Friday, April 2, 2010


We are reminded annually as well as every day of our human lives that Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are givers rather than takers. The generosity and the compassion of those persons who have a commitment to have a spiritual transformation in their lives impacts the world around them. These Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts live in the world but are not of the world. The distractions and the temptations that haunt human existence everyday throughout the world are avoided by a focus on the Divine rather than the purely secularistic and humanistic emphasis created by secular religious zealots. The "metanoia" of all committed Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts brings love rather than hate in their every day world. These Enthusiasts make a real difference in their environments in the long run by an eternal focus rather than a transitory and transparent facade. "By their fruits you shall know them." Yes, render to civil authority what is truly civil authority and to God the things that are God's domain and redemptive plan for the entire human race.
This week is another reminder of the Love that made a difference more than 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the God-Man, Friend and Brother, and the Redeemer of all persons forever was the Messiah who came to give us an example of God's unconditional love without any strings attached. To live as He lived with His total commitment to the will of God is the legacy expected of each human being yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus Christ died on a Cross that was built by mankind to end His earthly work; but His work continues through His followers because He rose from the dead as He promised. Jesus, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast of all time, gave His life for the many that we might all have life with Him. He is the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life that makes any sense if we are willing to live as He lived with His exemplary example of loving others. His command: "LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, a Good Friday may be required before one can understand and appreciate an Easter Sunday.
Someday, may we all be ONE in the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ and show the rest of the world the real meaning of Love. "If you were arrested for being a Christian today, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

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