Tuesday, September 30, 2008


In many of the news reports by the national media this morning, one important message was easily overlooked about the failed vote in Congress on Monday, September 29. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES ARE FINALLY LISTENING TO THEM. Although this is a crucial election year and many Representatives are up for re-election or in a close race for new opportunities, the Congressional Representatives are finally listening to the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE...THEIR OWN CONSTITUENCY.

Why should American taxpayers bail out financial marketers who have lost the confidence of the public that they serve? Why should a 700 billion windfall be given for poor advice and greedy aspirations by the very American market that has helped so many over the years? Imagine a 1 TRILLION DOLLAR PRICE TAG for the mistakes of misinformed and misguided financiers who extended a heavy financial burden on those individuals who really did not qualify for such a enormous credit extension. The American Taxpayers have had enough. Yes, Change is coming in more ways than one. Whatever happened to trust that we as Americans once had in a system of government that ensured effective representation at all levels of government. To lose confidence in the government means a shift and a positive change to those leaders and diplomats who know how to get the job done with Yankee ingenuity.

Yes, the American People have spoken and they will also speak volumes on November 4 for all issues on Election Day. Beware of the wrath of the patient person, of the constituency who can see through the myths, the duplicity, the deception, the Washington Spin, and the half-truths promulgated by politicians who really know how to milk the cow beyond its capacity to give. The time has come to take back America with the power of the VOTE and the power of the communications network that really works...GRASSROOTS...The media has lost sight of the power of the GRASSROOTS..the SILENT MAJORITY...who really have America first in its efforts to turn around a neglected populace.

With Congress having a lower rating than the President of the United States, the time has come to CLEAN THE HOUSE of the vultures, the ignorant, the greedy, the un-patriotic symbols of naive thinking, and the many other negative aspects of a worn-out Congress. The time has come for limitations to the number of terms that the Senate and the House of Representatives may serve before losing interest in the American Public. One suggestion is to limit the terms of the Senate to two terms: 12 years; and the other suggestion is to limit the terms of the House of Representatives to 6 terms: 12 years. The next suggestion is to have a waiting period of four (4) years before entering the race again for Senate or Representative. In addition, Congress should be required to pay Social Security Taxes just like any other citizen in the United States, and to reduce all types of benefit packaging that smacks of discriminatory favors. No wonder our Congress acts the way they do about Social Security Benefits when they could care less about the outcomes of the poor, the underemployed, the less fortunate.

Read the Democratic and the Republican 2008 Platforms adopted by each Party and become aware of the consequences of each item in the Platforms. Remember to VOTE your CONSCIENCE...not your emotional highs and lows based on the looks and the political rhetoric expressed in negative ads and media slants voiced by the candidates. READ THROUGH THE LINES...If anything sounds too good to be true, the lesson may be that what you hear is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


To realize the Ultimate Sacrifice that Respecting Others Awareness Month brings to today's Mission of Success, you must take a Special Example of a Person who knows what service to OTHERS really meant. Yes, today there are examples in the world that some of His followers continue to carry on through their daily living HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, AND HIS LIFE. Being Doubles for another person means to observe, to listen, to read, to understand, to be selfless, to be humble, to be patient, and to observe all that He commands you to do through the script that you are to follow as He already has followed.

In a very special Good News reading today, we find the following inspirations:

"Is there any such thing as Christians cheering each OTHER UP? Do you love me enough to want to help me? Does it mean anything to you that we are brothers and sisters in the Lord, sharing the same Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic at all? Then make me truly happy by loving each other and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, working together with ONE HEART and MIND and PURPOSE."

"Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't just think about your own affairs, and be interested in others too, and in what they are doing."

"Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by JESUS CHRIST, who though He was God, did not demand and cling to His rights as God, but laid aside His mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. AND HE HUMBLED HIMSELF even further, going so far as actually to die a criminal's death on A CROSS."

"Yet, it was because of this that God raised Him up to the heights of HEAVEN and gave Him a name which is above every other name, that at the name of JESUS every knee shall bow in HEAVEN and on EARTH and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER."

In today's mixed up world and mixed up economies, there is solace in knowing that there is a God who really cares about His creation and His Awesome unconditional Love for His children no matter what poor choices these children may have made with their free will...a gift from God for all eternity. If today's politicians, statesmen, ambassadors, diplomats, and public servants would take a lesson from the Holy past, there may be plausible solutions to the crisis that plagues the greedy, the selfish, the death peddlers, the terrorist extremists, the ignorant intelligent liberal elitists, and the many other negative actions created by the poor decisions made by His creation.

As we continue the encouraging words that God has inspired His spiritual writers: "Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. Keep putting into practice all you have learned from ME and saw me doing, and the GOD OF PEACE WILL BE WITH YOU...NOW AND FOREVER." (Philippians 2, 4)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


For all God-loving individuals, today is the first day of the rest of your Pro-Life focus. Today emphasizes the need to pray and to fast on behalf of the more than 4,000 unborn babies who are killed everyday in the United States of America because a law protects the DEATH PEDDLERS CHOICE to kill unborn babies through elective abortion. With all of the concern on the economical challenges in our Country today, we often overlook the basic Factor of Production in any economy....LABOR...HUMAN RESOURCES...HUMAN LIFE PROTECTION...

In assessing the solutions to resolve the economic crisis in our Country, no mention is made of the basic rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS FOR EVERY AMERICAN....BORN AND UNBORN as spelled out in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. For too many years, the apathy of the general public and of elected and un-elected public officials has been to ignore the Sanctity of Human Life in preference to selfish and accommodating social values at the expense of genuine life principles.

Unless the attitude of change occurs within each American to respect human life at all stages of development, there will be more consequences down the road for those who perpetuate the myths, the misinformation, and the selfish and negative attitudes regarding life choices. DEATH PEDDLERS PROMOTE NEGATIVE CHOICES IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY...if you call this attitude civilized. HUMAN LIFE IS A CONTINUUM FROM CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH. THE TIME HAS COME TO CHOOSE LIFE AND TO RESPECT HUMAN LIFE at all stages of development and dependency and residency. THIS IS A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE THAT WILL NOT GO AWAY.

When you examine the 2008 Political Parties Platform, you will find a definite value statement regarding human life principles. One is Pro-Choice (Death Peddlers) and the other in Pro-Life. Remember to vote your conscience on Election Day, and hopefully, you will make a sound decision for PRO-LIFE candidates who repect human life and will promote legislation that will once again protect human life at all stages of development. This is Constitutional and in the Spirit of what our original Declaration of Independence was intended.
From September 24 until November 2, remember to PRAY AND to FAST to end the negative attitude of killing unborn babies at the rate of ONE IN EVERY 30 SECONDS EVERY DAY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...CHOOSE LIFE!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


In today's advertisements for a presidential candidate, NEGATISM was used to bring about a response to savagery that may or may not exist in one of our States in the United States of America. The advertisement pictures an animal being stalked by a helocopter as the animal is running through the landscape. A rifle is used to bring down the animal, and the people on the ground are shown recovering the animal and then butchering the animal for many purposes. Although this advertisement may or may not be based on actual photographic exploits, the point is made that animals are more valuable than human beings who are slaugtered every day in the United States of America because unborn babies are considered as a "product of pregnancy." In addition, these actions are protected by a High Court of the Land, the Supreme Court. With no legal protection available because a "woman's right to her reproductive actions" makes her "embryo or fetus" a matter of a woman's choice. In each case the woman chooses "DEATH" for her independent life unless the unborn baby escapes through birth. With this negative attitude that is protected by the full extent of the law, an American citizen with potential is stuffed out of existence.

When will we as American citizens start to value human life as a gift from God? When will we as American citizens start to realize that many of the problems that we are experiencing in social circles comes from negativism and the "THROW AWAY MENTALITY" of uninformed and selfish individuals? When will we as American citizens start to put more emphasis on the value of human life from conception to natural death rather than the obsession with animals as a replacement for humans? When will we as Americans remember the love that our parents gave us in providing an opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in a land that used to be called " the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY?"

The answers will be when we as Americans start to get down on our knees and thank God for all that He has blessed our wonderful country and the diversity of many interdependence cultures with the "UNIQUENESS OF EACH HUMAN BEING." In addition, the answer will become more apparent when we value the opinions, the comments, the suggestions, and the inputs of ALL AMERICANS rather than just the exclusive, radical, extremist elitists who want to take over our beloved country in the name of CHANGE. In this election year, let us as Americans be more vigilant in preserving the values and the fundamental principles that have made our Country the envy of dictatorial governments. Remember to take your responsibility to VOTE as a God-given right rather than just a civil right. VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE. VOTE YOUR GOD-GIVEN VALUES.

Friday, September 19, 2008


As we read the headlines from the front page and the explanations given in the Business Section of our daily newspapers, we start to wonder why the public sector of our United States of America continues to take away more and more opportunties to acquire private ownership. We are slowly allowing the liberal elitists from prestigious institutions of higher learning dictate the economic philosophy that they learned from these exclusive schools. Free enterprise for these elitists is contrary to the economic philosophy that they learned in their economic classes. Now we have many of these individuals in the public section taking away personal freedoms that once was protected by the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

Their actions in the political arena are camoflaged with Washington spin and elitist jargon to deceive the common person. No wonder these elected officials have the lowest rate of confidence by the American public. They have no room for compromise and non-partisan actions. Truly what they are saying is: IT IS EITHER MY WAY OR NO WAY! However, the American people are wiser that these elected officials give their constituencies credit. IS IT TIME DURING THIS ELECTION YEAR TO CLEAN HOUSE...THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES? and THE SENATE? Why do we have so many persons seeking public office whose credentials are LEGALLY CAREER BASED AND BIASED? Are the American people missing an opportunity to have TRUE REPRESENTATIVES voted in to office for a change? A legal staff can be utilized if necessary to resolve legal problems. In addition, many of these public politicians are STUCK IN THEIR WAYS...TOO MUCH POWER, TOO MUCH IGNORING THEIR CONSTITUENCY when push comes to shove. Why have voters continued to vote these elitists and extremists back into office every time?

With both Democratic and Republican 2008 Approved Platforms available on the internet, why have the public officials running for office again ignoring the philosophical and ideological differences in the campaigns. MUD SLINGING MAY BECOME A NEW AMERICAN PAST TIME! Also, why are so many unelected public officials given the green light by Congress to take away more and more private ownership and making these acquisitions PUBLIC DOMAIN? Are the taxpayers going to pay for these public programs again and again and again? THESE PUBLIC OFFICIALS LOVE TO GET BLOOD OUT OF A TURNIP? Now is the time for all good men and women to come to....WAKE UP AMERICA! You are losing your dream home, your hard earned income, your careers, your future, etc. to the public elected and non-elected officials who really do not care about your interests. These presidential campaigns are a disgrace to the intelligence of the American Public...Money comes and goes...easy come, easy go....Spend, Spend, Spend without any positive results in the long run. Imagine what that money collected could have been used for the typical person in our American cities and towns and country places. Imagine what could have been done with those $9 million dollars collected in one night by the entertainment showplace for the underemployed, the unemployed, the homeless, the disenfranchised, the really poor and ignored. Greed feeds on Greed! Negativism begets Negativism!

Yes, America, the time has come for us to take back our America and have the pride that we once held for patriotism, honor, respect, and love of country. IN GOD WE TRUST WHO GIVES US ALL OF OUR BLESSINGS...AMERICA BLESS GOD!

Monday, September 15, 2008


As part of our responsibility as American citizens and voters, we are to alert our representatives in Congress to listen to their constituency. If you take this responsibility serious, you will act on this information NOW.

On the Oprah Show today, a plea was made to write, call, email, and encourage our American Senators to vote for Senate Bill 1738, which is designed to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM PORNOGRAPHIC PREDATORS. In addition, the bill provides positive action to law enforcement with the tools to protect our innocent children from negative internet pornographic pictures and their predators. The challenge is overwhelming for all law enforcement agencies who are trying to protect the innocent from the vicious, heinous literature that is meant to destroy rather than build the most vunerable in our Country.

If you go to www.oprah.com, you will find the necessary links to send your State's Senators in Washington, D.C., a message to vote for Senate Bill 1738 before they recess on September 26, 2008. Although this is a political football for many who want to protect the first amendment of the United States, the bipartisan action by Democrats, Independents, and Republicans will STAND UP FOR CHILDREN when they need the CARE AND CONCERN THE MOST. SEND YOUR EMAIL TODAY! THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN CHILD.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


For all of those who were spared the devastation of Hurricane Ike, you are encouraged to provide your time, talents, and treasures to assist your American citizens in the Texas areas affected. In addition, Tropical Storm Ike has caused damages and challenges for the Midwest of our wonderful country. Already, there have been examples of many individuals helping their neighbors and strangers in dire need in the effected areas. Commendations to the United States Coast Guard, the National Guard, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, and any governmental agencies that were compelled and prepared to assist their fellow Americans. Also, kudos are warranted for local recovery efforts by volunteers.

Yes, there are many opportunities to volunteer for the less fortunate. There are also many opportunities for those who are physically unable to assist others to PRAY for their recovery efforts and their return to safe conditions. Many volunteers will assist in rebuilding where possible as occurred with Hurricane Katrina and is still going on for years to come. Thank God for the sparing of life and limp for what could have been more devastating if conditions were different.

Reaching out to Others and being aware of their immediate needs through agencies equipped to reach the homeless, the displaced, and the affected Hurricane Ike victims is your best way to assist the efforts from a distance. When the opportunities do occur for actual volunteer assistance, you are encouraged to offer your time, talents, and treasures to rebuild a part of America that has been extremely affected. AMERICA BLESS GOD....GOD HAS ALREADY BLESSED AMERICA. Your brothers and sisters are waiting for your "YES."

Thursday, September 11, 2008


You may want to search through the internet for the 2008 Democratic and Republican Platforms for the upcoming election on November 4, 2008. In my research, both Parties have posted their approved Convention Platforms that will assist voters to make a sound, conscientious decision based on the distinctions of philosophies of the two political parties. With all of the misconceptions, myths, accusations, negative ad campaigns, biased information, and untruths, the voter will be given an opportunity to make up their own minds by what was adopted as a Preamble and a Vision of what to expect for the upcoming four years.

With all of the opinions, falsehoods, and jargon that is meant to confuse the typical registered voter, the choices are realistic and forthcoming for all who are able to read and to understand what each plank of the platform entails for the American voter. Making an informed decision is more important that working on a whim or an inkling of what might be rather than on what should be for the future of our great Nation.

Critical thinking entails sifting threw the assumptions, the predictions, the stereotypes, the inferences, and the biases that cloud a person's reasoning. Using the C.O.P.E. method of resolving the issues that are upper most in the typical American voter, discover what are the CHALLENGES, the OPTIONS, the PLAN, and the EVALUATION of activities will assist the undecided and the independent voter who wants more concrete evidence. Political spin and the same old election, rhetoric jargon are meant to confuse and to keep the cloud over the voter as a means of fooling people into making rash decisions. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. WE ARE NOT FOOLS! WE ARE AMERICANS FIRST AND PROUD OF THAT NAME.

Whatever means of research that you can find to assist you in your ultimate decision about political candidates for president, vice-president, congress, or the senate, you will be better off ignoring the negativism that will be overwhelming and expensive in the long run from the political arsenal of SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY. Let us ask to hear about the essential issues in this election year, and to have explained the 2008 Platform Planks in its totality. We are all learners with different learning styles asking to be respected and to be honored for completing our civic duty of actively voting in each election process. VOTERS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE...LET THIS BE A BANNER YEAR OF 80 PERCENT OR MORE VOTING IN THE GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE CANDIDATES OF YOUR CHOICE AND YOUR CONVICTIONS.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

40 DAYS FOR LIFE.....R.O.A.M. T.E.A.M. 2008

From September 24, 2008, through November 2, 2008, all Americans who appreciate the sanctity and the dignity of all human life will be uniting with many cities from coast to coast for a simultaneous, PRO-LIFE PRAYER CAMPAIGN known as 40 DAYS FOR LIFE. American faithful believers are praying that this significant and enthusiastic effort will mark the beginning of the end of elective abortions in America...CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE.....CHOOSE LIFE! ALLOW EACH HUMAN LIFE AN OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE LIFE!

40 DAYS FOR LIFE is a focused campaign that over the past three years has generated measurable life saving results in every community where this campaign has been experienced. This unique campaign has been conducted in more than 130 communities across the United States. More than 500 children have been confirmed as saved from elective abortion.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE will be sponsored in each community by an Office of Life Ministry. A volunteer leadership team will be reaching out to faithful, Christian communities. The 40 DAYS FOR LIFE effort is made up of three key components:

PRAYER and FASTING....inviting committed people of good faith to join together for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to elective abortion in America.

PEACEFUL VIGIL...standing for life through a 40-day peaceful, public witness outside local abortion facilities across the Nation. Vigils will be held for 12 hours each day. Check out the schedule in your local community.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH...taking a positive, upbeat PRO-LIFE message to every corner of America through media effective efforts, faith presentations, and public visibility. Human Life Education is your Life. Share your life story!

Remember to promote 40 DAYS FOR LIFE within your community and consider spending some time in prayer at one of the vigil locations in your area. To learn more about the plans for the nationwide effort, you can visit: www.40daysforlife.com. Websites for various local campaigns will be operating prior to September 24, 2008.

Human life is a continuum from conception to natural death. In all elective abortions, A BABY DIES. Let us have compassion for the mother of each elective abortion. Let us pray and fast for the providers and the facilities of these elective abortions. When the truth is known, the truth will set you free. On September 11, 2001, we remember in a very special way the more than 4,000 unborn babies who were killed by elective abortions throughout America.



On Thursday, September 11, 2008, our Country will remember the 7th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City, Washington, DC, and in Pennsylvania. WE WILL NEVER FORGET the loved ones who gave their lives so that others may live. We remember especially the dedicated firefighters and police officers who lost their lives in the rescue attempts to save many victims from the inferno of the two twin towers.

YES, WE ARE REMINDED THAT GOD WILL NEVER FORGET US IN OUR TIME OF NEED. Terrorists may have appeared to have accomplished their task of humbling our Nation, but the American Spirit is alive and well. WE ARE PROUD TO BE AMERICANS, AND TO BE AMERICANS FIRST in the all challenges for our well-fought freedoms. Yes, America, WE NEED TO BLESS GOD for all that He did to bring people together. He is OUR CREATOR, OUR FATHER, who cares for us unconditionally even when as human beings we make horrible mistakes and ignore His presence among us with His children. HE SAID THAT HE WOULD BE WITH US TO THE END OF TIME...AND HE MEANS JUST THAT. WE NEED TO TRUST IN GOD FIRST!


Sunday, September 7, 2008


For the past two years, we have heard presidential candidates using the word, CHANGE, as if they owned the word and the meaning behind the word. Yes, each day was a change of day and a change of climate, but seldom a change of attitude toward the common person. Voters get the idea that every one will give them promises by using the word, CHANGE. Without any substance or any hint of what that CHANGE IS may be found out too late to resist or to accommodate.

What we do see is more and more government control and regulation in areas that once were considered private in nature. Businesses have been overwhelmed with increased taxation without any representation especially from Congress. Individuals have found greedy merchants and public officials willing to take and to increase their tax burden because they were afraid to CHANGE their spending habits of the last 70 years. We find MIND CHANGERS instead of CHANGE AGENTS. If voters can be confused by political rhetoric and negative spin, confusion will lead to compliance and defeatism.

As Americans we have been used to the idea of winning in the long run without any governmental interference and compromises. We want to win back America for the Americans who gave their lives to preserve our freedoms, and to give our grandchildren the enhanced freedoms that were worth the fight. Governmental ownership has always proven to be a waste and oppressive by its very nature.

CHANGE MINDEDNESS means that we consider what really needs to be changed. Consider the following areas of consideration:

1) Scrap the present taxation code with a flat tax that is appropriate for all of its citizens...e.g. a simply sales tax that is the same for all with not exemptions.

2) Encourage small businesses that create jobs with incentives that are not burdensome especially in the first three years of existence. There are many mentors to assist the new entrepreneurs, and effective competition encourages improvement rather than stagnation.

3) Instead of seeing 40 to 50 percent of the registered voters actually vote in a general election, stimulate the registered voters to accept their responsibility to vote in all elections. Sometime in my lifetime, my dream is to see 80 percent or more of the registered voters actually vote in not only in primary elections but also in general elections.

4) Develop a more grassroots effort to reach the typical citizen for responses after the political candidate is elected to office. Each letter or email written by responsible citizens is equal to 100 persons who have not written a letter or email to their elected representative.

5) Limit terms for all representatives as is the policy for most private boards. This allows new voices and fresh blood to be heard and encouraged to serve.

6) Allow all voices to be heard even if they are in disagreement with the current policies. Effective communication brings effective understanding. Listening is the still the most important communication skill that is ignored or misused.

7) List the party's platform and its philosophy for all to read and to interpret.
When the elitists who have been educated in exclusive schools control the thinking, often the econ0mic and political philosophies are socialistic in nature rather than open to thinking for the common person. These elitists want to take over the country rather than allow the citizens to have equal access, equal opportunity to contribute to the successes of this great Nation.

Are we listening to MIND CHANGERS or to CHANGE MINDEDNESS from our prospective presidential and vice-presidential candidates who really need solid substance for its voters to consider and to ponder. OUR DECISIONS are based on good information and sound doctrine. VOTERS ARE SMARTER THAN POLITICIANS GIVE THEM CREDIT. CHANGE FOR CHANGE SAKE IS NO CHANGE AT ALL, UNLESS THE ATTITUDE IS REFLECTIVE IN POSITIVE RESULTS OR EVOLUTIONS IN THE LONG RUN FOR ALL CHANGE AGENTS.

Friday, September 5, 2008


When my attention was drawn to listen to the respective presidential candidates vying for the office of President and Vice-President of the United States, my perspectives on the philosophies, on the attitudes, on the economic challenges, and on the global impacts of their speeches assisted me in confirming my discerning findings. In the next 60 days prior to November 4, 2008, many potential and prospective voters will be asked to assert their preference regarding party affiliations, issues that are personal to them, and the future of our Republic. VOTE AS THOUGH YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON YOUR DECISION!

From what we have observed in the Democratic and Republican Conventions, the lines are clearly drawn regarding the stances, the issues, the focus, and the long-term consequences of their political responsibilities. Both parties are advocating CHANGE in some form or another. With CHANGE comes adjustments and flexibility to adapting to the new political environments. With many political advocates entrenched in their comfort zone at the Federal levels, these CHANGES will necessitate a giving and a taking along partisan lines.

IF WE ARE AMERICANS, WE WILL DO THE AMERICAN RESPONSE TO MAKE POSITIVE, EFFECTIVE, AND EFFICIENT CHANGES. Time will tell if the voters get what they expect on November 4, 2008. However, the time is now to make sure that ALL VOTERS prepare to research and to listen beyond pure rhetoric and politician spin as usual. Obtaining the Holistic picture means to go beyond the typical internet, newspaper editorials, television commentaries, biased polls, and extremist opinions that create fear rather than good judgment.

Appreciate the dedicated political professionals who have made their impact on our current political status. Also, realize that some pundits and political insiders who are Washington entrenched want to use SMEAR, DISCREDIT, AND DESTROY tactics that have been used for over 50 years in the Washington political environment. Being critical and discerning will require special attention of all HONEST VOTERS who really want to make a difference in this election year. Obtain your information from as many reliable resources as you are able to secure. If the information sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. SINCERITY REQUIRES "RINGING TRUE" under scrutiny.

Appreciate all of the many individuals who are trying to bring the best information for effective decision making for all voters. YOUR VOTE ALWAYS COUNTS, and YOUR COUNTRY IS COUNTING ON YOUR VOTE! As OTHERS have pioneered the way, PUT YOUR COUNTRY FIRST, PUT YOUR AMERICAN SPIRIT FIRST, PUT YOUR VOTING WHERE YOUR MOUTH LEAVES OFF....VOTE THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE THAT RESPECTS ALL AMERICANS no matter what their status in life, their income base, their positive philosophies, and their respect for the handicapped, the innocent, the underprivileged, the dependent, and the uninformed and the misinformed. BE PROUD TO BE AMERICAN FIRST!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


For many of us who have observed the increase in technological devices used by consumers, the most notable communication product is the cell phone, which is widely used worldwide with instantaneous communication features. At one time the telephone was limited in its portability and usage. However, as computers became more available and in smaller sizes, the telephone took on a new look as a portable device anywhere in the world assuming the necessary technology support to allow for effective services. If you think everyone has a cell phone, think again. Many persons are still using the answering phone and extension phones that may be portable as their way of receiving and making necessary calls for private use.

However, with all new technologies, there is the issue of etiquette that makes the cell phone a good target. We have all witnessed the "security blanket" syndrome of the cell phone. That is why we are looking at the etiquette side of this wonderful technological invention for the the 21st century. Here are a few tips that may be appropriate to consider regarding the impact on OTHERS who may want your conversations to stay private rather than public broadcasting.

1) Use your cell phone for all obvious emergencies for yourself and for OTHERS when the need arises.

2) Make cell phone calls privately away from the general public especially if you are in a doctor's office, in line at a fast food restaurant, in the churches that you attend, in school classrooms where you are trying to learn, and in any area that is in approximate reach of OTHERS. Your telephone conversation is not the concern of OTHERS...Keep it private.

3) Avoid making cell phone calls while you are operating an automobile. If you really need to make a cell phone call, pull off to the side of the road, if possible, or to some other location that takes you away from traffic. Concentration on the road is affected by your focus on your cell phone call.

4) Allow your cell phone to go to voice mail when you are in a public gathering of any kind. If the call is an emergency, then you have the right to go away from the public gathering to respond to this call especially if you are a health care professional or responder.

5) Turn your cell phones off when attending any entertainment event such as a movie, a concert, a recital, a sports event, etc. Your consideration of OTHERS is always first. Courtesy goes a long way to say: "I care about you and your right to privacy."

6) Use your cell phone for what the cell phone was intended. Making a toy out of a cell phone will cost you more in monthly expenses. Texting anothers is appropriate when you are alone rather than in the company of OTHERS. Courtesy is better than being rude and uncaring about your surroundings.

7) Being cautious about taking pictures with your cell phone especially of OTHERS who may not want to be photographed. These individuals are entitled to their privacy, and you may want to respect the "space" of OTHERS.

There are many more situations in which cell phone courtesy is appropriate. Remember that OTHERS are counting on your courtesy and positive actions. Walking around with a device on your ear, being hooked up to your cell phone by other attachments, and visually attached to the cell phone may be appropriate for the work place and in an area that is considered your informal work place. However, when OTHER people are involved, you need to practice a positive, courteous approach with your cell phone by excusing yourself to go to a private area or outside where your signal may be better.

Respecting Others Awareness Month, September, 2008, is designed to make us all aware of how we can respect and reach out to those around us without creating a negative attitude about your selfishness. Being positive brings positive results. Your positive attitude about using your cell phone effectively and efficiently will render an atmosphere of airing, sharing, caring, and bearing.
Together Everyone Achieves More when we think of OTHERS FIRST with RESPECT AND COURTESY. Your cell phone is ringing...how will you answer it?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

R.O.A.M. T.E.A.M. --- SEPTEMBER 2, 2008

In order to respect and to reach out to OTHERS, we need to be aware of their needs and wants and to understand their environments. There are a couple of special areas that may be worth while to ponder in consideration of OTHERS.


1) Observe the posted speed limit, which means avoid going 60 mph in a 45 mph posted speed zone.

2) Remembering to use turn signals when making left and right hand turns rather than using the turn signals as you make your intended turn.

3) Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you when traveling at any speed. Bumper driving is asking for serious consequences.

4) Watching out for erratic and impatient drivers who love to weave in and out of traffic with little warning. This type of driver causes road rage. Remember to keep your hands on the steering wheel rather than giving the "finger fickle of fate."

5) When on a two-lane road, staying in the right hand lane to allow persons to pass you even when you are keeping the speed limit. Speeders we always have with us. Allow the authorized law enforcement to do their duties safely.

6) If you insist on driving in the passing lane, move over to the right hand lane when you are obviously below the posted speed limit. Safety first is the rule!

7) If you need to make a phone call, pull off the side of the road and park. Also, if a rest stop is available, you will be able to have a safe conversation without endangering other safety-conscious drivers.

8) Driving after dark requires more attention with lighting and your vehicle lights. You will notice that the scenery is very different after dark. Drive carefully and give more room for approaching vehicles before passing another vehicle. Unnecessary car accidents can be avoided by good common horse sense.

9) When you are feeling tired, you may need to pull off the road and find accommodations for the evening rather than erratic driving from fatigue.

10) If you have had too much to drink with alcoholic beverages or you are on medication that would impair your judgment, give your keys to someone else to drive. Driving drunk or after too many alcoholic beverages is like driving a death trap for you and for OTHER drivers. You now are lethal and dangerous.

You may think of many other safety tips for drivers on the road. Being conscious of how we make OTHERS safe by our own safe driving, makes good common sense. Respecting Others Awareness Month, September, 2008, is a good way of reminding us how special OTHERS are in our scheme of life's journeys. A good safe driver is a friend of the road rather than a menace of the road. Your family, friends, and strangers will applaud your efforts to keep our highways SAFE!

Monday, September 1, 2008



Yes, we applaud the AMERICANS who dedicated their lives to make jobs happen on the private sector which eventually brought about new careers and new avenues of thinking. The small business entrepreneurs who made possible the numerous careers that were thought of "outside of the box" for the benefit of all Americans. Yes, we are a nation of AMERICANS...FIRST...rather than hyphenated Americans. We appreciate the cultural diversity that has made our country UNIQUE with Proud Heritages and Promising Futures.

We have agreed on using ONE language to communicate with OTHERS rather than confuse and to divide our country. Although some cultures still want to have numerous languages as the official language of our great Country, yet with one voice and one mission...WE ARE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....AMERICANS WHO USE A COMMON LANGUAGE for ALL.

Let us remember the many ways that we can Respect the Cultures of OTHERS when the occasion dictates that special respect. Let us unite as ONE when we are counted upon to be AMERICANS FIRST....respecting all legal AMERICANS who respect the law of the land while holding on to their special cultural customs with their families and their friends in private occasions. During this month of September, 2008, let us attempt to be more aware of the many opportunities to RESPECT AND to REACH OUT to OTHERS in their time of need and in their time of getting to know them better.

Communication requires a COMMON UNION...a meeting of the minds. Their is no communication when we experience complications. The meaning of our thoughts, words, and actions are found in the minds of our readers, our listeners, and our observers. WHAT WE DO IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ALL CONCERNED. "Do unto OTHERS as you would have them do unto you" is still a respected GOLDEN RULE! Encouraging OTHERS WITH A HAND UP IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN A HAND OUT. Let us be willing to learn from OTHERS and to be OPEN to learning from OTHERS even if we agree to disagree with their opinions and comments.

If you would like to share your favorite way of assisting OTHERS, you are encouraged to share that thought with everyone and yet keep your privacy. Let us make SEPTEMBER, 2008, a month to remember by REACHING OUT AND RESPECTING OTHERS AWARENESS with an emphasis on TEAM BUILDING...TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE!