Sunday, January 15, 2012


Are we really listening, actively listening? With all of the political rhetoric that we will be subjected to this year, what and who are we searching to discover? Who are we, what are we doing here, and where are we going are daily challenges that affects others whether we realize that fact or not. Choosing to search for the Truth even among Masters of Deceit and Untruth demands vigilance and discernment of the greatest intensity. The guidance that we seek may be among those are self-absorbed and selfish of what they are willing to control and manipulate. The Ides of January 2012 requires of each person a willingness to listen to their hearts and their minds to discover the mission that is uniquely personal. Each organization in its existence has a mission and a set of goals and objectives to complete their ultimate mission with effectiveness and efficiency. Searching demands being open to all avenues and all possibilities to obtain the priceless value of Truth. With all research into the unknown and the challenging, wisdom has to dominate the knowledge to obtain a true understanding of a truth that is beyond this world. To discover the Uncaused Cause of human resources and natural resources requires an openness that respects the dignity and the value of all resources, human, natural, and divine. The mystery and the mystic of each uniqueness accepts the mission of each resource as designed by the Uncaused Cause, the Supreme Being, the Infinite Wisdom of all wisdom. Searching is worth the time, the talents, and the treasures to better value uniqueness as a Sacred Vessel, as a Spiritual Temple, and as a human life given by the Ultimate Creator for the Mission of the Ultimate Goal of human life...Eternal happiness. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts make choices every day in searching for the message of stewardship of all natural, human, and spiritual resources that is in tune with the Divine Mission and Message. "Here I am, Lord, I come to do Your will." "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening." "Create for me, O Lord, a clean heart and a steadfast spirit renew within me." "Learn from Me, for I am Meek and Humble of Heart." "My soul is thirsting for You, O My God, my Savior, and my Friend." "Seek and you will find; Knock and the Door will be open to you." "Ask and you will abundance beyond any human searching..." Choose Life and Live the Truth!

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