Thursday, January 28, 2010


More than two weeks have gone by since the earthquake destroyed many areas in Haiti. During that same period volunteers from all over the world have assisted the victims of this massive devastation. Even though victims were found alive even after two weeks of being buried in the rubble, the spirit of the people in general has been remarkable and inspirational. The professionals who have assisted in the recovery and the rescue efforts of those victimized by the earthquake are honored for their persistence, for their perseverance, and for their heroism in giving without any thought of return for their generosity. Many of these non-governmental volunteers and professionals have offered their unique talents without any compensation or expected monitary rewards. We salute those who donated their time, their talents, and their treasures to help an extreme poor country to rebuild from the meager possessions that were taken away by such a stroke of nature. To witness in the news the heros who have made a difference to others encourages all of us to applaud the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who continue each day to show that they care for their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.
Although the media gives us stories of those negative leaders who are bent on destroying the will of others by their lies and their deceit, these recent examples of heroism in building up others who have so little in earthly possessions makes us wonder why terrorists continue their negatism for selfish ends and for exploiting the innocent to commit suicide for a worthless cause. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a gift that Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts International Association wants for all the world to positively experience. To see the smiles on the faces of innocent victims of a natural disaster is encouraging for those of us seem to have so much but value so little. Let us continue to promote positive actions for our brothers and sisters throughout the world even when we think that the negative leaders are gaining a foothold without opposition and with "apparent" success. In the end, the Creator of the Universe will be the Judge of the motives of professionals and of search and rescue teams who are focused on LIFE rather than on DEATH. Again, THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE VOLUNTEERS, both professional and amateur, who cared enough to give their very best for those victims in their time of need and healing. Many of the orphans of the earthquake have been adopted by loving parents who know what responsible parenthood really means for those victims.

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