Monday, January 23, 2012


To help the anti-life push in the world, the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This is done by praying that one particular but unknown child's life be spared elective abortion and be allowed to continue to live.

To help accomplish this, the recommendation was to have an individual say the following daily prayer for a period of nine months:

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of elective abortion."

The name I wish to give my baby is your choice(s). During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God; but in the world to come the hope is that you will meet the souls that your prayers saved and spend eternal happiness with them.

"Jesus may your peace and your love embrace the hearts, minds, and souls of the family, friends, and loved ones who encourage this (these) elective abortion(s) and lead them all to your Sacred and Eucharistic Heart." (Crusade for Life International,11142 Osage Street, Northglenn, CO 80234, 720-977-9150)

Since September 2009, my prayers and spiritual adoptions have been offered for ten (10) unborn children who may be spared the fate of elective abortion. Currently, four (4) more unborn children have been spiritually adopted by me to be spared the fate of elective abortion prior to September 7, 2012. You are encouraged to spiritually adopt as many unborn children as your mission to spare the lives from the destruction of elective abortion. Be Pro-Life and Proud that you have the opportunity to spiritually adopt an unborn child that becomes your friend for all eternity. People may kill the body, but these people are unable to kill the soul of all unborn children. Choose Life and Live The Truth!

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