Friday, January 15, 2010


For many years, the unsong heroes have been the silent majority of women who have accepted the responsibility of motherhood with faith, with enthusiasm, and with total respect for the lives that they were carrying in their wombs. These courageous women sacrificed their time, their talents, and their treasures to bring new life into the world that gave little support for motherhood. The nine months of total dedication to the unborn baby in their womb made them bait for misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation of their truly human motives. The joy of bringing new life into the world started nine months before with proper pre-natal care and guidance from medical professionals to these outstanding women of child-bearing age.
In some instances, the mother to be may be contemplating giving their baby up for adoption because of many circumstances such as age, education, and many social reasons. The selfless act of giving life to a new born child was their paramount selfless act to prospective parents who could better care for the new baby's existence. We salute these special women who cared enough to give their babies a solid environment for better development and growth than what they could provide. There is always a tremendous demand for adopting children who are wanted by prospective parents and by the self-sacrificing mother who gives life to the newborn by offering the child for adoption purposes for whatever reason. What a loving act of generosity rather than selfishness beyond words.
These children may some day come to meet their biological mother and say: THANKS MOM FOR THE GIFTS OF LIFE AND LOVE...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE.... We salute all women who have unselfishly provided life from conception to growth and development of their children to adulthood and beyond. These wonderful mothers are our IDES OF JANUARY 2010 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS' SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD RECIPIENTS. These mothers CHOSE LIFE FOR THEIR UNBORN BABIES AND FOR THEIR GROWN CHILDREN. They deserve special honor and respect every day of their lives because they continue to give LOVE to their LOVED ONES!

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