Monday, July 28, 2008


In a special mission to make a difference in a Florida neighborhood, more than 200 volunteers offered their time, their talents, and their treasures to assist a single parent of three children in renovating the woman's home. This domestic violence victim who was effectively raising her three children was given notice that she was being laid off her job. She was repairing her home in a very limited basis from her week-to-week pay. When her neighbors became aware of her challenges, the neighbors decided to band together and give assistance to one of their neighbors in the form of their time, their skills and talents, and in raising funds and obtaining donations to renovate their neighbor's home.

Imagine the secrecy that was necessary by these neighbors to keep from publicly telling the whole world of this single Mother's plight. Behind the scenes these wonderful loving neighbors offered the Mother and her three children an opportunity to go to Disney for the weekend. This was their way of giving a treat to the single Mother as well as give this Mother a change of scenery. Meanwhile back in the neighborhood, more than 200 volunteers were mobilized to complete a renovation in that four-day weekend. What an inspiration to all of us! What love that an American neighborhood would give to another American who was in pain and in distress. Apparently, word leaked out to the local television stations about the great deeds that these dedicated and determined Americans were willing to do to assist their neighbor, a single Mother with three lovely children. Othermindedness overwhelmed these exceptional Americans.

Yes, there are many other examples that happen from week to week of Americans assisting their own without the need of involving governmental interference. There was no need to use this opportunity to gain political advantage during an election year by opportunist's candidates for public office. Providing a HAND UP RATHER THAN A HAND OUT by fellow Americans is admirable and exemplary.

Congratulations to the American neighborhood located in Florida who deemed it necessary to assist a fellow American and her family and to show what American Spirit can accomplish when put to the test. Yes, we should be proud to be Americans and especially proud to hear of the generosity and the perseverance of legalized Americans who really care about their neighborhoods and their American heritage. May we remember to leave off the hyphenated nationality and be happy to call ourselves AMERICANS and yet respect our ancestry heritage and the ancestry heritage of OTHERS.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ACHIEVEMENT LADDER RECIPIENTS FOR JULY, 2008...the 200 American volunteers who said, "We Did It" out of love for their fellow neighbor and for their fellow AMERICAN!

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