Monday, November 9, 2009


"Destroy this temple and in three days, I will rebuild This Temple. He was not talking about the Temple for praying but the Temple of His Own Body." Yes, to paraphrase the Founder of the True Church built on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ, WE ARE THE CHURCH...the LIVING, SACRED TEMPLE that God Himself has put together with cooperation of a man and a woman. Our Sacred Temple, our Body, was pure and chaste from the first moment of conception. What happens to our Temple, the Body, are the choices made by those who either care for the Body in a pure and sacred way or who destroy, mutilate, or kill by whatever means that men and women have obtained to eliminate the Body, but never the SOUL, the very life of the Body. This beautiful Soul lives on through eternity as planned by the Creator, God, the Maker of all Human Life and Human Existence. "We are the Temples of the Holy Spirit...God lives in us since we all have been made in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD...whether we believe in the Truth or not. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts and members of the Human Beings International Association firmly believe in our original human/spiritual state from natural conception until natural death. If we are sacred, living temples to be respected, honored, and appreciated, why are we continuing to "kill innocent human beings at all stages of dependency" while living in a unique human body, another Temple made by God, the Creator? If we destroy innocent human life based on human law to make it legal, what will keep these same law makers from imposing a "death sentence" on innocent human beings at another age level or state of dependency? Why do some people insist on using the term, "vegetable," when speaking of a sacred, living temple of God when that person is dependent on their existence and caretaking from another human being who wants to "terminate human life as a mercy gesture?

We have all been redeemed at a great price by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was a Jew who lived His life to the fullest until about the age of 33. Because of His outspoken principles of human life, which He received from God the Father, He told us if we believe in Jesus Christ then we would also believe in God the Father who sent Him to complete His Mission of bringing Life back to all of us to be LIVING TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...GOD DWELLING WITHIN US. And yes, Jesus Christ promised us that "He would be with us until the end of time." Jesus wanted to build up the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST, HIS CHURCH, through each of its members. We have the common Father; and therefore, we are BROTHERS AND SISTERS to one another in the Holy Spirit. Let us be reminded that we are THE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and GOD LIVES IN EACH ONE OF US THROUGH ETERNITY, if we CHOOSE to have HIM live in us with HIS LIFE. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY, THE ONLY TRUTH, and THE ONLY LIFE that is worth living. HE CAME TO SERVE rather than to be served. HIS KINGDOM is NOT OF THIS WORLD. "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in HEAVEN.'

When we begin to respect our own sacred bodies, we will respect and love on a higher level the bodies and souls of each of our brothers and sisters on earth. We will begin to TRANSFORM our minds, our hearts, and our bodies into the Person of Jesus Christ who will work through us to bring about His Kingdom on earth. WE BECOME THE CHURCH, the LIVING, BREATHING ORGANISM that will TRANSFORM our families, our communities, our states, our nation back to the TRANSFORMED COUNTRY that God has created to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him for all eternity, if we choose God's way and not the secular, humanistic way of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Our Country will impact more persons when we realize the VALUE and the DIGNITY of each human being created by God through human cooperation as was orginally designed as the way of total inner peace, joy, and love. TOTAL TRANSFORMATION will occur when all human life is in tune with divine life and the power of God's love and graces that are freely given to all who willingly accept HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and HIS MERCIFUL KINDNESS. Social Justice will be resolved by human beings who really care for their brothers and sisters who God created as pure and holy.

WHO IS THE CHURCH? WE ARE THE CHURCH...The living, breathing TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT who live the messages that Jesus Christ passed on to His followers more than 2000 years ago and who live those messages through their daily living in peace, joy, and love.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts and members of the Human Beings International Association accept the TRUTH that we should always remember what we have learned in the past and what we learn each day. Our ongoing, lifelong education is our LIFE. Let us GUARD this LIFE with respect, honor, and the sacredness that this human life deserves in all HUMAN BEINGS and to all HUMAN BEINGS regardless of age, race, nationality, culture, gender, and uniqueness.

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