Saturday, January 7, 2012


For many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the accomplishments in the academic arenas are short-lived if the attitudes of these recipients are negative and non-productive. With all of the aptitudes that are achieved through vigorous efforts, individuals with negative attitudes will be wasting their time and the time of others if they focused on themselves. "What's in it for me" is an attitude that limits the potential of great scholars and ultimate achievers. The "I" focus rather than a "We" approach gives many adventures an exclusive rather than an inclusive attitude. Creating "averse reactions" to all legitimate challenges makes teamwork impossible. The word, T.E.A.M, means Together Everyone Achieves More. The "We" verses "They" has historically been negative in context and in lost opportunities to work together with a positive attitude in achieving a mission.

The word, "attitude," equals 100 percent if we assign a number to each letter; e.g. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, etc. The word, "attitude," achieves a positive thrust when the aptitudes are joined to the altitudes that are achievable with a T.E.A.M. effort. Taking P.R.I.D.E. is a job well done maximizes the total use of a positive attitude. When P.R.I.D.E. is renewed and restored in the American workplace, the jobs and careers that were once lost to "outsourcing" and "contractual" arrangements to other global locations will return with enthusiastic investing by those who allow the private sector to function as an "invisible hand" in the marketplace. The ultimate consumers and the servicing providers will give greater positive initiatives with an effective marketing strategy that focuses on the five Ps of Marketing: Product, Price, Placement, Promotion, and People. Your vote will always count in a competitive marketplace in which there is a proper balance of all five Ps. American Free Enterprise will always have its critics and its "doomsday"advocates; however, the "invisible hand" in the marketplace will allow for open competition at all levels of the American economy. Bringing back P.R.I.D.E. in the American workplace and marketplace will bring about a renaissance of positive attitudes for all Americans.

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