Seeking the middle of the road has often been the choice of many persons who avoided extremes in their lifestyles. However, to seek the balance in their lives many persons have soften their stand on principles to meet approval from all persons. To do the "politically correct" approach means giving up or "saving face" to avoid unnecessary embarrassments. This dilemma has caused many individuals to become "wishy washy" in any challenge that would be considered a concession of their basic philosophical encounters on a daily basis. To be a mere "puppet" for others to pull their strings makes these persons incompetent to achieve what is conceivably possible in their lives. The middle of the road approach often leads to "mediocrity." To be mediocre often is the beginning of the end of their careers and of their life's ambitions.
For Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts the goal of maximizing their total potentials as human beings means a total commitment to whatever extreme makes them "ring true." Extremists are often avoided by the opposite extremists such as "liberals" versus "conservatives." To be what you say you are means to take a solid stand for your philosophy of life. There was once an author who wrote a book entitled, "You can trust a communist to be a communist." This implies that the total commitment to the cause of being a "card-carrying communist" entitles the person to be accepted by other card-carrying communists, who will risk anything to bring their cause to fruition. You can trust "liberal politicians" to be "liberal politicians" as they focus on giving their cause the full throttle in achieving their desired agenda. These "liberal minded individuals" have often received their education and their ongoing training from "liberal leaning" institutions of higher learning.
The opposite extreme of being a "conservative" seeks to find other individuals who agree with their "conservative" philosophy. Labeling persons as "liberals," "moderates," and "conservatives" confuses the general population in determining the essence of what, where, when, why, who, how, and how much should be accepted as reliable information to make a truly informed decision. Using "planned obsolescence," "supply side economics," "demand side economics," "deficit financing plans," "invisible hand marketing," and other such terminology often requires a better understanding than what the "media in general" often gives to the general population. If we "spoon feed" the general population into believing that one extreme is better than another extreme through general media approaches, the voters and the constituency receives a distorted, deceitful, and deliberate "falsehoods" to gather strength for their respective extremists views.
In the middle stands virtue implies considering all of the information and discerning what are "half-truths," "falsehoods," "conspiracies," "and "truthful" statements that can be properly documented and validated. Since "utopia" does not exist in the real world, the typical individual must research all available documentations to be more "aware" of the total picture. To be caught in the trap of what extremists try to push off as truthful, the individual will soon determine the pattern by effective research beyond the headlines of the local newspapers or the "edited" bulletins and general media that often leaves out "vital" and "essential" information that is excluded from many published reports.
The Achievement Ladder Enthusiast discovers the TRUTH that eventually will lead to inner peace, joy, and love that this world is unable to provide. In addition, the Ladder of Achievement progression will be determined by the humble admission that there are some "philosophies" that are inconsistent and that are irreconcilable to the Ultimate Truth that the Creator of all Knowledge and Wisdom invites all to consider and to live by in their unconditional commitment to a Higher Calling than this world even wants to offer or to acknowledge as genuine. To obtain virtue means to be open to what that virtue will do to change effectively our desire to obtain the Ultimate Achievement Ladder Triumph.
For Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts the goal of maximizing their total potentials as human beings means a total commitment to whatever extreme makes them "ring true." Extremists are often avoided by the opposite extremists such as "liberals" versus "conservatives." To be what you say you are means to take a solid stand for your philosophy of life. There was once an author who wrote a book entitled, "You can trust a communist to be a communist." This implies that the total commitment to the cause of being a "card-carrying communist" entitles the person to be accepted by other card-carrying communists, who will risk anything to bring their cause to fruition. You can trust "liberal politicians" to be "liberal politicians" as they focus on giving their cause the full throttle in achieving their desired agenda. These "liberal minded individuals" have often received their education and their ongoing training from "liberal leaning" institutions of higher learning.
The opposite extreme of being a "conservative" seeks to find other individuals who agree with their "conservative" philosophy. Labeling persons as "liberals," "moderates," and "conservatives" confuses the general population in determining the essence of what, where, when, why, who, how, and how much should be accepted as reliable information to make a truly informed decision. Using "planned obsolescence," "supply side economics," "demand side economics," "deficit financing plans," "invisible hand marketing," and other such terminology often requires a better understanding than what the "media in general" often gives to the general population. If we "spoon feed" the general population into believing that one extreme is better than another extreme through general media approaches, the voters and the constituency receives a distorted, deceitful, and deliberate "falsehoods" to gather strength for their respective extremists views.
In the middle stands virtue implies considering all of the information and discerning what are "half-truths," "falsehoods," "conspiracies," "and "truthful" statements that can be properly documented and validated. Since "utopia" does not exist in the real world, the typical individual must research all available documentations to be more "aware" of the total picture. To be caught in the trap of what extremists try to push off as truthful, the individual will soon determine the pattern by effective research beyond the headlines of the local newspapers or the "edited" bulletins and general media that often leaves out "vital" and "essential" information that is excluded from many published reports.
The Achievement Ladder Enthusiast discovers the TRUTH that eventually will lead to inner peace, joy, and love that this world is unable to provide. In addition, the Ladder of Achievement progression will be determined by the humble admission that there are some "philosophies" that are inconsistent and that are irreconcilable to the Ultimate Truth that the Creator of all Knowledge and Wisdom invites all to consider and to live by in their unconditional commitment to a Higher Calling than this world even wants to offer or to acknowledge as genuine. To obtain virtue means to be open to what that virtue will do to change effectively our desire to obtain the Ultimate Achievement Ladder Triumph.
I agree! I think that todays society is more concerned on conformming to whatever has the popular vote and not even standing up for what they believe in and rather just waiting for someone else to do everything for them because they don't have time. I find that this has become the matter for more and more indviduals everyday. -Victoria Bryant
I do and do not agree with this post at the same time.
Do you know what the Kinsey Scale is? It's an odd reference at this point, but in a moment, I will explain in further detail as to why I'm using this comparison.
The Kinsey Scale is actually a reference to being Gay v. being Straight. It suggests that instead of being entirely gay, or entirely straight, that the majority of the population is somewhere inbetween. It means they're able to accept some things, such as finding another person of the same sex attractive, without having any further desires. Other times, they're willing to have desires and accept that it's normal or natural, although they don't act on them. Google will further explain if you wish to get more information on that topic.
In reference to this post however, I believe that many people find themselves on a moral scale. They believe in some parts of their religion, but not all of them. So they're willing to bend some and see arguements from other sides, while on other topics they're completely unwaivering. In this way, many people have both Liberal and Conservative traits, which we would throw into the category of Moderates. I think the titles are rude, and I wish for them to be thrown away, although I know they will stay.
Based on my own personal experience, most people will tell you exactly what they believe in, as long as they don't feel as if you're going to judge them or argue with them about their beliefs. While I'm sure they have reasons for believing what they do, the whole point of arguing seems trivial. You might get another person's side, but in the end, it's likely that you're still going to believe exactly what you did before. You're not going to convert someone to your side from one arguement, so it's better if you just listen to what they believe, and just ask them why they beleive it. Don't judge them. Don't argue. Just accept it and appreciate that they have the strength to talk to you about it. It hurts to be judged.
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