Friday, January 22, 2010


Thirty-seven years ago today, January 22, 1973, the infamous decision made by the highest court in the United States declared that American unborn babies are considered none persons and have no legal status until the umbiblical cord is cut from the mother in the process of giving birth. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts over the years have protested on each January 22nd the mistake that was allowed to be become the law of the Land in the United States of America. Ignoring all scientific evidence and research, the Court caved into social pressure from extremist feminists who wanted control of all reproductive rights at any stage of human development. The Agenda was carefully presented using the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution as a rationalization for their extremist feminist agenda. The end result has brought about the execution of more than 50,000,000 unborn babies through elective abortions. The average per day in the United States at one point exceeded 4,000 elective abortions a day or about one elective abortion every 20 seconds. In every elective abortion an unborn baby dies as a victim based on age, dependency, viability, and residency. These unborn babies may have had their bodies torn apart by the medical process of elective abortion, but these UNBORN BABIES SOULS LIVE ON IN ETERNITY. The Author of all human life has the final say in securing the ultimate protection of all human life (born and unborn) through the passage of mortal life into eternal life. These Americans with potential to make a difference throughout the land were never given a chance to speak for themselves. However, many voices have been heard over the last 37 years that are making a serious dent in the illogical argument that allowed this legalization to happen. This is a civil rights issue that will not go away until the moral and ethical impacts are truly understood by the current medical advancements that show the existence of human life at all stages of human growth and development especially in the mother's womb.
When one part of the human development is ignored or attacked, then the other spectrum of human life maturity is jeopardized by an attitude that creates a "throw-away mentality." Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts believe that all human life (born and unborn) is sacred and worthy of dignity since the human continuum begins at conception and continues until natural death. History has been a great reminder of negative leaders who created non-persons without legal status using age, race, nationality, religious persuasion, productivity, and stages of human growth and development. Many of these leaders have suffered defeat because of their philosophy and negative attitudes. When one part of the population is apathetically ignored, tortured, or condemned, then the rest of the population is affected in the long run until a TRUE TRANSFORMATION into a more harmonious community that respects the dignity of each human being from conception to natural death. Medical doctors once believed in the Hippocratic Oath without exception. However, because of the multi-billion industry created to kill innocent, unborn babies, the Oath went by the way side. Money hungry individuals have aborted their Oath to save lives and are now pursuing wealth at any cost without any thought of morals or ethics. Promoting a pro-death attitude is demeaning, disgraceful, and unprofessional.
Let us begin anew to rediscover the value, the priceless value, of all human life, born and unborn, as promoted by the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Let us CHOOSE LIFE rather than CHOOSE DEATH for innocent, unborn babies. Let us have compassion for all mothers to be and encourage these mothers to seek proper counseling before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy. Let all responsible human beings take the initiative and the responsibility for caring for all human life at every stage of human development. With better informed individuals, potential mothers and fathers will be aware of the consequences of unprotected sexual activity that is irresponsible and selfish. Love is selfless, always seeking the best for the other person. Self-respect, mutual respect, and respect for each gender will foster a more positive and wholesome atmosphere in which innocent human life will have an opportunity to grow and to develop as a unique Achievement Ladder Enthusiast for the rest of their family and community.
Today, you may want to spiritually adopt an innocent unborn baby in hopes that the prospective parents will CHOOSE LIFE rather than CHOOSE DEATH to the body. The unborn, electively-aborted baby will find solace for their soul for all eternity. Some day, the current legalization of elective abortion will be overturned by sincere, honest, respectful, and mature human beings who care enough to give LIFE and LOVE to a new, innocent unborn baby. CHOOSE LIFE!

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