Saturday, February 14, 2009


For many centuries, men and women have been discussing the challenges of caring for "Mother Earth." To honestly make a difference, many persons have proposed a variety of methods to cure the ills that have plagued the growth of fertile land and its many environments. In many cases, other persons have decided to "rape" the Earth with their plunderings by ignoring the warning signs that nature gives as a hint to surviving great disasters.

In realizing that men and women have the responsibility of really caring for the God-given resources, some individuals have made greed their mark on precious lands and nature's priceless gifts. This is far from progress in achieving the positive development that nature intended men and women to find and to nourish with gentleness, with compassion, with respect, and with integrity. Why have so many persons exploited the precious gifts that have been offered for their stewardship? The return on investment has been damaged by self-seeking developers, by unethical investors, and by governmental mismanagement. Who really cares about "Mother Earth?" You can count on the Creator of this Universe to have a definite say in what has transpired over the centuries. But, who is really listening? Who is really making the Earth a priority? Enter the intelligence or the lack of intelligence expressed by the men and women whose attitude about what Nature has to offer vasilates by their greed, their negative ambitions, and selfishness.

Enhancing our environments takes dedicated individuals at all levels to make the change in attitude. If we lack seriousness about our spiritual development, we will lack compassion and respect for our natural resources. Unless individuals make a change by reflecting on the beauty, the grace, the awesomeness, and the future of our environments, we can expect a continual decline in our attitude for our human resources as well. Each person has a genuine responsibility to add to the value to the environments around them by positively doing something significant in resurrecting our natural resources. Through education, service, and progress in the redevelopment of our natural resources and of our human resources, all persons will make a turn of events in taking action for the benefit of their own environments and the environments that they impact. To give back to nature with a positive attitude will bring about a renewal of mind, heart, body, and soul for the God-given treasures that have been misused and underestimated throughout the centuries. This is the task of every person on the face of this Earth.

WE ARE ALL STEWARDS OF THIS MOTHER EARTH BY OUR POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND OUR RESPECT FOR OTHERS, FOR OURSELVES, AND FOR THE ENVIRONMENTS THAT WE USE RATHER THAN ABUSE. For those who like to be considered as the architects of this change, many need to be wary of their agendas and their motives which are suspect at best. If any suggestion sounds too good to be true, you can be assured that the suggestions are too good to be true. We will all pay for the mistakes of others over the years through their WELL-THOUGHT INTENTIONS that are misguided and selfish. WE ARE THE STEWARDS OF GOD'S KINGDOM ON EARTH. WE NEED TO SANCTIFY OUR ENVIRONMENTS. WE NEED TO TAKE LESSONS FROM THOSE SAINTS AND MARTYRS WHO TAUGHT US ABOUT HOW TO BETTER USE OUR GOD-GIVEN TALENTS, TREASURES, AND TIME.

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