Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Priceless Ladder of Achievement

As the fall semesters conclude for many students throughout the world, may they realize the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, the how, and the how much of their Ladder of Achievement Climbing. The priceless lessons learned over the past few months will have impact for the challenges of the future. Whether the lessons are learned at the elementary, secondary, or higher education levels, the influences on future decisions have already made their mark. Many learners are still trying to find themselves and to view the options for the numerous careers that will affect their future plans. To finish strong as they continue to climb the Ladder of Achievement, the many ups and downs will make their toll on even the strongest individual.

However, to learn from all of the previous experiences will prepare each learner with the positive motivation to start anew in the New Year and in the new semester in the spring. Going backwards or downwards should be avoided. Continue on the upward and forward looking positive future even in the bleakest of conditions and situations. Always remember what you have learned and the priceless lessons that experience gives to each one of us. To enjoy your future preparations is a special gift that each person can give to themselves. You can either be your best friend or your worst enemy, if that be possible. There is no price tag for effective learning except your desire, your dedication, your determination, and your discipline to make this happen. Since each person is priceless, unique...only one of a kind...your decision impacts all of us and our willingness to learn from you and you and you and you and YES....EVEN YOU!

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