"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS...
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men and women, deriving their JUST POWERS from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED...
"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each OTHER our Lives, our Fortunes, and our SACRED HONOR...." July 4, 1776
"We the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, in order to form a more perfect UNION, establish JUSTICE, insure DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, provide for the COMMON DEFENSE, promote the GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." September 17, 1787
Yes, America, our Founders of this GREAT REPUBLIC worked diligently to write The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, which includes 27 Amendments. These guiding principles were worthy of acceptance in 1776 and are even more worthy of acceptance and respect in 2008. We came from a Freedom From to a Freedom To become the United States of America. Let us do all that we can to avoid any compromise on these basic principles and to be steadfast in resisting any change that would significantly affect the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.
Realizing that IN GOD WE TRUST,we will defend and respect the FREEDOMS that have been challenged domestically and globally over the past 232 years of our Country's existence. Let FREEDOM ring on and on for the brave souls who have fought and defended until their death for the FREEDOMS that we enjoy today. STAND UP AMERICA AND LOVE YOUR COUNTRY. REMEMBER TO BLESS GOD WHO HAS GRACIOUSLY BLESSED OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HAPPY 232ND BIRTHDAY AMERICA! May we continue to grow and to climb the many LADDERS OF ACHIEVEMENT....NOW AND ALWAYS! AMEN!
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men and women, deriving their JUST POWERS from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED...
"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each OTHER our Lives, our Fortunes, and our SACRED HONOR...." July 4, 1776
"We the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, in order to form a more perfect UNION, establish JUSTICE, insure DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, provide for the COMMON DEFENSE, promote the GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." September 17, 1787
Yes, America, our Founders of this GREAT REPUBLIC worked diligently to write The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, which includes 27 Amendments. These guiding principles were worthy of acceptance in 1776 and are even more worthy of acceptance and respect in 2008. We came from a Freedom From to a Freedom To become the United States of America. Let us do all that we can to avoid any compromise on these basic principles and to be steadfast in resisting any change that would significantly affect the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.
Realizing that IN GOD WE TRUST,we will defend and respect the FREEDOMS that have been challenged domestically and globally over the past 232 years of our Country's existence. Let FREEDOM ring on and on for the brave souls who have fought and defended until their death for the FREEDOMS that we enjoy today. STAND UP AMERICA AND LOVE YOUR COUNTRY. REMEMBER TO BLESS GOD WHO HAS GRACIOUSLY BLESSED OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HAPPY 232ND BIRTHDAY AMERICA! May we continue to grow and to climb the many LADDERS OF ACHIEVEMENT....NOW AND ALWAYS! AMEN!
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