Sunday, December 30, 2007

Achievement Ladder Tribute to a Wonderful Dad

Nine years ago, my Dad passed away while suffering from a bowel obstruction and a heart attack. When he was discovered, he had apparently suffered a heart attack while trying to resolve his bowel obstruction. In his humor, he would say that "he went from one throne to another throne."

Yes, Dad you are missed, but you have left us with some wonderful memories. As we celebrate today the Feast of the Holy Family, my Dad was an exemplary model for our family. He lived the spirit of the Good News in his daily tasks of providing for our family and always being there when he was needed the most and when we thought we needed him the least. His mind was sharp until the end, and his sense of humor was second to none. His loving ways and gentleness and patience gave us an example to follow and to admire. He was committed to his marriage, to his family, and to his fatherly responsibilities. His spiritual life was solid as he truly WALKED HIS TALK!...His kindness and friendliness attracted the Nobodies who were ignored by many community leaders and pompous political figures. He respected all persons no matter what their age, race, color, creed, or nationality. He never owned an automobile. He never owned a home. He resisted the urge to put everything on credit and to be drowned in debt. He was a tremendous conversationalist and an empathetic listener. He learned by hands on and on the job. He would make great use of human resources without abusing their talents and taking advantage of their good will. He was a man for all reasons and a man for all seasons. He loved life, and now he enjoys eternal life with the Creator who he loved with all of his heart, mind, and soul. There are many characteristics and positive qualities that would best describe my Dad.

As you enjoyed every Mummers Parade on New Year's Day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, may you continue to do the Mummers' Strut in your Eternal Home with all of your eternal friends and acquaintances. Fralinger String Band is trying for its sixth year in a row as the NUMBER ONE STRING BAND ....May you and Paul put in a good word and give the inspiration to the perspiration that the Fralinger String Band needs to have another successful Mummers Parade.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Achievement Ladder's Forecast 2008

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2007 and usher in 2008, let us remember the many achievements that will prepare us for the future. Did you keep your resolutions for 2007? Did you achieve what you expected a year ago. A friend of mine did achieve what was important to her. She was accepted into Medical School and started in August. After the first semester, she has successfully achieved a tremendous start, and she is optimistic for the future. In a few short years, she will be awarded a title of Doctor. Having watched this preparation for many years, my admiration, my respect, and my encouragement will continue for her successful future.

Another person who is very close to me has continued in her quest to obtain a degree that will enhance her Master's Degree. She is committed to learn the skills necessary to improve the quality of life for many individuals in the future. With one semester to go and a residency, she will succeed in bringing about a positive change for many individuals in her future.

And yes, there is another person who is making a new adventure in her life to benefit the lives of others. Although she has had many challenges in the past, she is determined to be herself and to rediscover her identity as a human being who really cares about others beyond the call of duty. She can continue to expect my positive encouragement and support to make things happen for her in the future and the many persons that she will impact by her radiant smile.

Last year was a good year for me personally in making a change from one community activity to another more familiar activity .....helping young persons to find themselves and to prepare for their future careers. Education is my Life...and you will find me assisting those who need the assistance the most and for those who think they need the assistance the least. Through my advisement skills, more individuals will find new ways to climb their ladders of achievement.

As we look forward to 2008, may the American People choose carefully the next President of the United States. In addition, may the voters take an active role in selecting local, county, state, and national candidates for public office. Although we are being bombarded with all types of political rhetoric and Washington spin, may we find the best qualities and qualifications for all public officials with a conscientious, positive effort to study the holistic aptitudes, altitudes, and attitudes of all candidates. In my estimation, the choices for the rival parties should be decided at the conventions by all state selected delegates and state representatives. For too long, the process has been pre-determined by an exclusive elite rather than the representatives of the voting people. And yes, that our American People will register to vote in every election and will actively vote for the best qualified candidates for the various offices. The qualifications are not limited to certain professions, to acquired experiences, to monetary accumulations, or to any biased choices. May the Spirit of the first Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights as amended be the guiding spirit in our exercising our civic duty to be an active citizen who really care about this wonderful United States of America as blessed by our Creator...IN GOD WE TRUST!...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Ageless Achievement Ladder

Today, my brother is enjoying his special day...his birthday. May you have many birthdays as you continue to attain your many opportunities to climb the achievement ladder of success. Although climbing the ladder has its ups and downs, you have succeeded with many ventures that were uniquely yours. Often you have been the frustrated entrepreneur who was looking for a new adventure and thinking outside the box. You have touched many lives over your 68 years, but you will touch even more lives in the years to come. Thank you for being my brother, friend, confidant, and loyal supporter. May you have many more dreams that are filled in reality and vision with many more climbs up and down the ladder of achievement.

This Christmas has been very special for many of us. We have had the opportunity to be with family and friends and to enjoy the wonderful company and companionship of those who really love us. But we know that this is an imperfect world in which we live. There are many who are without family, friends, home, security, employment, and alone. May the Christmas spirit rub off on all of us to remember the less fortunate throughout the New Year...the other 365 days. Let us help the less fortunate to give them a hand up rather than a hand out to ease our consciences and our social mores. Fortunately, you can look very close to home to find your answers to reaching out to your community. Your family first, your neighbors next, your forgotten friends, the dependent, the lonely, the ignored.....the Nobodies....the left out!..
There are some who may want to start a Nobodies Club that meets on the 32nd day of each month and has no special biased agenda...The agenda is open for all to voice their air, to care, to share, and to bear. This Club is special meeting special fund exclusions...for whatever reason....This is a 24/7 arrangement that really MAKES A DIFFERENCE in your community....No publicity is necessary to make things happen...Each uniqueness makes the puzzle complete for all concerned.

In this upcoming New Year, may we all find within ourselves the desire to encourage positively all human beings to being what they deserve to be...human, loved, and understood!...Let us all be instruments of peace, joy, and love to bring about a change that will impact worldwide. May all find the God of Love who wants the best for each one of us with His unconditional love.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Political Candidates Climbing the Ladder of Acheivement in 2008

As we prepare to view the backgrounds, the experiences, and the philosophies of the many political candidates vying for nomination for city, county, state, and national offices, we should carefully study the holistic aptitudes, attitudes, and altitudes for each candidate. All voters who take the voting responsibility seriously will scrutinize the candidates that will best fulfill the responsibilities of the public office that they are seeking. Even if you are unable to find a qualified candidate to your expectations, voting is important for other issues that may appear on the ballot. In addition, the follow through after the elections with letters to the newly elected is always beneficial to all concerned. Your input is unique and is special and does make a difference. If you are looking for a complete change in all offices, then use your power of the vote to CLEAN HOUSE and let us all start over. Use your discernment and the power of prayer to determine your choices of appropriate candidates for public office. YOUR VOTE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE...AND YOUR VOTE ALWAYS COUNTS!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Priceless Ladder of Achievement

As the fall semesters conclude for many students throughout the world, may they realize the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, the how, and the how much of their Ladder of Achievement Climbing. The priceless lessons learned over the past few months will have impact for the challenges of the future. Whether the lessons are learned at the elementary, secondary, or higher education levels, the influences on future decisions have already made their mark. Many learners are still trying to find themselves and to view the options for the numerous careers that will affect their future plans. To finish strong as they continue to climb the Ladder of Achievement, the many ups and downs will make their toll on even the strongest individual.

However, to learn from all of the previous experiences will prepare each learner with the positive motivation to start anew in the New Year and in the new semester in the spring. Going backwards or downwards should be avoided. Continue on the upward and forward looking positive future even in the bleakest of conditions and situations. Always remember what you have learned and the priceless lessons that experience gives to each one of us. To enjoy your future preparations is a special gift that each person can give to themselves. You can either be your best friend or your worst enemy, if that be possible. There is no price tag for effective learning except your desire, your dedication, your determination, and your discipline to make this happen. Since each person is priceless, unique...only one of a kind...your decision impacts all of us and our willingness to learn from you and you and you and you and YES....EVEN YOU!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Features Achievement Ladder

Today, we all give Thanks for the many blessings that we have received from so many persons...our parents, our children, our friends, our acquaintances, our dedicated learning providers, our communities, our Nation, and our wonderful global community. In addition to the persons who impacted our lives over the many years especially during this last year, we want to salute in a very special way the dedicated and determined men and women of the Armed Services who serve our American people and our Nation. To appreciate our freedoms under law, we thank the many visionaries and diplomats who have served effectively in the public arena. In addition, we thank the many entrepreneurs and the many intrapreneurs who continue to offer their time, talents, and treasures to enhance and to expand our global free economies in the private sectors. Providing career opportunities is their focus and their outstanding stewardship of our natural and human resources.

We thank God, the Creator of all of our natural and human resources, for all of those persons who have made a difference in our lives especially during this past year. Hopefully, you have experienced an understanding employer who appreciates our daily contributions to further their goals and obtaining their planned visions. When we think about the many people who populate this beautiful planet, there are those who are neglected, ignored, harassed, belittled, smeared, and underemployed. However, there are many effective leaders who positively enhance the value, the dignity, the respect, and the admiration that each human being deserves from natural birth to natural death. These leaders are in tune with the eternal guidelines that God, our Creator, has in mind for all. THANKS MOM AND DAD FOR THE GIFTS OF LIFE AND LOVE...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE!

On this Thanksgiving Day, let us thank God for our freedoms and our very lives. Let us pray for all those persons who are unable to enjoy their God-given freedoms because of persecution, terrorism, hate-mongering, and racial intolerance by ignorant and short-sighted persons. May these persons realize that all wars would cease if the war within their very being would be calmed and brought under control...their own self-control and respect for others. May the Love that brought about our eternal freedom be the guiding light for their conversion to His Way, His Truth, and His Life...Now and Forever. HAPPY THANKSGIVING...2007...TO EVERYONE!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Why climb the Ladder of Achievement

At first glance, the upward climb on the Ladder of Achievement from 0 percent to the optimum 100 percent seems overwhelming. However, the reasons why we learn either positively or negatively are different for each person. Why we want to learn depends on a number of factors. Are we ready to launch out into the unknown? Do I have the necessary skills to attempt a new learning situation? Do I have the desire, the dedication, the determination, the discipline, and the aptitudes to venture forth into the great unknown. What is my internal focus? What is the external focus? What is my attitude toward learning something new that takes me away from my comfort zone? What are the risks involved with attempting to learn about persons, places, things, information that might cause me undue stress?

Why am I driven to learn? Why are my motivations suspect in attempting to uncover a new dimension or a brand new theory outside the box of comfort? Why should I spend time, talents, and treasures to learn a body of knowledge that is uncomfortable to me at the time?

When I was learning how to drive an automobile for the first time at age 35, my motivation was to keep my new career choice and to provide for my family. Prior to owning an automobile, my choice of transportation was public transportation in large metropolitan areas. Even with good driver education instructors, I was unable to feel comfortable in learning stick shift on a van. I avoided any stick shift vehicles and chose automatic transmission for ease and convenience. Prior to getting my first license to drive, my driver education instructor gave me lots of encouragement and plenty of sound practice before attempting to pass the driver's test for my license. With his positive learning methods, he taught me the proper way to handle the automobile with emphasis on safety and defensive driving techniques. Why I didn't learn before age 35 was simply that I could not afford an automobile and that I had a fear of driving. He helped me overcome my fear with a confidence that simply said....YOU CAN DO IT!...

Think of the many areas that you may have selected to learn over the course of your life. Why did you really learn and what were the factors that helped you succeed? Encouragement goes a long way to assist a learner to choose to climb up the Ladder of Achievement and to continue the positive struggle to obtain a successful conclusion. Examine why you chose your current career path? As a three year old child will ask many, many times....WHY...WHY...WHY...WHY.... you too should ask yourself...Why am I doing what I am doing? Do I really enjoy what I am doing? If I am not enjoying my chosen career, WHY AM I DOING IT and what will make me make reconsider the WHYS OF MY LIFE!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Achievement Ladder Whose Who and When

To remember the many persons who made a difference in our lives as we climbed up the Ladder of Achievement demands a discriminating scrutiny. In addition, when these persons touched our lives seems the most important in making an impact on our decision making. In our formative years, our parents, teachers, friends, relatives, and acquaintances are the most influential to determining our motivation to positively move ahead or to negatively go backwards in our selective decisions.

In my life, my elementary school teachers especially in the eighth grade touched my life by their dedication and their caring attitude about how I learned and why I should learn. My parents were always there to make a significant choice for us or to guide us in our choices. However, we soon learned that peer pressure and to fit in with the "gang" or "group" was more important than our parents' or our teachers' suggestions. During our high school days, we are seeking independence and struggling with the multiple influences that the world, the flesh, and the devil sent our ways. In making many mistakes, we found out that we had to take responsibility for our own actions rather than blaming those mistakes on others including our parents and teachers.

As we moved on after high school graduation or GED completion, we find the work world that wakes us up to the "real world." The "fantasy world" is gone unless we regress through some form of addiction that ignores the best choices to be made. Why is it that we are easily influenced by the fleeting moments and the distractions of a sex-crazed world that distorts the beauty of the human body for instant gratification? Who benefits from our poor decisions to have it all but at what price? We are seeking for find ourselves...who we really are and not what we are...Job titles are meaningless if we lose our identity as a human being. Respect for ourselves and for others is trapped in the "fantasy" that we can have instant gratification at any cost despite the long range consequences.

There are many good managers/bosses. There are also many poor managers/bosses. We learn from those managers/bosses who respect themselves and respect others in the way that they treat those under their employment. There are good coaches, and there are poor coaches. Good coaches touch our lives, but great coaches affect our lives by their dedication, vision, determination, discipline, diplomacy, and other positive characteristics of great leaders. Leadership is learned from effective and positive leaders who also know how to follow and to listen to others.

Every day we will learn something new if we are open to listen to the person who you least expect to touch your life. Being aware of the many opportunities to grow as a mature person and to climb our Ladder of Achievement depends on our personal choices to make a difference in a world that often ignores the value of each independent human life. Human life is precious from conception to natural death and is a continuum with many persons making an impact on the many choices that will be made. However, in the final analysis, each person is responsible for his or her own actions and decisions. What you do in life, does make a difference to someone that you least expect. People do not care what you know, but how much your care. Are you willing to air, care, share, and bear to continue your quest in climbing the successful Achievement Ladder?

"Always remember who touched your life and from whom you learned. Your lifelong education is your life. Guard it well!"

Friday, November 2, 2007

Where does Ladder of Achievement Happen

To go from I do not want to do this...0 100 percent....I DID IT!..takes many where's in our lifetime. In my lifetime, the where started with my loving and caring family who helped we learn many skills in a loving home environment. My mother was able to achieve 10 years of education before going out to work. My dad was orphaned at an early age and he was able to complete the 8th grade. Mother was strong with verbal and math skills; and Dad was a person who learned by doing with visuals and "hands on." With my Dad at work all day, my Mother was the tutor and the mentor to assist me in my homework and projects while in grade school.

The grade school that I attended focused on providing the basics...reading, writing, computation skills, and reasoning. The Palmer Method was used in our handwriting; and the Phonetic approach helped us in acquiring a solid vocabulary with our reading and our writing skills. Although repetition was used to drum in our memories the times table and other learning skills, the discipline to focus on the essentials and the basics made possible my success in grade school.

In high school, the emphasis was on academic subjects that demanded desire, dedication, and determination to learn the essential concepts for a variety of subjects that included Latin, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Life Skills. My high school was accelerated into three years and one summer to complete the necessary 16 credits to receive a high school diploma. In today's standards, that credit total would be short by almost 10 credits.

In college, my experiences were focused on learning business concepts, English essentials and effective writing, office skills, and music education including instrumental and vocal components.
Also, the supporting classes in educational philosophy, psychology, theology, and methodology were helpful in preparing for an educational career.

For many persons today, the approach to effective, positive learning first occurs in the home environment and supplemented by day care or early learning locations. For many persons, the home environment may be the only choice made by families by using home schools instead of going to private or public schools. The parents choose the philosophical/theological emphasis over the secularistic, humanistic approach often provided by public schools by a mandated curriculum. Also, church related schools may often a plausible solution to many quandaries about biased and unrelated and antiquated curricula offered by public institutions. To reach a balance in total education, many avenues have been selected by learners to grow in their ongoing knowledge and personal growth in spite of learning choices and financial hardships.

After the person learns from many arenas of educational philosophy, the on the job training and career selection continues to enhance the learning curves of the participants. Climbing the Ladder of Achievement in the schools without walls and in the world of experiences, the learner soon learns where to get the additional assistance to grow in their chosen professional career choice. Lifelong learning gives all learners an opportunity to seek the where's to continue their education by working with other learners and professionals who provide positive and effective learning atmospheres beyond the textbooks.

Should we next look at the when's and the why's of effective, positive learning environments and why we are finding out that many persons are still unable to read, to write, to compute, to reason, and to effectively listen in the 21st Century through wasteful use of educational resources and lack of accountability in all of the previous "Where's." Many learners climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement the rest of their lives in spite of the lack of committed educators. As the saying goes, "People do not care how much you know, but how much you care."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ladder of Achievement What's Happening

Let us discover the many "what's" that influence a person's quest on their Ladder of Achievement.
What the parents provide and create for their children at an early age will strongly affect their child's reaction to positive, effective learning. The "what" choices will include all educational tools that are appropriate for the child's learning development. Visuals, reading materials, audio materials, and all phases of creative materials will impact the child's responses and opportunities for imaginative reactions. Creativity will evolve based on the child's positive responses to various stimuli since the span of concentration is minimal for any one item. As the child progresses in their physical, mental, and emotional development, their learning styles will be revealed from a vast storage of visual, tactile, and auditory reactions. In addition, the child learns what is fun and enjoyable in contrast from what is tedious and boring. Inactive responses to various learning opportunities will give way to more active learning and listening opportunities. The basic skills of reading, writing, listening, and spatial skills will show what the child understands and comprehends. Repetition of effective, positive learning tools will build a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment. The child controls the choices by their "yes" or their "no" to whatever is given to enhance the positive, effective learning opportunities. Children will also learn from playmates and from various other media that will get their attention. An excessive concentration of audio visuals prompting only inactive attention will reduce the opportunities for creative, imaginative opportunities that comes from the child. There is a free choice that is made that needs to be respected and honored. With effective, positive parental guidance, the child will develop their learning styles that will have an opportunity to be enhanced and challenged in later years. What determines a child's response to the multiple technological resources that are available will be a good learning environment that encourages positive growth in learning the basic skills needed for lifelong learning. Selecting the "whats" is a challenge for both the responsible parent and the child especially in the first five years of learning development. Up next, the "where's" of climbing the Ladder of Achievement successfully.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Who creates positive, learning atmospheres?

Who really creates a positive, learning atmosphere? Obviously, learning begins in the womb of the mother who cares for herself and prepares to give birth to new human life. This growing person over a 40 week period has an independent human life, but this person counts on his/her mother to take proper pre-natal care to prepare for the eventual birth. As a result of medical ultrasound, the mother and the father become aware of the new human life that is developing. The unborn child gets familiar with the atmosphere within the womb, but also with the many sounds and activities that occur outside the womb prior to actual birth. The parents are the first teachers of this unborn child. In many cases, the mother is the only parent available before birth to prepare the child for eventual birth and the brand new world. When the baby is born, the child learns from many persons to respond and to react to the basic baby's needs. As the child grows in the first few months, the child responds to the many persons who give positive input for the child to learn many basic skills. With patience and with responsible parenting, the child knows love and who really cares about the child. A loving mother and dad does make the difference for a young child to grow and to learn who will provide for his/her basic needs and wants. A positive response gets a positive reaction by a young, developing child. Yes, who really makes a difference in a positive, learning environment for a new human life?...other caring and loving humans especially the focused, loving parents of the child. In the first five years of a child's human existence, most of the learning of basic skills and learning encouragement to succeed comes from responsible, loving parents. In many cases, the daycare provider for working parents may also have a profound impact on the learning skills of young children.
The other who's include immediate family (brothers and sisters), relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles), and reliable friends. Next up, the what promotes a positive, learning environment.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Positive Learning from Loving and Caring Parents

Today is the 73rd Wedding Anniversary of my Mother and Dad. Although my Mother and my Dad are both deceased, their loving memory and their positive influence on my life have made a tremendous impact. Although the economic times did not allow my Mother and Dad to take advantage of higher education, their positive encouragement on their children was well appreciated. Since I was the oldest of four children, I was given an opportunity to further my education beyond high school. Growing up in a very populated metropolitan area, my daily walks to grade school and to high school were memorable and rewarding. Public transportation was available during inclement weather. Since my Mother and Dad never owned a home or an automobile or any credit cards or any fancy luxuries, there was always a loving atmosphere in the home that was conducive to effective, positive learning. My parents believed in positive achievement through desire, dedication, discipline, and determination. My Ladder of Achievement took me from zero percent (I don't want to do this) to 100 percent...I DID IT!. Yes, their positive encouragement made possible my last 50 years of positive, professional experiences in education and in business, both for profit and for non-profit.
Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of life and love...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE!
HAPPY 73rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY from your loving and always!..

Friday, October 19, 2007

Positive, Effective Learning Environments

Lifelong Learning requires a daily assessment of our positive, effective learning environments. Every day gives us an opportunity to check out the who, the what, the when, the why, the where, the how, and the how much learning entails. Whether in a classroom with walls or a classroom without walls, effective, positive learning can occur if all of the "w's" and the "h's" are measured.
Our climb up the Ladder of Achievement will depend on our internal and our external focus to be successful. If our attitude is negative, then we will be negative in our climb up the Ladder. If our attitude is positive, our climb up the Ladder will be successful with desire, dedication, discipline, dignity, and determination to reach of rung of 100 percent....I did it!.. There are numerous resources available to assist us along the path and up the ladder of achievement. Answering the five "w's" and the two "h's" will make the difference in reaching our challenging next step.
"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life...Guard it well!"
(Proverbs 4:13)