Sunday, September 14, 2008


For all of those who were spared the devastation of Hurricane Ike, you are encouraged to provide your time, talents, and treasures to assist your American citizens in the Texas areas affected. In addition, Tropical Storm Ike has caused damages and challenges for the Midwest of our wonderful country. Already, there have been examples of many individuals helping their neighbors and strangers in dire need in the effected areas. Commendations to the United States Coast Guard, the National Guard, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, and any governmental agencies that were compelled and prepared to assist their fellow Americans. Also, kudos are warranted for local recovery efforts by volunteers.

Yes, there are many opportunities to volunteer for the less fortunate. There are also many opportunities for those who are physically unable to assist others to PRAY for their recovery efforts and their return to safe conditions. Many volunteers will assist in rebuilding where possible as occurred with Hurricane Katrina and is still going on for years to come. Thank God for the sparing of life and limp for what could have been more devastating if conditions were different.

Reaching out to Others and being aware of their immediate needs through agencies equipped to reach the homeless, the displaced, and the affected Hurricane Ike victims is your best way to assist the efforts from a distance. When the opportunities do occur for actual volunteer assistance, you are encouraged to offer your time, talents, and treasures to rebuild a part of America that has been extremely affected. AMERICA BLESS GOD....GOD HAS ALREADY BLESSED AMERICA. Your brothers and sisters are waiting for your "YES."

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