Thursday, October 20, 2011


On October 20th of each year, my parents would enjoy their Wedding Anniversary by attending the Ice Capades in Philadelphia, PA. Today would have been their 77th Wedding Anniversary if that had been given more time on earth. However, today my parents are enjoying their eternal citizenship in Heaven with God for all eternity. Each one of us have dual on earth and hopefully, eternity in Heaven. "Render to the earth what belongs to the earth and to God what and who belongs to God." My parents priority was their family with their love of life even during the days of the Great Depression. My parents had a wonderful sense of humor that provided a good substitution for the material things that many people today feel is the real answer to happiness. My parents never owned their own home; and they never owned their own automobile. They used credit wisely; and they always knew how to make the most with the least resources available. These wonderful persons were ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives in the ghetto of a metropolitan city setting. My parents lived the "spirit of poverty;" yet they were "rich in love" for their children even with the many challenges that life presented. My parents were very appreciative of persons who made a point of good conversations and social activities that were family oriented. Yes, Mom and Dad, thank you for the Gifts of Life and Love...It is great to be alive..Enjoy your eternity with God because you gave from the heart rather than from the "pocketbook or wallet."

You made time for all of your children even when life proposed many challenges. Choosing Life rather than opting to destroy life was never in your agenda. In God you trusted for your family! Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts thank you for your total dedication to your family and to the world in which you lived. You both made a difference and you have left a proud legacy that has been passed on to your children and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May you rest in peace with God for all eternity. Happy 77th Wedding Anniversary from all of your earthly family!
You believed in a hand up and helping others rather than a handout! You earned the trust of all of those who were fortunate to know you!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


To be acknowledged as a true American Hero, many individuals and groups seem to determine their decisions on name, title, geography, and wealth. However, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts believe that the uniqueness of each human being living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way contributes to American heroism. Do you know of anyone in your community that does this?

Many outstanding educators who have made their marks on the learning curve of Americans are often overlooked because of the blindness of the criteria established by the educational and political establishments. For many years for whatever reasons, the learners with potential for greatness and leadership were often "dumped" in the business courses in middle schools, high schools, and post-secondary schools. The business education instructors realized that this was an opportunity to work with students who wanted to learn technical and soft skills that would open doors in future careers. With the enthusiasm that learning requires, these dedicated business educators have make an difference in the lives of many individuals who have a proven track record of successful achievements. Their attitudes were developed and enhanced by a determined business educator who sought and accepted the uniqueness of each learner.

Today, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute an outstanding business educator who made a special mark on business leaders through her work in the classroom and in her work beyond the classroom. She nurtured and developed future business leaders by her unique enthusiasm beyond reproach. She prepared competitors for the real world of business by her coaching, by her mentoring, by her leadership, and by her desire to make a true difference in her community especially for her family. Her multiple D's (desire, dedication, determination, discipline, diplomacy, distinction, etc.) was exemplified through the Florida Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda organization. Her many years of service showed how doing the ordinary tasks in an extraordinary manner may show the positive attitude of 100 percent accomplishments. You will always have a special memory for all of us, Sherry; may you rest in peace. You are a true American Hero! The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute your par excellence contributions to American Education!

Margaret Thatcher -- a True Heroine

Margaret Thatcher -- a True Heroine

Ronald Reagan's Private Speech Notes

Ronald Reagan's Private Speech Notes

Saturday, October 8, 2011


For those who drive on the nation's highways and byways, remember to bring your safety and courtesy manners to your driving every day. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud all efficient and effective drivers who observe the rules of the road and act accordingly. Signaling when making lane changes at least three or more car lengths before moving to another lane makes the road safer for all concerned. Observing the posted speed LIMIT means just that...the LIMIT! Creating your own speed limit is putting everyone in danger with your LETHAL WEAPON (Your vehicle). Obviously, focusing on the road ahead means good defensive and assertive driving skills that have been abandoned by the "weavers" and the "snakes" who float in and out of traffic patterns. Playing music at the highest decibel level with windows wide open shows your unique intelligence or lack of the same. Courtesy respects the air waves of other music lovers. Yes, for those addicted to smoking, remember to avoid "fires" from your lighted cigarettes or cigars by disposing of them in a proper safe manner. Tossing your "lighted butts" on the road or in dry leaves area is a hazard for all drivers and non-drivers. The life you save may be your own.

Effective communication is the beginning of understanding. However, using your cell phones while driving with one hand or "no hands" takes your concentration from your driving to the conversations that you are having with your friends and acquaintances. Social communication dictates that you respect the many persons on the road who will wait until the time is safe to use their cell phones. To even think that you may use "texting" while driving is beyond comprehension. Think before you endanger the lives of so many innocent persons on the road. If you need to text someone, pull off the road wherever safe to send your messages. Emergencies are the only exception to use a cell phone or to text while in your motionless vehicle that is off the road.

When Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts put into practice the courtesies on the road, our roads become safer; and our premiums for automotive insurance will have a tendency of coming down rather than going "skyrocketing." Creating unnecessary risks by inefficient and ineffective driving and communications will continue to drive our automotive insurances out of sight for the average policy holder. Think first before giving in to selfish and rude acts on the road. Your rethinking of why you are on the road and the safety of your family and friends will be honored and respected by all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who drive the American roads every day. Arrive Alive and be a Safe and Courteous Driver.

Friday, October 7, 2011


During this weekend, the Saint Joseph High School Class of 1961 will be celebrating their 50th Reunion Anniversary. Congratulations to all of the members of SJHS Class of 1961 on your special occasion. You will be remembered for all of your accomplishments this weekend. During my professional career at SJHS from 1956 to 1960, your positive influence on my life has always been a memory worth remembering. Those golden years have culminated into your special celebration this weekend. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts were nurtured and cultivated during those special high school days into the Leaders in your communities today. All of the members of your Reunion Class of 1961 have made a difference in the lives of many persons including me. Let us also remember the many persons of your special class who have gone on to their eternal reward. They are smiling down on your influence on them; they will never be forgotten. May they rest in peace. In God We Trust! Choose Life!

Our prayers during this weekend will be for your special intentions. Continue to be an influence in the years ahead in your communities with your desire, dedication, and determination to make wherever you are God's special mission.

"Always remember what you have learned. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13). All for Jesus through Mary with a Smile!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today our daughter reached her 40th birthday! Congratulations! She has accomplished her goals one day at a time to make the 100 percent...I DID IT! Her positive attitude has contributed to her career successes. Yes, this is the attitude that you want your children to acquire...never give up, get up and bloom where you are planted! Yes, Thank God, all of our children have achieved this positive attitude with their response to life's make where they are better than when they first found their environment. That is what makes a family a honest- to- goodness family...they are always there when they are needed and are the first to respond to challenges. Life gives us challenges to overcome with the assistance and the support of family members. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts join me in thanking God for our entire family; and in particular, for our daughter who is celebrating her milestone today! Happy Birthday, Sweetie! May the Guardian Angels continue to protect and guide all of our children as we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels today, especially the special Angel Anastasia who intercedes for her family now and always.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


For all of those Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are looking for the extraordinary, remember that doing the "ordinary tasks" in an "extraordinary way" is the key to success. The boring, the humdrum, the waste of time events, and the challenging circumstances that we are expected to accept are the "ordinary opportunities" to excel par excellence with exemplary dedication. St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus, lived for 24 years; but she has spent her time in eternity listening to the ordinary concerns of ordinary people. Her intercession has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the childlike who want more from life. However, St. Therese has proven that doing the ordinary chores in an extraordinary way is the answer to chasing away the distasteful, the dirty jobs, and the apparent meaningless challenges in every day life. Making the most of every opportunity is the theme of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts.

What determines the value of each human being is the approach that a man or woman accepts in their environments. "Bloom where you are planted," as many flowers have learned in the realm of nature, determines the essence of sacredness and dignity to be honored and respected of the "Who" the person is rather than the "What" the person is. Thank you, St. Therese, for your outstanding example of doing the "ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way." That is the reason why you are considered the Patron of the Foreign Missions even though you never set foot on foreign soil for missionary work
. St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus, intercede for us with God. Remember to send us Roses from your Heavenly Garden as a reminder of God's love for each human being, unborn and born.