Thursday, September 11, 2008


You may want to search through the internet for the 2008 Democratic and Republican Platforms for the upcoming election on November 4, 2008. In my research, both Parties have posted their approved Convention Platforms that will assist voters to make a sound, conscientious decision based on the distinctions of philosophies of the two political parties. With all of the misconceptions, myths, accusations, negative ad campaigns, biased information, and untruths, the voter will be given an opportunity to make up their own minds by what was adopted as a Preamble and a Vision of what to expect for the upcoming four years.

With all of the opinions, falsehoods, and jargon that is meant to confuse the typical registered voter, the choices are realistic and forthcoming for all who are able to read and to understand what each plank of the platform entails for the American voter. Making an informed decision is more important that working on a whim or an inkling of what might be rather than on what should be for the future of our great Nation.

Critical thinking entails sifting threw the assumptions, the predictions, the stereotypes, the inferences, and the biases that cloud a person's reasoning. Using the C.O.P.E. method of resolving the issues that are upper most in the typical American voter, discover what are the CHALLENGES, the OPTIONS, the PLAN, and the EVALUATION of activities will assist the undecided and the independent voter who wants more concrete evidence. Political spin and the same old election, rhetoric jargon are meant to confuse and to keep the cloud over the voter as a means of fooling people into making rash decisions. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. WE ARE NOT FOOLS! WE ARE AMERICANS FIRST AND PROUD OF THAT NAME.

Whatever means of research that you can find to assist you in your ultimate decision about political candidates for president, vice-president, congress, or the senate, you will be better off ignoring the negativism that will be overwhelming and expensive in the long run from the political arsenal of SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY. Let us ask to hear about the essential issues in this election year, and to have explained the 2008 Platform Planks in its totality. We are all learners with different learning styles asking to be respected and to be honored for completing our civic duty of actively voting in each election process. VOTERS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE...LET THIS BE A BANNER YEAR OF 80 PERCENT OR MORE VOTING IN THE GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE CANDIDATES OF YOUR CHOICE AND YOUR CONVICTIONS.

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