Thank God for the year 2010 and all of its accomplishments and all of its challenges! Let us be thankful for the priceless treasures of human experiences that have made 2010 a year to remember and a year to leave behind with its ageless memories. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide know the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, the how, and the how much that 2010 gave each of us to look forward to the future of 2011. The peace, the joy, and the love that 2010 gave the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is the thrust that will encourage the positive transformations that are yet to be achieved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit...the Spirit of Love! The greatest treasures are the human treasures of faith, hope, and love that have indicated a sincere difference in the wake of historic and traditional values and morality. The pieces of the human endeavors are fashioned to complete the puzzle that each year presents as a significant step in the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' treasured history. May 2011 bring a completed picture to each and every human being who seeks the Uncaused Cause of Creation, the Higher Power, the Supreme Being, the Holy of Holies, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Eternal Kingdom that God has offered to each human being who respects the value and the dignity of every human creature. "Always remember what you have learned in 2010. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well in 2011!" Choose Life, Choose Love!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are well aware of the loss of innocent human life every day in the United States of America and in the World. An unknown number of innocent unborn human life is estimated at 4,000 elective abortions in the USA alone. Imagine what the number is for the rest of the world! In 2010 alone, the USA will have electively aborted about 1,500,000 unborn babies because it is legal. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts also wonder how many elderly, disadvantaged, dependent, homeless, and medically ignored there are in the USA alone during this past year. The number may be more shocking than we want to imagine. Why is this happening in a free society and a more tolerant society? Have we lost the value of sacredness and dignity for all human life because of our legal system that allows an unborn baby to be electively aborted for semantic reasons? How many children have been exploited by pornography because of human depravity and low morals?
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the time when more 2000 years ago a King heard about the Birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem and ordered all male babies under two years old to be killed. Why? This King was afraid that he would lose power to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. The Messiah was born to die for all human beings as an act of love to give us eternal life through the life of God available to each human being for all time. Yes, we celebrate the Christmas Season with Peace, Joy, and Love; but there are those who want war, sorrow, and hatred to run the daily lives of all human beings because of their selfishness and their earthly pride and greed.
As history has given us information that is repeated again and again, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts welcome a return to selfless acts on the part of responsible adults who respect and cherish all unborn human life as a Gift from God. There are three partners in the procreation of human life: a man, a woman, and God, the Creator of all human life. When human law ignores divine law, human law has no value or sense of justice. Choosing Life takes more love than the "throw away mentality" that the secular world thrusts on its citizenry.
Although the "providers of elective abortion" may kill the body, the spirit lives on through all eternity. If you want to spiritually adopt an unborn baby, choose a name or names and begin praying for the safety of that unborn baby while being carried by a loving mother destined to cooperate with bringing about a birth in about nine months. Choosing life is a better choice that killing an innocent unborn baby. Join the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who respect the dignity and the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. The life you save may be your own. CHOOSE LIFE TODAY!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Yes, we celebrate Christmas Day 2010 as the day when "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...He is Emmanuel...God is with us..." The Savior of the World, the Messiah, came into this world as a baby born of a Virgin through the Power of the Holy Spirit....For nothing is impossible for God...who Loves us eternally and every day of our lives. Jesus is the source of Peace, Joy, and Love that the world is incapable of giving in the secular world. The greatest gift that the human race received more than 2000 years ago was the "Yes" of a Virgin who would be the living tabernacle of the God-Man who would prove what LOVE really is. Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, said "Yes" to God's proposal to bring the Messiah into this world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary's spouse, St. Joseph, was a Just Man who was willing to be the Foster Father of Jesus Christ as explained to him through God's special messenger. Thus, the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, were brought into being saying "Yes" to the work of redeeming all human beings of all time with the greatest love expressed beyond the human level. The Incarnation became reality as was foretold by many prophets and heavenly messengers. "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son...." Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life that leads all of us to eternal life with God forever if we say "yes" to God's will.
As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts we are fortunate to live in a free society that allows us to live our faith if we choose to make that choice. Saying "yes" to God's mission for each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast is the continuation of the mission that Jesus began with His twelve Apostles to be leaven for the spreading of the Kingdom of God. To be a follow of Jesus Christ has its challenges. If we are arrested for being a follower of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict the followers? Each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast needs to resolve to be willing to allow a transformation of their holistic intelligences to evangelize their environments with the message of faith, hope, and love as requested by the Master, the Teacher, the Priest, the Prophet, and the King...Jesus Christ. Yes, the celebration of Christmas every year is another opportunity to focus our attitudes toward the eternal rather than the transparent and the transitory.
May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts commemorate this Christmas 2010 with the resolution to "bloom where they are planted" so that His Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary Christmas and a Holy and Happy New Year 2011. "What does it profit to gain the world world and suffer the loss of your soul for all eternity"? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph intercede and pray for us!
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