Monday, December 17, 2007

Political Candidates Climbing the Ladder of Acheivement in 2008

As we prepare to view the backgrounds, the experiences, and the philosophies of the many political candidates vying for nomination for city, county, state, and national offices, we should carefully study the holistic aptitudes, attitudes, and altitudes for each candidate. All voters who take the voting responsibility seriously will scrutinize the candidates that will best fulfill the responsibilities of the public office that they are seeking. Even if you are unable to find a qualified candidate to your expectations, voting is important for other issues that may appear on the ballot. In addition, the follow through after the elections with letters to the newly elected is always beneficial to all concerned. Your input is unique and is special and does make a difference. If you are looking for a complete change in all offices, then use your power of the vote to CLEAN HOUSE and let us all start over. Use your discernment and the power of prayer to determine your choices of appropriate candidates for public office. YOUR VOTE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE...AND YOUR VOTE ALWAYS COUNTS!

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