To be aware of the twenty-first century challenges that the typical American is facing, we need to examine the basics of pure economic thinking and political thinking that are often overlooked. To live locally while being aware of the global impact on our American way of life is essential to revitalizing the innovativeness and the positive creativity that has made the American phenomenon worth competing for to achieve and to enhance in every aspect.
The essence of all understanding of basic economic and political implications is to understand that private ownership and public ownership are in direct proportion as the freedoms that we enjoy or strive to achieve. In one extreme manner, if private ownership is 100 percent of all of the natural and human resources available, then the public ownership is zero percent. This represents the LAISSEZ FAIRE concept that government should interfere as little in the direction of economic affairs. In this extreme position, you will find pure capitalism, which is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY FREE, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY FREE!
In the opposite realm of thinking, when public ownership is 100 percent and the individual, private ownership is zero percent, the public ownership controls all natural and human resources and all forms of any type of enterprise. Literally, you are at the mercy of the public owners. This represents the system of communism, which is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. In addition, communism is a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY CONTROLLED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY CONTROLLED!
There are many variations and combinations of private and public ownership between the two extremes. Most of these economic systems are regulated, nationalized, and bureaucratic in nature. Bureaucracies especially in the public sector or government are characterized by a rigid hierarchy of bureaus, administrators, and petty officials. The public administration is characterized by excessive red tape and routine. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY REGULATED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY REGULATED. This atmosphere often hampers the private ownership in establishing an ongoing entrepreneurial that will be successful and effectively competitive especially in the local, state, and national levels. There are more small businesses in number in the United States of America than in any other part of the world. The American Free Enterprise System is often challenged by many bureaucratic officials.
To achieve balance in the public versus private ownership sectors, individuals, investors, government officials, and entrepreneurs need a working relationship that benefits all concerned. When the private sector languishes, the public sector will be affected by reduced budgets because of the limited tax base being tapped. The consumer is still KING AND QUEEN in any economic system, but in the free enterprise system the consumer has more choices and more responsibilities to be involved in the total process. New careers are created at the private level rather than the public level.
When we look at the various countries throughout the globe, we can identify the countries that are controlled, nationalized, regulated, and laissez faire oriented. What is the American consumer's latest challenge? Who are taking away the private ownership opportunities of the American public? Why are there so many foreclosures in private ownership? Why are so many non-American investors seeking to take over the private ownership of once-American enterprises? What are the economic and political policies of these foreign investors? Can we once again reclaim the American Dream for affordable housing even in a declining housing market? Who are the financiers who want to buy out our American heritages and birthrights?
The struggle will continue to challenge the American who is PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN to resolve to take back their beloved country and regain private ownership whatever the consequences. The future is bright and encouraging as long as we do not lose sight that IN GOD WE TRUST! WE ARE ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! Let us continue to promote effective, positive solutions to our learning environments and to encourage individuals to reach their maximum goals.
The essence of all understanding of basic economic and political implications is to understand that private ownership and public ownership are in direct proportion as the freedoms that we enjoy or strive to achieve. In one extreme manner, if private ownership is 100 percent of all of the natural and human resources available, then the public ownership is zero percent. This represents the LAISSEZ FAIRE concept that government should interfere as little in the direction of economic affairs. In this extreme position, you will find pure capitalism, which is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY FREE, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY FREE!
In the opposite realm of thinking, when public ownership is 100 percent and the individual, private ownership is zero percent, the public ownership controls all natural and human resources and all forms of any type of enterprise. Literally, you are at the mercy of the public owners. This represents the system of communism, which is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. In addition, communism is a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY CONTROLLED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY CONTROLLED!
There are many variations and combinations of private and public ownership between the two extremes. Most of these economic systems are regulated, nationalized, and bureaucratic in nature. Bureaucracies especially in the public sector or government are characterized by a rigid hierarchy of bureaus, administrators, and petty officials. The public administration is characterized by excessive red tape and routine. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY REGULATED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY REGULATED. This atmosphere often hampers the private ownership in establishing an ongoing entrepreneurial that will be successful and effectively competitive especially in the local, state, and national levels. There are more small businesses in number in the United States of America than in any other part of the world. The American Free Enterprise System is often challenged by many bureaucratic officials.
To achieve balance in the public versus private ownership sectors, individuals, investors, government officials, and entrepreneurs need a working relationship that benefits all concerned. When the private sector languishes, the public sector will be affected by reduced budgets because of the limited tax base being tapped. The consumer is still KING AND QUEEN in any economic system, but in the free enterprise system the consumer has more choices and more responsibilities to be involved in the total process. New careers are created at the private level rather than the public level.
When we look at the various countries throughout the globe, we can identify the countries that are controlled, nationalized, regulated, and laissez faire oriented. What is the American consumer's latest challenge? Who are taking away the private ownership opportunities of the American public? Why are there so many foreclosures in private ownership? Why are so many non-American investors seeking to take over the private ownership of once-American enterprises? What are the economic and political policies of these foreign investors? Can we once again reclaim the American Dream for affordable housing even in a declining housing market? Who are the financiers who want to buy out our American heritages and birthrights?
The struggle will continue to challenge the American who is PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN to resolve to take back their beloved country and regain private ownership whatever the consequences. The future is bright and encouraging as long as we do not lose sight that IN GOD WE TRUST! WE ARE ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! Let us continue to promote effective, positive solutions to our learning environments and to encourage individuals to reach their maximum goals.
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