For many persons who are tuned into the secular press and media in general, Easter Sunday was concluded on April 24 rather than extending any longer. However, in the Christian World for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the Easter Season extends for 50 days after Easter Sunday. The Celebration of the Pentecost, the Birthday of the One, the Holy, the Catholic, and Apostolic Church, commemorates the initial enthusiasm of the Church founded by Jesus Christ through His Apostles and His Disciples. "Do this in remembrance of Me" means to accept the total picture of the growth of the original Body of Jesus Christ through the many inspired writers of the New Testament bridging the gap with the Old Testament inspired writers. Traditions continue through the ages along with the inspired Word of God until the present time. Let us continue to sing, "Alleluia to the Risen Jesus Christ" who continues to witness of the Coming of the Kingdom on earth as in Heaven. We are His witnesses by our lives and our living the Go0d News as expressed under the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. "Sing to the Lord a New Song for He has done wondrous miracles...His Kingdom and His Love endure forever...." We are His Resurrected witnesses in 2011 and forever! Jesus is depending on us, and we are depending on Him!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Every year the subtle aroma of the secular world likes to subdue anything and anyone that suggest a "religious enthusiasm" of any variety. We all witnessed over the years the use of the "Happy Holidays" theme to avoid mentioning the Christian celebration of Christmas to be "politically correct." While ignoring or substituting a secular approach, the erosion of religiousness has been undermined by those who seek the "righteous approach" of a complicated secular world. To avoid any "legalese," many conscientious persons opt to use contemporary reasons for traditional values and norms. As a result, the planned confusion is instilled in mass media to overwhelm any hint of a "religious" celebration or remembrance. Respecting the rights and privileges of all "religious" groups is to accept in principle that there might be "irreconcilable differences," which may be unavoidable. Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts take time every year to recognize the Founder of the Christian Movement, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This remembrance is both traditional and contemporary for all of those who have accepted the Old and the New Covenant as expressed in the Inspired Word of God, the Bible.
This weekend in the Christian Environments throughout the world, the Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that in life all Christians must accept the Good Friday before they may realize the Alleluias on Easter Sunday. The Savior of the world laid down His life once and for all over 2000 years ago. But He offered Hope that He would be with us until the end of time, whenever God chooses that time frame. Yes, Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts are Alleluia People because their Founder, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead as was predicted by the prophets in the Old Covenant. His Kingdom will have no end; and His Kingdom is not of this world. "I AM the Resurrection and the Life, and whoever believes in Me even though they die, will live forever...." Yes, let us proclaim for all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide: HAPPY EASTER rather than Happy Springtime.
This weekend in the Christian Environments throughout the world, the Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that in life all Christians must accept the Good Friday before they may realize the Alleluias on Easter Sunday. The Savior of the world laid down His life once and for all over 2000 years ago. But He offered Hope that He would be with us until the end of time, whenever God chooses that time frame. Yes, Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts are Alleluia People because their Founder, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead as was predicted by the prophets in the Old Covenant. His Kingdom will have no end; and His Kingdom is not of this world. "I AM the Resurrection and the Life, and whoever believes in Me even though they die, will live forever...." Yes, let us proclaim for all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide: HAPPY EASTER rather than Happy Springtime.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Every year Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are given an opportunity to remember in a very special manner the Life, the Death, and the Resurrection of their King of Kings, their Lord of Lords, their Savior and Redeemer, their Messiah, their Prince of Peace, and their Transformer of New Life. During Holy Week each year, Christians from all over the world are reminded that in order to have an Easter Sunday, Christians must experience a Good Friday in their day-to-day living. "If you want to be My follower, you must deny yourself, take up your daily crosses, and follow Me because I AM the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life." Yes, our Emmanuel, God is with us, gave us His life to live if we choose Him with His unconditional LOVE as indicated by His Life, His Death, and His Resurrection. Christians are Resurrected People; and their Leader, Jesus Christ, has already given the example that "whatever you do to the least of My brothers and sisters, you do to ME." Jesus completed the Old Testament Covenant with the New Testament Covenant of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness if we choose God's way in our journey to our eternal destiny. The best gift that Jesus Christ left for each of His followers was Himself in the Eucharist...His Body and His Blood..."do this in remembrance of ME."
Holy Week, 2011, gives all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts an opportunity to recommit their total dedication and consecration to the One who said: "I AM with you all days until the end of time....when you eat My Body and drink My Blood you will have life in you...for without ME you can do nothing..."
Let all believers in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church remember to serve one another in their daily Eucharistic challenges by "blooming where they are planted." Let us focus on this Holy Week with desire, dedication, determination, dignity, diplomacy, and discretion to live each day in union with the Holy Trinity to accept the challenges that life gives to each one of us. The world may not change as we want the world to change. Many choices will be made that we may not understand; but the only person who can change and be transform is ourselves if we say, YES, to God's mission in our make a difference in our communities, in our states, and in our global responses. Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday are lived with the Total Covenants that God has revealed through His inspired Word and through His inspired Traditions. "....I will be their God and they will be My People..." May all Spiritual Leaders throughout the world be Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts as they give inspiration and heroic examples by their lives of extraordinary living in an ordinary way. "He must increase, we must decrease." "I will not leave you My Father's Kingdom, there are many mansions...I will prepare a place for you...Come Holy Spirit, Come!"
Holy Week, 2011, gives all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts an opportunity to recommit their total dedication and consecration to the One who said: "I AM with you all days until the end of time....when you eat My Body and drink My Blood you will have life in you...for without ME you can do nothing..."
Let all believers in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church remember to serve one another in their daily Eucharistic challenges by "blooming where they are planted." Let us focus on this Holy Week with desire, dedication, determination, dignity, diplomacy, and discretion to live each day in union with the Holy Trinity to accept the challenges that life gives to each one of us. The world may not change as we want the world to change. Many choices will be made that we may not understand; but the only person who can change and be transform is ourselves if we say, YES, to God's mission in our make a difference in our communities, in our states, and in our global responses. Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday are lived with the Total Covenants that God has revealed through His inspired Word and through His inspired Traditions. "....I will be their God and they will be My People..." May all Spiritual Leaders throughout the world be Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts as they give inspiration and heroic examples by their lives of extraordinary living in an ordinary way. "He must increase, we must decrease." "I will not leave you My Father's Kingdom, there are many mansions...I will prepare a place for you...Come Holy Spirit, Come!"
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
On Monday, April 4, 2011, an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, Kathleen F. Lilly, was given a regal tribute at a Christian Eucharistic Celebration of Burial at a Mass at St. Edmond's Catholic Church in South Philadelphia followed by a Funeral Procession to the Old Cathedral Cemetery near Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. Her wonderful and devoted family and friends paid homage to a woman who lived life to the fullest and who gave unconditional love to all who would accept that gift. She was a victim of many complicated medical conditions during her lifetime. Medical professionals were in awe of how she was able to sustain the pain and the sufferings for such an extended period of time. But even with her ongoing sufferings, she managed to open her heart and soul to many persons who were recovering from the addictions of life with comforting and empathetic conversations and encouragements. She was a woman above all women who knew how to live her philosophy of life and fought for the rights of women everywhere. She was a warrior and a gentle woman rolled into one person. Her smile and her laughter were contagious wherever she went. She lived the following preamble every day of her life especially for the past 31 years:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference." May Kathleen Frances Lilly REST IN PEACE. AMEN. ALLELUIA!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference." May Kathleen Frances Lilly REST IN PEACE. AMEN. ALLELUIA!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
On March 31, 2011, a wonderful woman was called to her eternal reward after a brilliant life of dedication, desire, and determination to make a difference in her community. She was a committed advocate for assisting victims of the disease and the addiction of alcoholism. She earned more than 31 years of sobriety from the addiction of alcoholism by attending many AA meetings and encouraging others to stick with the program. "One Day At A Time Until Eternity" was upper most in her endeavors to assist and to encourage many survivors of addiction to drugs and alcoholism. She will be honored by many persons that she touched at the Viewing and the Christian Celebration of Life in South Philadelphia on Monday, April 4. All Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will be in concert in honoring her fantastic accomplishments as well as the many sufferings that she endured for many years because of the effects of the addictions. Eternal Rest give her, O Lord, and let perpetual LIGHT shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE!
Thank you, Kathleen, for being a WOMAN above all women who made a difference in their life through service to others without any thought of returns.
You are an inspiration to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are learning how to LISTEN, LISTEN, LOVE, LOVE with your dedicated perseverance.
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