Thursday, February 12, 2009


In a recent comment made by a national political figure, the thoughts of many independent critical and creative thinkers may disagree with the following statement: "Only the Federal Government is the Only Entity capable of resolving our national economic crisis by the passage of an economic stimulus bill in Congress." When such statements are made in the political arena, you can be sure that the price tag will be enormous and ineffective to heal the wounds of the unemployed, the underemployed, the homeless, the forgotten, the uneducated, and the misguided. Expanding the spending opportunities of the Federal Government and their many Governmental Agencies is obviously not made to assist the typical taxpayer who has been paying the brunt of the budget for years. The "snowball" started coming down the hill in 1935 in economic quick fixits with the overwhelming debt that we now owe in 2009. In the early years, the proposals were in dollars and cents, but the current "federal bandage solutions" have price tags in the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Many honest and very interested new voters really did get involved in 2008 to voice their opinions by their votes. However, the appointments at the Executive Branch patterns the 90s with the "new" people involved with the same philosophies in evidence. During the mid 30s, the John Maynard Keynes enthusiasts adopted the " DEFICIT FINANCING" theory as a way of the Federal Government to control the economy through public ownership and nationalization of major industries. In economics terms, this is called SOCIALISM. When the private sector had an opportunity to show what could be accomplished, these Keynesian advocates were dismayed and determined to get back into operation when the situation presented itself...ENTER 2008 and a Recession. The private sector was denied an opportunity in the mid 30s and the private sector is being challenged and ignored in 2009. Whatever happened to networking, partnering, and collaborating in our COUNTRY'S LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT PROGRESSION? For many sincere voters who thought CHANGE WAS COMING, they will see CHANGE LIKE YOU NEVER SAW CHANGE BEFORE!

Watch out, SILENT MAJORITY, your turn will come to bring the Federal Government to its knees by your positive approach in making the Ladder of Achievement really work in the real world without any mismanagement and greediness that we are experiencing by the NO-CONFIDENCE-IN-CONGRESS attitude. Be patient as history has taught Americans. Your turn is coming to reassess your vote or your non-vote of the current SPENDING WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. Use the C.O.P.E. approach as you observe and listen to the current political rhetoric and the usual Washington Spin. We have many Challenges in our Country and in the World today. We have many Options that may need to be discerned before taking erratic and unproven decisions. The risks are great and far-reaching.
We have Plans that may or could be implemented to successfully turn the tide of our current dilemma. And yes, we have Evaluations approaches that allows us to review and determine whenever we need to change course or stay the course.

"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

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