Sunday, January 3, 2010


To be included in the most wonderful discovery of all time, three Wise Men journeyed to find the Truth behind the Star. The Light was so brilliant that the three Wise Men were intrigued by its unique glowing. This Light gave them direction to a small town in the Middle East. They brought special gifts to offer their that were fitting for royalty. Along the way the Star continued to light the way to their destination, which took many days over desert and mountainous terrain. When they arrived close to their destination, a local king of the area became aware of the caravan. When the Three Wise Men arrived in the king's area of domain, they received hospitality for the wrong reasons. This local king was jealous that these special Men from the East were looking for the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, as they had read and learned from reliable resources. The local king planned to use these visiting Wise Men for his own find out the location of the King of Kings that they were planning to visit and to offer homage. The local king requested that these Wise Men share with him upon their return visit the exact location of this NEW KING OF KINGS. Fortunately, the Wise Men were warned in a dream that the local king had other intentions for their KING OF KINGS discovery.
When the Wise Men arrived at their destination that was heralded by a Light so bright that the eyes would have been blinded, the Wise Men came upon a young woman, a gentleman, and a small baby that had recently been born in a very humble surroundings. These Wise Men from the East offered the gifts to the HOLY FAMILY and to the KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF LORDS, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. The interpretations of the readings by reliable resources for these Wise Men opened up the world to the Savior of the World, the God-Man who came to bring PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE to whomever would openly accept HIS INVITATION. These Wise Men spent their precious time in adoration and in respect for the LOVE OF ALL LOVE....GOD WITH US...THEIR EMMANUEL!... After a period of time these Wise Men returned to their Countries with a message of an Epiphany that they had been allowed and encouraged to witness. They would follow the life of this God-Man as they did the Star that led them to His special location....His Eucharistic Presence...These Wise Men shared their Eucharistic experience with all who were willing to listen to their message and the message that the King of Kings and the Holy Family shared with these Wise Men from the East.
The local king was infuriated that the Wise Men did not return to give him the location of this NEW FOUND KING. Therefore, this local defiant king ordered the killing of all innocent young males that were two years old or younger. The slaughter of the Innocents was heard around the world with such anguish of the mothers and the misinformed persons of that age that rationalized that this new KING OF KINGS was a threat to their local king. Yes, more than 2000 years ago, a human being made the decision to kill the most innocent and the most vulnerable babies who had no one to STAND UP FOR THE INNOCENTS. What a selfish and heinous crime was allowed to happen because good people said nothing and allowed apathy to rule the day instead of sound social justice and a genuine, sacred respect for all human beings from conception to natural death. But the MARTYRS of the HOLY INNOCENTS sent a message that a new EPIPHANY was about to occur...that a NEW KINGDOM WITHOUT END was about to become reality for all human beings who were in tune with the Creator of the Universe's positive plan of action. THE EPIPHANY brought about a New Creation for all to LIVE AS HE LIVED if they accepted the KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF LORDS, EMMANUEL...GOD IS WITH US. The EPIPHANY encouraged all ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS TO BE TRANSFORMED into a NEW CREATION....the LIVING TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...the LIVING TABERNACLES of the KINGDOM WITHOUT END. The Wise Men found out on the FIRST EPIPHANY, the first MANIFESTATION, that JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, and the ONLY LIFE to make a POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION.
May each person today realize that the resolutions that they make for 2010 will incorporate an EPIPHANY that will ILLUMINE the world in which we live as LIVING ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS willing to make a difference in a world that is looking for an EPIPHANY for the Twenty-first Century with respect for all human beings, born and unborn!

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