Sunday, September 7, 2008


For the past two years, we have heard presidential candidates using the word, CHANGE, as if they owned the word and the meaning behind the word. Yes, each day was a change of day and a change of climate, but seldom a change of attitude toward the common person. Voters get the idea that every one will give them promises by using the word, CHANGE. Without any substance or any hint of what that CHANGE IS may be found out too late to resist or to accommodate.

What we do see is more and more government control and regulation in areas that once were considered private in nature. Businesses have been overwhelmed with increased taxation without any representation especially from Congress. Individuals have found greedy merchants and public officials willing to take and to increase their tax burden because they were afraid to CHANGE their spending habits of the last 70 years. We find MIND CHANGERS instead of CHANGE AGENTS. If voters can be confused by political rhetoric and negative spin, confusion will lead to compliance and defeatism.

As Americans we have been used to the idea of winning in the long run without any governmental interference and compromises. We want to win back America for the Americans who gave their lives to preserve our freedoms, and to give our grandchildren the enhanced freedoms that were worth the fight. Governmental ownership has always proven to be a waste and oppressive by its very nature.

CHANGE MINDEDNESS means that we consider what really needs to be changed. Consider the following areas of consideration:

1) Scrap the present taxation code with a flat tax that is appropriate for all of its citizens...e.g. a simply sales tax that is the same for all with not exemptions.

2) Encourage small businesses that create jobs with incentives that are not burdensome especially in the first three years of existence. There are many mentors to assist the new entrepreneurs, and effective competition encourages improvement rather than stagnation.

3) Instead of seeing 40 to 50 percent of the registered voters actually vote in a general election, stimulate the registered voters to accept their responsibility to vote in all elections. Sometime in my lifetime, my dream is to see 80 percent or more of the registered voters actually vote in not only in primary elections but also in general elections.

4) Develop a more grassroots effort to reach the typical citizen for responses after the political candidate is elected to office. Each letter or email written by responsible citizens is equal to 100 persons who have not written a letter or email to their elected representative.

5) Limit terms for all representatives as is the policy for most private boards. This allows new voices and fresh blood to be heard and encouraged to serve.

6) Allow all voices to be heard even if they are in disagreement with the current policies. Effective communication brings effective understanding. Listening is the still the most important communication skill that is ignored or misused.

7) List the party's platform and its philosophy for all to read and to interpret.
When the elitists who have been educated in exclusive schools control the thinking, often the econ0mic and political philosophies are socialistic in nature rather than open to thinking for the common person. These elitists want to take over the country rather than allow the citizens to have equal access, equal opportunity to contribute to the successes of this great Nation.

Are we listening to MIND CHANGERS or to CHANGE MINDEDNESS from our prospective presidential and vice-presidential candidates who really need solid substance for its voters to consider and to ponder. OUR DECISIONS are based on good information and sound doctrine. VOTERS ARE SMARTER THAN POLITICIANS GIVE THEM CREDIT. CHANGE FOR CHANGE SAKE IS NO CHANGE AT ALL, UNLESS THE ATTITUDE IS REFLECTIVE IN POSITIVE RESULTS OR EVOLUTIONS IN THE LONG RUN FOR ALL CHANGE AGENTS.

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