In concluding the National FBLA-PBL Week for 2009, let us consider the THREE THEMES that each membership pin has imprinted on its special logo. These special Themes focus on EDUCATION, SERVICE, AND PROGRESS. For all future business leaders throughout the world, these theme markers are significant in any holistic organization that has special goals to attain its mission. Let us consider each of these valuable areas that accomplish the mission of maximizing the ascent up and down and forward on the LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. "We did it" has meaning for all members of the National Future Business Leaders of America/Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders) and their Professional Division membership. To achieve a 100 percent rise to the top of the ACHIEVEMENT LADDER signifies a networking, partnering, and collaborating successful endeavor.
EDUCATION is the total learning environment that molds and forms an individual from conception to natural death. Every unique individual has many opportunities to embrace a learning environment that starts with the family, a home location, a formalized educational network, and an informal educational system that recognizes a "classroom without walls." Lifelong learning is available for every person from their early formative years to their "rewirement" years of continual formation. Recognizing the multiple intelligences and the various learning styles for each individual is a challenge for any educational facilitator, coach, associate, or professional educator.
In the work world and in life situations, all of the talents, aspirations, goals, aptitudes, interests, desires, achievements, accomplishments, and other educational gems focuses on the growth of the individual to find and to develop their individuality to the maximum IF THEY CHOOSE TO ACCEPT THE CHALLENGES IN THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENS. With the effective and efficient use of modern technologies, education is within reach of every person who really wants to learn and is willing to be a learning recipient. Our educational environments have many challenges that are yet to be resolved for the benefit of all concerned. Throwing money at Education is not the answer. Giving a positive environment for the learning process wherever that may be is an important factor to be understood.
Effective communication works when there is an effective understanding environment for all of the tools of communication devices.
SERVICE to the community with the skills, talents, and academic achievements accomplished makes more sense when the community recognizes that there is a mutual working relationship in receiving the well-intentions of the server. Giving back to the community and being truly interested in the welfare of the community means an unselfish and generous giving of oneself for the benefit of the common good. As in all good services, individuals will appreciate the wholesome approach to giving with the best positive attitude possible for all concerned. Laying down one's life for the sake of others is commendable. In addition, "washing the feet of others" speaks volumes without a word being uttered. Actions do speak louder than words in providing SERVICE-PLUS in any situation. What each person does in their community does make a difference.
PROGRESS comes from a mutual understanding of the mission in life, of the goals to achieve that mission, and of the day-to-day accomplishments to make haste slowly. There are some professions that very seldom see the actual outcomes of their efforts. What they sow, many others will reap from their efforts. Progress has nothing to do with productivity especially in human growth and development. Accumulating certificates, "sheepskins," awards, and other recognitions does not define progress in the holistic manner. Growth from within sometimes is very difficult to measure, but the results in the long run will indicate the effectiveness of the process that some persons make every day of their lives. To make one person more important than another is a social way of classifying technical and academic progress. To enjoy what you have been prepared to do with your God-given talents and abilities is PRICELESS.
Remember to consider how EDUCATION, SERVICE, AND PROGRESS has affected your life to this point. What are you going to do with the many opportunities to enhance your continuing and lifelong Education, your Service to others and yourself, and your Progress to reach the ultimate goal of your existence...ETERNITY WITH YOUR CREATOR. IN GOD WE TRUST!
EDUCATION is the total learning environment that molds and forms an individual from conception to natural death. Every unique individual has many opportunities to embrace a learning environment that starts with the family, a home location, a formalized educational network, and an informal educational system that recognizes a "classroom without walls." Lifelong learning is available for every person from their early formative years to their "rewirement" years of continual formation. Recognizing the multiple intelligences and the various learning styles for each individual is a challenge for any educational facilitator, coach, associate, or professional educator.
In the work world and in life situations, all of the talents, aspirations, goals, aptitudes, interests, desires, achievements, accomplishments, and other educational gems focuses on the growth of the individual to find and to develop their individuality to the maximum IF THEY CHOOSE TO ACCEPT THE CHALLENGES IN THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENS. With the effective and efficient use of modern technologies, education is within reach of every person who really wants to learn and is willing to be a learning recipient. Our educational environments have many challenges that are yet to be resolved for the benefit of all concerned. Throwing money at Education is not the answer. Giving a positive environment for the learning process wherever that may be is an important factor to be understood.
Effective communication works when there is an effective understanding environment for all of the tools of communication devices.
SERVICE to the community with the skills, talents, and academic achievements accomplished makes more sense when the community recognizes that there is a mutual working relationship in receiving the well-intentions of the server. Giving back to the community and being truly interested in the welfare of the community means an unselfish and generous giving of oneself for the benefit of the common good. As in all good services, individuals will appreciate the wholesome approach to giving with the best positive attitude possible for all concerned. Laying down one's life for the sake of others is commendable. In addition, "washing the feet of others" speaks volumes without a word being uttered. Actions do speak louder than words in providing SERVICE-PLUS in any situation. What each person does in their community does make a difference.
PROGRESS comes from a mutual understanding of the mission in life, of the goals to achieve that mission, and of the day-to-day accomplishments to make haste slowly. There are some professions that very seldom see the actual outcomes of their efforts. What they sow, many others will reap from their efforts. Progress has nothing to do with productivity especially in human growth and development. Accumulating certificates, "sheepskins," awards, and other recognitions does not define progress in the holistic manner. Growth from within sometimes is very difficult to measure, but the results in the long run will indicate the effectiveness of the process that some persons make every day of their lives. To make one person more important than another is a social way of classifying technical and academic progress. To enjoy what you have been prepared to do with your God-given talents and abilities is PRICELESS.
Remember to consider how EDUCATION, SERVICE, AND PROGRESS has affected your life to this point. What are you going to do with the many opportunities to enhance your continuing and lifelong Education, your Service to others and yourself, and your Progress to reach the ultimate goal of your existence...ETERNITY WITH YOUR CREATOR. IN GOD WE TRUST!
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