Monday, September 15, 2008


As part of our responsibility as American citizens and voters, we are to alert our representatives in Congress to listen to their constituency. If you take this responsibility serious, you will act on this information NOW.

On the Oprah Show today, a plea was made to write, call, email, and encourage our American Senators to vote for Senate Bill 1738, which is designed to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM PORNOGRAPHIC PREDATORS. In addition, the bill provides positive action to law enforcement with the tools to protect our innocent children from negative internet pornographic pictures and their predators. The challenge is overwhelming for all law enforcement agencies who are trying to protect the innocent from the vicious, heinous literature that is meant to destroy rather than build the most vunerable in our Country.

If you go to, you will find the necessary links to send your State's Senators in Washington, D.C., a message to vote for Senate Bill 1738 before they recess on September 26, 2008. Although this is a political football for many who want to protect the first amendment of the United States, the bipartisan action by Democrats, Independents, and Republicans will STAND UP FOR CHILDREN when they need the CARE AND CONCERN THE MOST. SEND YOUR EMAIL TODAY! THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN CHILD.

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