Saturday, October 8, 2011


For those who drive on the nation's highways and byways, remember to bring your safety and courtesy manners to your driving every day. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud all efficient and effective drivers who observe the rules of the road and act accordingly. Signaling when making lane changes at least three or more car lengths before moving to another lane makes the road safer for all concerned. Observing the posted speed LIMIT means just that...the LIMIT! Creating your own speed limit is putting everyone in danger with your LETHAL WEAPON (Your vehicle). Obviously, focusing on the road ahead means good defensive and assertive driving skills that have been abandoned by the "weavers" and the "snakes" who float in and out of traffic patterns. Playing music at the highest decibel level with windows wide open shows your unique intelligence or lack of the same. Courtesy respects the air waves of other music lovers. Yes, for those addicted to smoking, remember to avoid "fires" from your lighted cigarettes or cigars by disposing of them in a proper safe manner. Tossing your "lighted butts" on the road or in dry leaves area is a hazard for all drivers and non-drivers. The life you save may be your own.

Effective communication is the beginning of understanding. However, using your cell phones while driving with one hand or "no hands" takes your concentration from your driving to the conversations that you are having with your friends and acquaintances. Social communication dictates that you respect the many persons on the road who will wait until the time is safe to use their cell phones. To even think that you may use "texting" while driving is beyond comprehension. Think before you endanger the lives of so many innocent persons on the road. If you need to text someone, pull off the road wherever safe to send your messages. Emergencies are the only exception to use a cell phone or to text while in your motionless vehicle that is off the road.

When Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts put into practice the courtesies on the road, our roads become safer; and our premiums for automotive insurance will have a tendency of coming down rather than going "skyrocketing." Creating unnecessary risks by inefficient and ineffective driving and communications will continue to drive our automotive insurances out of sight for the average policy holder. Think first before giving in to selfish and rude acts on the road. Your rethinking of why you are on the road and the safety of your family and friends will be honored and respected by all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who drive the American roads every day. Arrive Alive and be a Safe and Courteous Driver.

1 comment:

Ladder of Achievement...Ladoach... said...

Remember that "road rage" is extremely dangerous to all drivers on our highways and byways. Remember to avoid being caught like the filling between two cookies...smash and smash for insurance purposes. Also, locking your vehicle at all times to avoid giving others easy targets. Keep alert on the road especially with children in the vehicle...properly have children in car seats that protect the lives of the innocent children. When weather conditions are challenging, ease off on the gas and be prepared to break with plenty of room especially if the road has wet conditions. Saving lives is worth the time and patience! If you are unable to drive the vehicle, give your keys to a designated driver in good condition. DUIs are unnecessary if you THINK FIRST...Courtesy on the road pays dividends that are PRICELESS!