Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' P.R.I.D.E. - Part two

Earlier in one of our blogs we considered the first two letters of P.R.I.D.E. Remember that the letter "P" focused on Priorities, which considered God, Family, Work, Community, etc. We are all challenged to prioritize our most precious resource, Human Resources. In addition, we reviewed the motto of Dade City, Florida, which believes in its Proud Heritage and Promising Future. We all have a Proud Heritage and a Promising Future. In the other "Ps" we included Promotion of economic growth in America and for a quality of life for ALL Americans, born and unborn. With Professionalism in our work environments, in our community net-workings, and in our person-to-person relationships, we understand that Pride with positive attitudes enhances the value and the dignity of each human being served in all career entities. Also, being pro-active rather than being re-active in our ongoing challenges will be beneficial to all Americans and to all members of the global human race in resolving issues peacefully and respectively.

In our "Rs" we considered Reaching Out to others less fortunate in our communities with our time, our talents, and our treasures. Remember there is no timetable or seasonal reasons to contribute the the Reaching Out choices. Respecting and accepting others as they are is the prime reason for keeping the lines of communication always open. When we take Responsibility for our own actions, we accept what we do that really makes a tremendous difference to ourselves and to others. Although we may be less wealthy in monetary values, our Richness may be the key that will move the closed door of someone's mind and heart. You may be Keyed-uped to influence others to do something great.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts ponder the "IDEs" of P.R.I.D.E., which includes Intrapreneurs who contribute their ideas, their comments, their inputs, their opinions, their suggestions, and their "irreconcilable differences with principles." Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourage Involvement with family, with community, with religious and church activities, with civic organizations, and with positive political activities to be more Inclusive rather than be "exclusive." The letter "D" reminds all Enthusiasts to respect and to understand Diversity and multiple ethnic and cultural differences. We know their "Ds": Desire, Dedication, Determination, Discipline, Dignity, and Discipleship. Their yesterdays are already dreams and their tomorrows are only a vision; but their todays well lived makes their yesterdays' dreams of happiness and their tomorrows a VISION OF HOPE.

And the Letter "E" highlights Enthusiasm....the last four letters of the word, I A S M means I Am Sold Myself. The "Entrepreneurial Spirit...the Entrepreneurial Team" envisions a group of experienced people from different areas of career clusters who are willing to join together in order to form a Team with the skills needed to develop, make, and market their missions to others. Their E.A.G.E.R. for a change is translated into Earn And Give Everyone Respect for a Change of Heart...from a negative heart to a loving positive heart. And yes, to Enjoy your profession, your work, your leisure time activities shows that your Enjoyment will attract others to want what you have to offer...They want some of that!

With the New Year, 2012, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts welcome the P.R.I.D.E. that is accomplished by fulfilling the individual mission of each American and of each worldwide human being willing to make a difference in their sphere of influences. Your vote always counts in every political, social, economical, cultural, philosophical, moral, ethical, and spiritual choices that you are expected to make daily. Take P.R.I.D.E. and E.A.G.E.R. choices as your barometer in making a transformation of what America can and should be as a beacon for the entire world...a Beacon of Hope and Peace!

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