the hospital for about six weeks with a bout with double pneumonia with pleurisy and kidney infection, which meant missing seventh grade from mid-March until June. After a summer of make-up assignments, the school allowed me to continue on to the eighth grade. These wonderful, talented, and dedicated Educators made possible for me to achieve the completion of my eighth grade with a special Sister of Mercy nun named Sister Mary Brendan. All of the Sister of Mercy nuns at Our Lady of Mount Carmel were dedicated to their professions as educators and as moulders of future and successful achievers. Yes, we learned how to read, write, think, compute, and analyze in order to be successful in our subjects. However, their lifelong training skills prepared us to meet the total challenges that adult life would bring to each one of us who had the fortune of having them as educators.

With all of the demands for physical, mental, and interpersonal skills that our present-day and future careers expect, these Outstanding Educators from the Order of the Sisters of Mercy prepared us to meet those demands and then some. In addition, their Outstanding examples as dedicated religious assisted us to form our value system that would prepare us to have families, to give our services to God, and to live the life expected of a Catholic Christian. In a world that often overlooks and belittles the work of dedicated priests, religious, and lay persons, the world is much richer because of their desire, dedication, discipline, determination, dignity, discretion, and direction that forms a conscious that is in tune with God's will in our lives.

Thank you, Sisters of Mercy, and especially for the Educators that taught at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School during my lifetime for your inspiration and your guidance to make my life worth living in union with all the saints who have gone before us.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel pray for us and pray for our United States of America especially during this very special election year and during this economic crisis.
"Always remember what you have learned. Your Education is Your Life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

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