Sunday, November 15, 2009


Have you heard the phrase, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."? Yes, we find our true friends when we end up in the hospital, in the prison cell, in the hospice environment, in the homeless shelter, or in any other location that most people avoid because they may feel tainted or unwelcome. There are "takers" and there are "givers" in every person's life situations. The "takers" like to absorb all that they can from individuals that they prey upon; and when the "pantry" runs dry, these "takers" are gone to another individual to continue their exploits on the innocent and the unwary. "Takers" are the least persons who know what friendship is all about.

"Givers know how to serve the needs of strangers, the depressed, the unwanted, the ungodly, the outcasts, the imprisoned, the dying, the least loved in their communities, and the forgotten desparate souls in need of peace, joy, and love. "Givers" know how to love unconditionally by AIRING, SHARING, CARING, AND BEARING with the individuals that they serve. Givers are willing to actively listen to your every concern. Givers are open to hear and to listen to your sharing and your intimate secrets as a total confidant. People are unphased by what a person knows, but these people welcome "givers" who really care enough to give the very best. Givers will "bear" in all of their empathy "ups" and "downs" as individuals "vent" what really gnaws at their very core as a person. Yes, true friendship is a rarity for any personal relationship. However, with a positive "giver" attitude, a deep, abiding friendship will accept a person AS THEY ARE rather than remake a person into a phony. True Friendship is sincere, patient, kind, gentle, meek, humble, and all-loving in multiple dimensions.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' thrive on true friendships to make their daily journey in a positive, determined, and dedicated manner up and down the Ladder of Achievement to eventually reach the ultimate goal of all true friendships, a personal relationship with their Creator. IN GOD WE REALLY TRUST, AND WHO IS A TRUE FRIEND! When we cultivate a lasting friendship, the work begins by making a friend. The next step is being a friend. And finally, by bringing that friend to the Ultimate Friend of All, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, the Savior and Redeemer of all friends. By taking on the attitude of the World's Most Loving Friend, our daily attitude reflects what we see in others. The most beautiful Temples of the Holy Spirit, the very Indwelling of Jesus Christ, is honored, respected, and acknowledged in adoration and compassion. To see the image of God, the loving friendship of Jesus Christ, in each person that we meet daily means that we are discovering the greatest gift of all...THE LOVE OF GOD MULTIPLIED OVER AND OVER AGAIN in the SACRED VESSELS OF EACH HUMAN BEING THAT GOD CREATED. The Ladder of Achievement will be accomplished and achieved by the inspiration of True Friends that touch our lives daily when they accept us as we are and encourage us to grow and to blossom into the unique human beings that we are destined to be...yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


vsbryant said...

Amen! I particularly find this blog enlightening and my hope is that everybody had the chance to know that they always have a friend in God! I n life there are so many individuals that are suffering from depression because they feel that they have no one to love them and I wish that they could all know that God loves then at all times! -Victoria Bryant

C.Garrett said...

This is a post that I very much enjoy. I believe that I am a "Giver", and I have met both "Givers" and "Takers" in my life.

Some people just see themselves as the victim all the time, so they take everything they can get, and still are never satisfied. I feel like if they were more religious, that they would understand that bad things happen to all people, and that punishment is very clear if it's being put on you. Not all bad things in life are done out of punishment, a lot of bad things done to you are actually done by yourself. If negative things are going on in your life, it's best to look at them from a positive angle. Perhaps you're being tested. God is trying to make you a stronger person. Don't hate him for it, embrace him. That's the best option you have.

I do feel very touched by the parts on Givers. I feel like it fits me well, which makes me feel really good about myself. I always try to be there for my friends, regardless of what's going on in my life. I'll drive all day and night if it means that things will be easier on my loved ones and their families. I do everything I can for those I care about. I try to pick people up when they're down.. and if they want to stay down, well, I just stick around and listen for a while. Everyone needs someone at some point in their life. There really isn't a good enough excuse for leaving people behind. At some point, you'll need help too, and you'll wish someone was there for you.