Tuesday, July 29, 2008


You may have heard the saying, "People do not care how much you know and spend, but how much you really care about OTHERS." Volunteers are gracious enough to give of their precious time, their unique talents, and their limited resources to make a difference in OTHERS' lives. America has had the reputation of givers rather than receivers. How many communities in the United States have been assisted by numerous volunteers who were willing to be unselfish so that OTHERS may have a better quality of life. In some states, the volunteers have established a reputation of being there for those with limited means and limited talents. These heroic acts of generosity have been with no strings attached and limited public recognition. The priceless love given to the outcasts, the homeless, the neglected, the victims of crime, the aged, the lonely, the imprisoned, the disabled, the domestically abused, the disaster victims, and the unemployed and the underemployed.

The swing in the climb up the Ladder of Achievement for those admirable volunteers from "I won't get involved" to "I think I might help if asked" to " I can give of my precious time" to eventually "I am glad that I did it, that I got involved." Yes, from zero percent to more than 100 percent that signifies the American Spirit and the Spirit of '76. When all is said and done by these exemplary volunteers, they have given HANDS UP RATHER THAN HANDS OUT to the very grateful and the most appreciated persons in various communities.

Many famous individuals and almost less famous individuals have made testimonials on behalf of the American Spirit visualized through positive volunteer efforts in many American cities and rural settings. Here are a few of the statements worth sharing to encourage other prospective volunteers to get the "FEVER" for effective and efficient and priceless volunteer opportunities.

"Volunteers...are looking not only for opportunities to satisfy esteem and self-actualization needs, but also for a chance to build relationships and to satisfy love and belonging needs as well." G. T. Berns and Man H. Smith

"A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction." Benjamin Spock

"When you are laboring for OTHERS, let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself." Confucius

"Voluntarism flourishes in a free society among individuals who live by the Golden Rule, yet see the need for self-actualization." Mary Lawrence

"Love the beautiful, seek out the true. Wish for the good, and the best do."
Moses Mendelssohn

"It is not fair to ask OTHERS what you are not willing to do yourself."
Eleanor Roosevelt

"Should not the giver be thankful that the receiver received? Is not giving a need? Is not receiving, mercy?" Friederich W. Nietzche

"Community partnerships, nonfinancial investments, and profitable social responsibility can offer companies of all sizes new ways to widen their community relationships. And community involvement is definitely good business." C. William Verity, Jr.

Consider your opportunities to make a difference in your community in expanding your volunteer efforts by networking, partnership, and collaborating with other willing volunteers who have a common cause and a mutually beneficial project that will impact the quality of life for all concerned. Respect Others Awareness Month (R.O.A.M.), September, 2008, gives you that opportunity to discover what may be accomplished and achieved by working as a T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More). Be a R.O.A.M. T.E.A.M. advocate during September, 2008.


As the general election date of November 4, 2008, comes closer to closer to registered voters, many life-saving and critical economic decisions are in the balance by those who actually exercise their right to vote. Whatever your persuasion regarding political parties, the philosophical and ethical consequences hang in the balance by how voters view the political candidates for public office. YOUR VOTE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Since the presidential election hinges on a number of realistic issues and political party's platforms, the registered voters will determine in each state in the Union the outcomes that will be confirmed by the Electoral College. This is a sound procedure set up by the Founders of our Country and the masterminds behind the construction of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. The checks and balances necessary to avoid any dictatorship or federalism that would change our economic and political atmosphere and system. IF WE ARE POLITICALLY FREE, WE ARE ECONOMICALLY FREE!

However, even if a voter is confused by the political rhetoric and the campaign promises that are unconfirmed until actual action by the presidential nominees, the voting records and the political biographies are available to compare and to make a sound judgment on the facts rather than the myths that are presented.
Congressional candidates for public office do receive the actual votes from their various states based on their past voting records and their focus on the challenges of the present and the projected future. These political candidates need to be assessed as to their views and their convictions on a number of issues that are valuable to the voter and to the constituency in general.

Here are a few issues for the Congressional candidates for public office to give their support or their opposition in 2008.

ABORTION: Do you support or oppose using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions?

EMBRYONIC STEM-CELL RESEARCH: Do you support or oppose using taxpayer funds for research that involves destroying live human embryos to obtain cells for experimentation?

ENVIRONMENT: Do you support or oppose reducing greenhouse gas emissions by requiring energy efficiency and pollution prevention in order to protect the earth for future generations?

CONSCIENCE PROTECTION: Do you support or oppose preventing federal agencies and states that receive federal funds from discriminating against health care providers who do not perform or participate in abortions?
(Hyde-Weldon Amendment)

EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE: Do you support or oppose reauthorizing No Child Left Behind to ensure that all children receive the educational services they need, whether in public or nonpublic schools?

HEALTH CARE: Do you support or oppose reforming our health care system to ensure there is affordable, accessible health care for all, especially for poor families with children and for persons with disabilities?

IMMIGRATION: Do you support or oppose permitting undocumented aliens who have been living in the United States for a number of years and who do not have criminal records to earn legal status by paying fines, paying back taxes, and agreeing to learn English?

PARENTAL RIGHTS: Do you support or oppose providing federal financial assistance to low-income parents to choose the schools they believe are best suited for their children?

REFUGEE ASSISTANCE: Do you support or oppose providing adequate funding for the U.S. Refugee Admission Program to accommodate an increase in numbers of refugees escaping persecution abroad?

Voters may also have additional concerns that they wish to have addressed by the Congressional Candidates running for public office in 2008. The American People have the opportunity to research their candidates and to decide which candidate will best represent their interests until the next Congressional election. AMERICANS PLEASE STAND UP AND BE COUNTED AMONG THOSE WHO ACTUALLY VOTE AND PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS. If voters are looking for perfect answers with perfect solutions, they may have to look again in their "crystal ball" and wake up to the reality of a human-based and an imperfect atmosphere. However, American ingenuity has triumphed in the past when "push came to shove." E Pluribus Unum and In God We Trust are still hallmarks of our monetary system and in our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Monday, July 28, 2008


In a special mission to make a difference in a Florida neighborhood, more than 200 volunteers offered their time, their talents, and their treasures to assist a single parent of three children in renovating the woman's home. This domestic violence victim who was effectively raising her three children was given notice that she was being laid off her job. She was repairing her home in a very limited basis from her week-to-week pay. When her neighbors became aware of her challenges, the neighbors decided to band together and give assistance to one of their neighbors in the form of their time, their skills and talents, and in raising funds and obtaining donations to renovate their neighbor's home.

Imagine the secrecy that was necessary by these neighbors to keep from publicly telling the whole world of this single Mother's plight. Behind the scenes these wonderful loving neighbors offered the Mother and her three children an opportunity to go to Disney for the weekend. This was their way of giving a treat to the single Mother as well as give this Mother a change of scenery. Meanwhile back in the neighborhood, more than 200 volunteers were mobilized to complete a renovation in that four-day weekend. What an inspiration to all of us! What love that an American neighborhood would give to another American who was in pain and in distress. Apparently, word leaked out to the local television stations about the great deeds that these dedicated and determined Americans were willing to do to assist their neighbor, a single Mother with three lovely children. Othermindedness overwhelmed these exceptional Americans.

Yes, there are many other examples that happen from week to week of Americans assisting their own without the need of involving governmental interference. There was no need to use this opportunity to gain political advantage during an election year by opportunist's candidates for public office. Providing a HAND UP RATHER THAN A HAND OUT by fellow Americans is admirable and exemplary.

Congratulations to the American neighborhood located in Florida who deemed it necessary to assist a fellow American and her family and to show what American Spirit can accomplish when put to the test. Yes, we should be proud to be Americans and especially proud to hear of the generosity and the perseverance of legalized Americans who really care about their neighborhoods and their American heritage. May we remember to leave off the hyphenated nationality and be happy to call ourselves AMERICANS and yet respect our ancestry heritage and the ancestry heritage of OTHERS.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ACHIEVEMENT LADDER RECIPIENTS FOR JULY, 2008...the 200 American volunteers who said, "We Did It" out of love for their fellow neighbor and for their fellow AMERICAN!

Friday, July 25, 2008


In a very challenging world where individuals are attempting to find their identity, their goals, and their reason for living, there is room for many leaders to step up their efforts by encouraging and by motivating OTHERS to do the ordinary challenges in this life in a very extraordinary manner. Taking the next step up the Ladder of Achievement from "I think I might" to "I might" demands positive supporting efforts from those whose patience may be overly taxed by the successful-failures that day- to- day human experiences expects. To strive to the next level of "I think I can" to "I can" means a perseverance to the trivial and the demeaning aspects of human existence. Some individuals worry about the "splinter" in their hand while ignoring the "heavy crosses" that OTHERS are burdened with in their every day struggles.

Empowering OTHERS to advance to more positive levels of the Ladder of Achievement, fosters a self-confidence that is learned by experiencing the challenging and the almost impossible and the improbable. Observing the actions of those who are learning and who are attempting to understand what life really means to them is gratifying when individuals make advancements that appear to be "miraculous." Allowing OTHERS to stand up and to be accountable for their actions and their successes as well as "apparent or qualified failures" builds a positive character that will endure for many years to come. Eventually, individuals who may claim that "I did it" will give credit to many friends, relatives, and strangers who made possible the opportunities to excel beyond their wildest dreams. Success breeds success, and failures lead to successful outcomes if we learn by our personal encounters along the way and up the Ladder of Achievement.

Here are a few honorary achievers' statements who helped EMPOWER OTHERS with their personal touch and genuine concern for the COMMON GOOD OF OTHERS.

"There is no greater joy than giving to worthy causes." Ted Turner

"There never was a person who did anything worth doing that did not receive more than he gave." Henry Ward Beecher

"Doing a 'good turn' may seem a trivial thing for us grown-ups, but a good turn done as a child will grow into service for the community when she grows up."
Lady Baden-Powell Olave

"How can we expect our children to know and experience the joy of giving unless we teach that the greater pleasure in life lies in the art of giving rather than receiving." James Cash Penny

"Youth expects fun in the getting, age reflects on the fun of having given."
Milton Murray

"Whatever good there is in the world I inherit from the courage and work of those who went before me. I, in turn, have a responsibility to make things better for those who will inherit the world from me." Arthur Dobrin

"Don't talk of love, show me!" Miss Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady

"I think the most significant work we ever do, in our whole world, in our whole life, is done within the four walls of our own home. All mothers and fathers, whatever their stations in life, can make the most significant of contributions by imprinting the spirit of service on the souls of their children, so that the children grow up committed to making a difference." Stephen R. Covey

BY EMPOWERING OTHERS TO GROW , you will promote an effective, positive learning environment that will last a lifetime. BY EMPOWERING OTHERS TO LEARN, you are encouraging OTHERS to reach their maximum learning goals.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


As you continue your daily climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement, you many want to remind yourself of ways that you are able to enrich the lives of OTHERS by your encouragement, your example, and your positive support. Imagine a world in which individuals made a positive effort to improve and to really CHANGE the quality of life for OTHER people in their environment. Talk is very cheap for those who fill the air with their hot air, and we observe their motives are very suspect because of their hidden agendas. Giving a positive example by positive action and creating a learning atmosphere where effective renewals and changes are positive without any governmental or authoritarian mandates are extremely rare among greedy and elitist individuals. History has given us many lessons of negative charismatic persons who have lured innocent persons into disastrous consequences. If it is too good to be true, then it is too good to be true. There is nothing that is FREE in this life...someone has to pay for any giveaways. In God We Trust is the source of all true freedoms.

Here are additional testimonials from many individuals who made a point of giving positive example in their respective communities.

"The soul is healed by being with children." Feodor Dostoevski

"The volunteer has become a major force in our lives..because it is not possible for a man to live separated from OTHERS. We are involved in each OTHER'S lives, not by choice but by necessity." Nils Schweitzer

"Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our minds to the unexplored worlds occupied by the needs of OTHERS."
Barbara Hand Herrera

"Volunteering creates a national character in which the community and the nation take on a spirit of compassion, comradeship, and confidence."
Brian O'Connell

"I have tried to live my life as my mother would have wished. She taught me as a boy that service is the highest duty in the world. I believed her then, and I believe her now. I have tried to follow her teaching." Henry Ford

"Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives." Alexandre Dumas the Younger

"As soon as public service ceases to be the chief business of the citizens, and they would rather serve their money than with their persons, the State is not far from its fall." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"We want to take kids and mold them into leaders and this is going to be a phenomenal opportunity to do it." David Robinson

"To insure the continuity of philanthropy, we must instill in children the values and attitudes that will enable them to see charity as a vital part of their lives."
Mary Leonard

Let us continue to enrich the lives of the children, the adults, and the community members who most need our time, our talents, and our treasures. Let us continue to promote effective, positive learning environments. Let us continue to encourage OTHERS by our excellent examples to reach their maximum learning goals. Let us focus on September, 2008, to be R.O.A.M. T.E.A.M. effective and efficient opportunists to be there for OTHERS for whom we serve.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


As we continue to prepare for September, 2008, Respecting Others Awareness Month, we are considering some of the many opportunities that are available to the typical person interested in making a difference for themselves and in their communities. Although some communities have very active programs in assisting OTHERS in numerous ways, some other communities are open to individuals willing to provide the leadership for initial programs to be activated. Some of the social activities that assist OTHERS include the following: Alcoholics Anonymous, Gambling Anonymous, Sexual Addiction Anonymous, Drugs Addiction and Awareness Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the Volunteers of America (Meals on Wheels), Habitat for Humanity International (local affiliates assisting with affordable housing), Hospice International (caring for the terminally ill), Reading clubs (for the illiterate), language tutors, mathematics tutors, reading tutors, Coalitions for the Homeless, mentoring programs for the neglected and the forgotten, prison ministries, food kitchens for the hungry and the castoffs, thrift stores to assist the needy, food pantries for the starving, domestic shelters for the spouses and children of domestic violence, etc.

Yes, the list is just beginning for all of the opportunities to reach out and touch someone in dire need. At Christmas time, a very successful program is the Toys for Tots and Food for Tots Programs in collaboration with other supporting agencies. For those going back to school each August, many communities push for the need to help children get the necessary school supplies for their upcoming school year. Many school districts are always looking for qualified and approved individuals who are willing to assist teachers in the classrooms or with the school administrators on special fund raising projects whether in athletics or in the co-curriculum projects that have learning as their measure of success.

Here are some additional quotes from individuals who have been involved with going out of themselves to make a special difference in their communities:

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Albert Schweitzer

"We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill

"God has given us two hands--one to receive with and the other to give with."
Billy Graham

"Some tension is necessary for the soul to grow, and we can put than tension to good use. We can look for every opportunity to give and receive love, to appreciate nature, to heal our wounds, and the wounds of others, to forgive, and to serve." Joan Borysemko

"Build your life brick upon brick. Live a life of truth, and you will look back on a life of truth. Live a life of fantasy, and you will back on delusion." Anonymous

"The most enthusiastic givers in life are the real lovers of life. They experience the soul-joy that comes from responding with the heart rather than the head."
Helen Steiner Rice

"The words take on their true meaning when we see them as verbs more than nouns: volunteer, love, God." Sue Vineyard

"A life devoid of service to OTHERS is a life devoid of meaning."
Marianne Williamson

"In nothing do men more nearly approach the Gods, than by doing good for their fellow man." Cicero

"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

In order to promote effective and positive learning environments and to encourage individuals to reach their maximum learning goals, we need human resources that are committed to OTHERS without any thought of return on investment of time, talent, and treasure. To succeed in any ACHIEVEMENT VENTURE or in any CLIMB UP THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT, we need persons who are selfless, humble, patient, loving, caring, creative, innovative, hopeful, truthful, and joyful. Success is measured in many dimensions and in many formulas. However, the successful person will know without any fanfare the difference that they have made by just being available and willing to serve.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


To be aware of the twenty-first century challenges that the typical American is facing, we need to examine the basics of pure economic thinking and political thinking that are often overlooked. To live locally while being aware of the global impact on our American way of life is essential to revitalizing the innovativeness and the positive creativity that has made the American phenomenon worth competing for to achieve and to enhance in every aspect.

The essence of all understanding of basic economic and political implications is to understand that private ownership and public ownership are in direct proportion as the freedoms that we enjoy or strive to achieve. In one extreme manner, if private ownership is 100 percent of all of the natural and human resources available, then the public ownership is zero percent. This represents the LAISSEZ FAIRE concept that government should interfere as little in the direction of economic affairs. In this extreme position, you will find pure capitalism, which is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY FREE, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY FREE!

In the opposite realm of thinking, when public ownership is 100 percent and the individual, private ownership is zero percent, the public ownership controls all natural and human resources and all forms of any type of enterprise. Literally, you are at the mercy of the public owners. This represents the system of communism, which is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. In addition, communism is a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY CONTROLLED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY CONTROLLED!

There are many variations and combinations of private and public ownership between the two extremes. Most of these economic systems are regulated, nationalized, and bureaucratic in nature. Bureaucracies especially in the public sector or government are characterized by a rigid hierarchy of bureaus, administrators, and petty officials. The public administration is characterized by excessive red tape and routine. WHEN YOU ARE POLITICALLY REGULATED, YOU ARE ECONOMICALLY REGULATED. This atmosphere often hampers the private ownership in establishing an ongoing entrepreneurial that will be successful and effectively competitive especially in the local, state, and national levels. There are more small businesses in number in the United States of America than in any other part of the world. The American Free Enterprise System is often challenged by many bureaucratic officials.

To achieve balance in the public versus private ownership sectors, individuals, investors, government officials, and entrepreneurs need a working relationship that benefits all concerned. When the private sector languishes, the public sector will be affected by reduced budgets because of the limited tax base being tapped. The consumer is still KING AND QUEEN in any economic system, but in the free enterprise system the consumer has more choices and more responsibilities to be involved in the total process. New careers are created at the private level rather than the public level.

When we look at the various countries throughout the globe, we can identify the countries that are controlled, nationalized, regulated, and laissez faire oriented. What is the American consumer's latest challenge? Who are taking away the private ownership opportunities of the American public? Why are there so many foreclosures in private ownership? Why are so many non-American investors seeking to take over the private ownership of once-American enterprises? What are the economic and political policies of these foreign investors? Can we once again reclaim the American Dream for affordable housing even in a declining housing market? Who are the financiers who want to buy out our American heritages and birthrights?

The struggle will continue to challenge the American who is PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN to resolve to take back their beloved country and regain private ownership whatever the consequences. The future is bright and encouraging as long as we do not lose sight that IN GOD WE TRUST! WE ARE ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! Let us continue to promote effective, positive solutions to our learning environments and to encourage individuals to reach their maximum goals.

Friday, July 18, 2008


As we prepare for an initial month-long celebration in September, 2008, of OTHERS, remember to consider all of the opportunities that are available to REACH OUT AND BE AWARE OF OTHERS. Respecting and Reaching OTHERS AWARENESS MONTH gives everyone an exceptional opportunity to reconsider all of the most effective and most efficient ways to assist and to be aware of the uniqueness of OTHERS and their special concerns and challenges. In subsequent blogs, an incomplete listing will be offered as areas of opportunities to incorporate ordinary community services in an extraordinary manner.

Let us consider some of the proponents of Reaching Out to Others through volunteering that will improve the quality of life in a given community. Here are a few of the positive enthusiasts who have learned the ultimate meaning of Respecting and Reaching Out to OTHERS who are less fortunate, less educated, underemployed, the homeless, the refugees, the forgotten members of society, the handicapped, the dying, the "labeled" special persons to mention just a few.

"The vocation of every man and woman is to serve OTHER people." Leo Tolstoy

"Help thy brother's boat across and, lo! thine own has reached the shore."
Hindu Proverb

"We're put on this earth not to see through each OTHER but to see each OTHER through." Anonymous

"What I gave, I have. What I spent, I had. What I left, I lost by not giving it."
Epitaph of Christopher Chapman

"Man can see his reflection on water only when he bends down close to it; and the heart of man, too, must lean down to the heart of his fellow; then it will see itself within his heart." Hasidic Proverb

"Twas her thinking of OTHERS made you think of her." Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"We seldom stop to think how many people's lives are entwined with our own. It is a form of selfishness to imagine that every individual can operate on his own or can pull out of the general stream and not be missed." Ivy Baker Priest

"The act of volunteering is an assertion of individual worth." Edward C. Linderman

"I have been the recipient of love and service, therefore I can love and serve. There is great satisfaction in service to OTHERS, in...seeing people and their conditions change." Clarence E. Hodges

"Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for OTHERS."
Helen Keller

Consider in your climb up the Ladder of Achievement and your ups and downs on the Achievement Ladder how your impact on OTHERS will enhance your personal growth and development. Imagine what can be learned from OTHERS as a result of your selfless approach to living your daily life. And yet in order to love OTHERS, you must first love yourself. "Love one another as I have loved you." "If you say that you love God, but hate your brother or sister, you are a living liar." "Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you love someone, you will never do him or her wrong; TO LOVE, then, IS TO OBEY THE WHOLE LAW."

"Always remember what you have learned. Your education in your life. Guard it well."! (Proverbs 4:13)

Remember to select your achievement, learning opportunities to R.O.A.M!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today marks a very special occasion in my life as a lifetime Educator. Over 60 years ago, my outstanding loving parents were getting me ready to start my eighth grade elementary school at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School in South Philadelphia. My previous spring found me in the hospital for about six weeks with a bout with double pneumonia with pleurisy and kidney infection, which meant missing seventh grade from mid-March until June. After a summer of make-up assignments, the school allowed me to continue on to the eighth grade. These wonderful, talented, and dedicated Educators made possible for me to achieve the completion of my eighth grade with a special Sister of Mercy nun named Sister Mary Brendan. All of the Sister of Mercy nuns at Our Lady of Mount Carmel were dedicated to their professions as educators and as moulders of future and successful achievers. Yes, we learned how to read, write, think, compute, and analyze in order to be successful in our subjects. However, their lifelong training skills prepared us to meet the total challenges that adult life would bring to each one of us who had the fortune of having them as educators.

With all of the demands for physical, mental, and interpersonal skills that our present-day and future careers expect, these Outstanding Educators from the Order of the Sisters of Mercy prepared us to meet those demands and then some. In addition, their Outstanding examples as dedicated religious assisted us to form our value system that would prepare us to have families, to give our services to God, and to live the life expected of a Catholic Christian. In a world that often overlooks and belittles the work of dedicated priests, religious, and lay persons, the world is much richer because of their desire, dedication, discipline, determination, dignity, discretion, and direction that forms a conscious that is in tune with God's will in our lives.

Thank you, Sisters of Mercy, and especially for the Educators that taught at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School during my lifetime for your inspiration and your guidance to make my life worth living in union with all the saints who have gone before us.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel pray for us and pray for our United States of America especially during this very special election year and during this economic crisis.
"Always remember what you have learned. Your Education is Your Life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Have you been plagued with the avalanche of emails, phone calls, and direct mail from unscrupulous automotive insurance companies who harass you constantly with interruptions about extending your warranty on your automobile? Although these pesky perpetrators are operating under the law, their practices and procedures are questionable by self-respecting consumers. You may want to sent your concerns to the media and to the local Better Business Bureau for effective positive action. Awareness of the unnecessary infringement on your personal privacy is always helpful to all consumers who know how to respond to the question. What part of "No" do these marketing insurance pests not understand.

In the past and certainly in the present and the foreseeable future, consumers are wise enough to judge when a vehicle is not performing to expectations and are causing them considerable expense. Usually a trade in for a newer vehicle is a possibility. Also, many experienced and reputable mechanics have been improving the performance of used automobiles for many, many years. Even with the extensive technological advances, these mechanics have found ways to improve their quality workmanship for the recurring consumers who use their services. Choosing a respected mechanic is the consumer's choice.

Are the automotive insurance companies really hurting for profits to stoop to juvenile ways of getting business even using "fear" tactics in their brochures and information. On the rise up the Ladder of Achievement, the "Mother of Invention" has effectively and efficiently found ways to resolve challenges without the unnecessary intrusion of "money-happy" insurance agents with little or no ethical business code or conduct. Buyer beware of what seems to be too good to be true, is too good to be true. Watch out for the myths and the false claims made by hucksters who really are self-serving and self-interested and self-centered. People do not care how much you know, but how much you care.

Automotive Warranty Extensions Challenged

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Congratulations to the nine members of the College Success Skills class that recently completed a ten-week course on an independent basis at PHCC. These special individuals discovered their unique learning styles, their special personality differences, their level of self-confidence in achieving success in their special learning environments, and their crystal-balling look at their promising futures. Their special journey up and down the Ladder of Achievement during their lifetimes so far has sparked a positive desire, dedication, and determination to focus on a new adventure in their chosen career paths.

During the ten-week concentrated emphasis on College Success Skills, these nine individuals reexamined their career paths and the learning skills that will assist them along the way of being positive achievers. Some of the following topics were considered: an analysis of actual learning styles; challenges to their career success, management of finances, time, stress, anxiety, concentration; and special emphasis on effective and efficient study skills for all of their college course selections. In addition, the realization that communication skills of reading, listening, speaking, writing, observing, and performing need fine tuning to be ready for the challenges of their future careers and their lifelong learning choices. Preparing for their transformation from the classroom to the world of work required a positive assessment of their physical, mental, and interpersonal skills to be adaptable to the ever-changing technologies, global happenings, and cultural diverse challenges.

Congratulations to these special nine students for life for your growth and your willingness to be open in learning the what, where, when, why, who, how, and how much of their individual success and in your special place in history. May you always understand that learning is found in classrooms with walls and classrooms without walls. Your college of hard knocks and your college of hands on experiences will assist you in your ongoing climb up the Ladder of Achievement. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Congratulations to all of the Unsung Heroes locally and worldwide who have distinguished themselves on providing unselfish services without the usual "government red tape" to those most in need of humanitarian considerations and assistance. These Unsung Heroes focus on the outcasts, the homeless, the orphaned, the aborted babies, the refugees, the neglected communities, the domestic abused, the perverted abused, the war-torn survivors, the underemployed, the underachievers, and the untrusting victims of governmental policies and society's throwaways.

These Unsung Heroes offer Faith to the faithless, Hope to the despairing, and Love to the love-depraved and unloved. These Unsung Heroes receive their support from their effective and efficient networking, partnering, and collaborating efforts locally and worldwide. Usually, these Unsung Heroes are the first to arrive at a devastation and the last to leave the unsatisfied recipients of required humanitarian aid. These Unsung Heroes use their innovation, their creativity, their ingenuity, and their human resources to heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon victims of natural disasters, government upheavals, terrorist activities, reduced economic activities, and civil unrest.


"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS...

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men and women, deriving their JUST POWERS from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED...

"And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each OTHER our Lives, our Fortunes, and our SACRED HONOR...." July 4, 1776

"We the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, in order to form a more perfect UNION, establish JUSTICE, insure DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, provide for the COMMON DEFENSE, promote the GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." September 17, 1787

Yes, America, our Founders of this GREAT REPUBLIC worked diligently to write The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, which includes 27 Amendments. These guiding principles were worthy of acceptance in 1776 and are even more worthy of acceptance and respect in 2008. We came from a Freedom From to a Freedom To become the United States of America. Let us do all that we can to avoid any compromise on these basic principles and to be steadfast in resisting any change that would significantly affect the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.

Realizing that IN GOD WE TRUST,we will defend and respect the FREEDOMS that have been challenged domestically and globally over the past 232 years of our Country's existence. Let FREEDOM ring on and on for the brave souls who have fought and defended until their death for the FREEDOMS that we enjoy today. STAND UP AMERICA AND LOVE YOUR COUNTRY. REMEMBER TO BLESS GOD WHO HAS GRACIOUSLY BLESSED OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HAPPY 232ND BIRTHDAY AMERICA! May we continue to grow and to climb the many LADDERS OF ACHIEVEMENT....NOW AND ALWAYS! AMEN!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


For many registered voters this coming General Election offers many challenges in making effective and conscientious deliberations. For many potential voters who have yet to register or re-register for the right to vote in any local, county, state, or national the challenges are obtaining the holistic data that will assist them to make sound decisions based on objective and reliable information. The internet is being bombarded with misinformation to influence and sway the voters who appear to be on the fence about many economic and political issues that have yet to be explored or pondered. YET, IN EVERY ELECTION, YOUR VOTE ALWAYS COUNTS. For those who will sit on the sidelines and be apathetic about their civic responsibility, remember to be silent about the outcomes if you have neglected to step up and stand by your convictions. There is no perfect outcome that will satisfy all of the voters and constituents. However, participation in the process and obtaining information from reliable and all available resources is imperative. What you think does make a difference!

Here are a few areas of concern for all those who seek public office and who want to represent their constituents. In a random order of concern: military experience and/or understanding, authenticity, credibility, actual effective and meaningful political experience, lifelong learning experiences, cultural diversity understanding, economic and political philosophy, ethical code of conduct, human life philosophy and values, family values, moral values, humility, interpersonal skills, creativity, innovativeness, positive thinking, independent thinker, realistic, diplomacy, sense of humor, international and global awareness, and empathetic. In addition, here are a few more characteristics of a responsible and well-rounded candidate for public office: desire, dedication, determination, discipline, detachment, discretion, decisiveness, discernment, diplomacy, dignity, direction, and deep humility.

Yes, there is quite a bit of homework to be completed by the serious and conscientious registered voter prior to November 4, 2008. This general election will be the most important decision that any registered American voter will have to consider for future generations. Making a choice of the most qualified and appropriate candidates for public office is your investment in your future.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


How easily can an individual be wrapped up in himself/herself and ignore the needs and wants of those around him or her? What became fashionable for many individuals was the occupation on "I" and "Me." In the last 40 years, there has been a growing trend to ask, "What's in it for Me?" How will I be rewarded or helped by doing this or that? What is the recognition that I will receive that will help pad my wallet or my pocketbook? The "Me" generation and the "I" generation were born with the preoccupation on material things, on secular accomplishments, on greedy ambitions, on the theme..."Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow I may have to diet." Money, Money, Money was the source of all happiness and fame. To be recognized in the public domain was to show the worst human behaviors imaginable. The increase in all types of addictions including chemical, alcoholic, gambling, sexual perversion, and pornographic excessiveness prompted a serious concern on the moral fiber of the American culture. If the moral consciousness could be eliminated from an individual's thinking, then everything is personal, everything is private, everything is no concern of any one else. Mind your own business has become a rallying cry for all those care only for themselves. Ethical behavior is shunned as "goody two shoes" and "holy joes/janes" thing. Ignoring the civil rights of others becomes an acceptable way of life for the "I" and "Me" generations.

Here are a few bits of wisdom from many sources that may assist in turning around the negative attitudes that we have been receiving from negative people.

"I prefer death to lassitude. I never tire of serving others." Leonardo Da Vinci

"People who fight fire with fire, usually end up with ashes." Abigal Van Buren

"Love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."
Dr. Karl Menninger

"When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it's time to turn out the lights." George Burns

"I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more."
Jonas Salk

"The making of money, the accumulation of material power, is not all there is to living...and the man or woman who misses this truth misses the greatest joy and satisfaction that come into his or her life...service to others." Edward Bok

"The greatest gift I ever had from God, I call him Dad." Anonymous

"The way not to live a monotonous life is to live for OTHERS." Fulton J. Sheen

"A bell is not a bell until you ring it. A song is not a song until you sing it. Love in your heart is not put there to stay. Love is not love until you give it away."
Oscar Hammerstein

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man or woman can sincerely try to help another without helping himself/herself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let us try to turn our lives around and restart the focus on OTHERS. Let us begin to rid ourselves of the "I" and "Me" in our lives and concentrate our human and spiritual efforts on OTHERS. You will never change another person's point of view or personal opinion about anything, but you can begin to change your own personal attitude and focus on giving a better example of OTHER-MINDEDNESS without any thought of gaining something in return. "By their actions, you will know where they stand." Actions speak louder than words. When you WALK YOUR TALK, you WALK OF WALK OF OTHER-MINDEDNESS. "Whatever you did to the least of MINE, you did to ME."