Monday, May 31, 2010


"Mary set out, proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, where she entered Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the BABY leapt in HER WOMB. Elizabeth was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and cried out in a loud voice: "BLEST ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLEST IS THE FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB. But who am I that the MOTHER OF MY LORD should come to me? The moment your greeting sounded in my ears, the BABY leapt in MY WOMB for JOY. BLEST IS SHE WHO TRUSTED that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled."
"Then Mary said:
My being proclaims the greatness of the LORD, my spirit finds JOY in GOD, MY SAVIOR, For he has looked upon his SERVANT in her LOWLINESS; all ages to come shall call me BLESSED. GOD who is mighty has done great things for me, HOLY IS HIS NAME; His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him."
"He has shown might with His arm; He has confused the proud in their inmost thoughts. He has deposed the mighty from their thrones and raised the LOWLY to high places. The HUNGRY He has given every good thing, while the RICH he has sent EMPTY away. He has upheld Israel HIS SERVANT, ever mindful of His MERCY; Even as HE promised our fathers, promised ABRAHAM and his descendants FOREVER. Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and then returned home." (Luke 1: 39-56)
The preceding verses from St. Luke's Gospel are revelant today in greeting those who are expecting a BABY whether their first or their twenty-first. A Baby brings JOY to all of those Mothers who accept the responsibility of Motherhood as typical of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Responsible parenthood will be in tune with the divine plan even with human challenges that face every family. Hopefully, the Daddy will give total commitment to raising a Baby in cooperation and in partnership with his spouse. Remember, any one can be a Father, but the truth is that there are special qualities that makes someone a DADDY. With all of the challenges that face a young family, the couple needs to understand the selfless requirements in bringing about a New Human Life into this world in cooperation with the Creator of all human life. In God we trust was the song of Mary as she shared her inmost thoughts and feelings about being the Mother of the Savior of the World for all time. Her "Yes" to God brought about eternal life for all of us and she shared that humbly with her cousin, Elizabeth. Joy brings about New Eternal Joy, an inner Peace, and a Love that is unconditional. The God of all Human Life is Love personified in all humans who accept the invitation to maximize their Achievement Ladder potentials with their time, their talents, and their treasures. Where your treasure is THERE IS YOUR HEART. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of Life and Love...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE AND FEELING FREE AND TO HAVE EVERYONE IN OUR FAMILY. OH, HOW GREAT IT IS....TO BE ALIVE!

Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

Friday, May 28, 2010


To effectively remember the many dedicated souls who laid down their lives in the line of battle for the cause of FREEDOM, all of us must humbly request pardon for the times when we overlooked the bravery, the candor, the valor, the heroism of the many men and women who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy FREEDOM. For all of the world wars of the 20th Century and now in the 21st Century, these devoted men and women served their Country above and beyond the call of duty and are buried in various locations throughout the world. Many who served our Country are still POWs on foreign soil somewhere waiting to be released from their imprisonment. Many brave men and women are MIAs and have yet to be found to be properly honored and respected for their heroic bravery. On this Memorial Day weekend, 2010, let us all stop and pray for those who now live eternally with their Creator for all eternity.
These brave souls cared enough to give the very best for the honor of their Country. These proud Americans should never be forgotten for serving their Country even when the Congress and the American people turned their backs on their honorable services. The Korean War and the Vietnam War had little support because of the propaganda that was promoted to undermine the reasons for these Wars. A few patriotic Presidents acknowledged the bravery and the heroism of those men and women who gave their lives on the field of battle especially during the 1980s and early 1990s. Restoring a patriotism in the United States of America was the best solution to all of those who willingly paid the ultimate price for being an American...they were willing to give their very life to give life to other Americans for years to come. Yes, America, each time we honor our fallen heroes we are STANDING UP to the very reason this Nation was founded in 1776. We are proud to be Americans and to give honor and praise to those who give service to their Country on a 24/7 basis and even after they are gone.
Remember to stop to pray for a moment of silence for the Americans who gave of their lives in battles throughout the world to proclaim the value of FREEDOM!
Today, let us remember those who are still serving on a volunteer basis in some armed services throughout the world. They will appreciate the words: THANK YOU for being a TRUE AMERICAN willing to die to save our FREEDOMS. May the divine peace, the joy, and the love that is beyond all human understanding be the motivating force for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who care enough to do the very best for all those who cherish this U.S.A.
Eternal Rest give the heroes of past wars and current wars and may perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE! AMEN!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Even as the United States of America and the Global Communities meet the challenges of a downturn in economic and political events, the many Academic and Career Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are making strides now as they prepare for their futures. For many persons who have had to struggle in their learning process and to gain recognition for the uniqueness that is theirs, these persons have succeeded in completing a phase of their learning development that will affect their future career choices and lifelong learning dreams. For many persons in the educational environments, the spotlight often focuses on the top ten percent of academic achievers who "Did it" with the God-given talents that they explored for more than 17 years before graduating from a comprehensive public or private high school. For a growing number of exceptional learners, the choice has been to be home-schooled with the parents handling the professional responsibilities of enhancing the learning abilities of their children. For the lowest ten percent who may or may not have completed their high school experiences, the choices may be to complete the requirements for a general education diploma for whatever reasons.
For the 80 percent of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who have completed their requirements for high school graduation, the future educational opportunities are open for their God-given talents to be enhanced by the opportunities of post-secondary education in whatever vocademic choices that may be available for each unique person. Lifelong learning is often accomplished by the "college of hard knocks" and the "college of on-the-job training" in the classrooms without walls. The advanced trainings may be afforded by the "college of effective experiences" that are achieved by working with multiple human resources that "make a difference" in any environment. Although elitism is used to attract the "top ten percent," the 80 percent club is given opportunities for quality education at affordable investments for those focused on community colleges and privately endowed schools who contribute to the communities where they are based. Often the lowest 10 percent are neglected and ignored because these wonderful human resources are not "college material," but they are excellent candidates for effectively using their learning styles that best meets their aptitudes and interests on a personal level.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applauds all of those unique individuals who have completed their high school, their G.E.D, and their college degree requirements to earn their diplomas and certificates to continue their lifelong learning journey. The Ides of May 2010 recognizes the accomplishments of all graduates of whatever "vocademic" programs in the secondary and the post-secondary areas that initially prepares persons for the world of work. We are looking forward to seeing these individuals expand their "entrepreneurial" and their "intrapreneurial" skills to further the climate of creating jobs in the private and public sectors of our recovering economy. These confident learners are flexible, self-motivated, independent thinkers, enthusiastic, responsible, self-managed, holistically intelligent, studios, committed, persistent, assertive, active on-going learners, active readers, and future oriented. Hopefully, all learners will remember: "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it Well!"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day: Mother, 'Queen of the Holy Ordinary' - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Happy Mothers Day: Mother, 'Queen of the Holy Ordinary' - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online


Mothers' Day 2010 is very special this year because of the many Mothers who have brought love, respect, and honor to themselves and to the children that they nurtured with full responsibility, dignity, and morally spirituality. The Mother is the first teacher of her child; and yes, motherhood is the oldest profession of special distinction. Many women have positively accepted their reproductive privilege with all of the creativity, the resourcefulness, and the discretion that comes from saying, Yes, to motherhood. We also honor all women who have adopted children at all ages to give those children an opportunity to grow holistically with the trustful guidance of a Mother's care and guidance. We also honor those women who effectively support with their wisdom the challenges that motherhood gives to each woman especially those women who have been neglected, misguided, misinformed, abused, and culturally deprived of an informed choice in being a mother at any age.
One of the most admired Woman of all time is the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Mary accepted the challenge of motherhood at a very early age with her "Yes" to God to be the Mother of the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Jesus lived with his Mother for 30 years before entering His public life. Mary became pregnant with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to retain her virginity. Nothing is impossible for God and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary witnessed the growth of Her Son as He prepared for His Mission to save all souls, once and for all. Mary gave Her time, Her talents, and Her earthly treasures to being the Co-Redeemer of the entire human race in union with the will of the Father. Jesus died on a cross and was laid in the arms of His Mother before burial. But Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His Mother and to His friends and followers before returning to His eternal home. Mary was instrumental in supporting the early Church as the followers of Jesus became stronger through their faith, their hope, and their love of God and love of their neighbor. Mary nurtured the early Church with her total positive attitude in support of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by Her Son.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, is the Model of strength, gentleness, trust, courage, patience, risk, openness, and perseverance. Mary is the Mother of the liberator, the homeless, the dying, the nonviolent, the widowed mothers, the prisoners, and the condemned. Mary is the Liberator of the oppressed, comforter of the afflicted, cause of joy, sign of contradiciton, breaker of bondage, political refuge, first disciple, sharer of Jesus's ministry, participant in Christ's passion, seeker of God's will, and witness of Christ's resurrection. Mary is a Woman of mercy, of faith, of contemplation, of wisdom and understanding, of grace and hope, and centered in God.
A prayer for all Mothers on this Mothers' Day 2010 comes from the inspiration of the Blessed Mother of all time, Mary Immaculate by the power of God:
"Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you. Shelter us from war, hatred, and oppression. Teach us to live in peace, and to educate ourselves for peace. Inspire us to act justly, to revere all God has made. Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen."
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud, respect, and honor all Mothers throughout the world. Thank you, Mom, for the gifts of life and love. It is great to be alive and to serve everyone in our family. Happy Mothers' Day 2010!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eagle Forum Blog

Eagle Forum Blog


Today is a day set aside to remember to Pray for the United States of America and for the spiritual transformation that is needed to really give honor and glory to the Creator of all of the Universe. With the continual rise of anti-religious sentiments from God's children, we who believe in the Creator, in the Uncaused Cause, in the Messiah, in the Kingdom of God, and in the commitment to give total Love to God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves are given an opportunity to offer our prayers of faith, hope, and love to those who need the graces the most and for those who think they need the graces of God the least.
In God we Trust still reigns in the minds, the hearts, and the actions of men and women of good will who make every day a blessing back to God, our Friend and our Father. To realize that the power of prayer is priceless, we are reminded that Jesus encouraged us when He lived here on earth that whatever you ask in My name will be given to those of good will and good heart. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. The definition of God is Love. Where there is love, there is God. Let us replace the anger, the hate, the ignorance, the oppression, and the secularistic attitude with the words of St. Francis: "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE...."
Remember, we are always in the presence of God whether we want to acknowledge that fact or not. Remember, God loves us unconditionally; and we wants us to be happy in this life as we prepare for the eternal life to come.
Be Not Afraid, JUST BELIEVE!