Monday, June 15, 2009


Congratulations to all of the Dads throughout our Country who really understand the responsibilities of being not only a Father to their children, but also, a loving Daddy to their children. With some many challenges to raise children in an atmosphere of hostility, apathy, indifference, and selfishness, there are many Dads who really want to create a learning environment that is conducive to positive Ladder of Achievement successes. Many Dads make a difference in their families and even in broken families by their total dedication and determination to be open to the needs and wants of their children. These Dads avoid walking away from the total demands of parenthood by their unselfish and caring attitudes that marks the difference between being only a Father in name only or being a Daddy in actual practice. These Dads earn the respect of their children because they really seek the best interests for their children in a holistic intelligent achievement level.

To encourage more Fathers to become actively involved with the lives of their children, there are many support groups that provide ongoing positive training and avenues of positive discipline that will enhance the growth and the development of their children into adulthood. One such group is called "Fathers For Good, and their website is As a Dad, you may find some inspiration from other Dads who are still learning and are willing to learn what will be best for their children. As a role model for children, Dads are often misunderstood by the extremists, by the media, by bureacratic agencies, and by groups that want to eliminate the need for a Dad in a family setting. Many Moms are extremely happy to have a Dad who accepts fully the responsibilities of fatherhood and the demands of parenthood in complementing their spouse.

There are many men who have negative attitudes toward women because of multiple tugs and pulls from their negative environments and extremist cultures.
To replace these negative attitudes with positive attitudes, takes time and a willingness to change to a more open positive relationship with women even with extremist women who have a negative agenda. Understanding is the beginning of wisdom, and effective communication is attained by a positive understanding between different points of views. To gain a step up the Ladder of Achievement with gender differences, one must understand and be willing to actively listen to the positive emotions that are sincerely expressed in an open dialogue. Making progress requires a give and a take on both sides to fully enhance the value, the dignity, and the sacredness of human beings in general.

"Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be EQUAL TO HIM...from beneath his arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him." The Heavenly Father, the " Daddy" of the entire Universe, wants His creation to be in His image and likeness. However, the Divine Creator gave each human being, man and woman, the will to CHOOSE. Hopefully, the Choices will be in line with the Will of the Creator who desires the BEST for His Creation and His Creatures. If a man has self-respect, he will NEVER belittle a woman in any shape or form. Domestic violence practices by a man on a woman will NEVER solve the disrespect that a man has for himself. Self-respect will honor the dignity, the sacredness, and the beauty of a person toward another person. Showing respect will also be the BEST EXAMPLE that children will witness as they grow into adulthood. "Love one another as I have loved you."

Congratulations to all the Ides of June, 2009, recipients: DADS WHO LIVE UP TO THEIR REPUTATION OF BEING A GOOD DAD toward their beautiful children. Take a hint from the Heavenly Dad who really gives unconditional love to all of His each one of us as we strive to climb the Ladder of Achievement in an atmosphere of a positive environment conducive to positive learning.

1 comment:

yesenia said...

I loved the part why the women is made from the rib of the men.