Saturday, May 9, 2009


Whenever you hear someone say, "I am looking forward to retirement," you may want to ask some profound and some simple questions. What do you plan to do with your time, your talents, and your treasures when you are no longer working a full-time career? You receive often these answers: "I plan to travel," or "I plan to play golf everyday," or "I will do whatever I want to do," or "I will read the books and watch the television shows that I missed," or "I will do just nothing." Often, the retirement years may have other challenges that you never saw coming as some people are facing today with company pensions in question, with downsizing, rightsizing, downgrading, reinengineering, and reorganization. Also, your physical and mental health may be impacted.

However, for many retirees, the new beginnings are determined by the individual who wants to continue their Ladder of Achievement goals and aspirations in other directions and other horizons. Often, new entrepreneurial ideas are implemented because of the ample time available to be free to think. Often, new researches on familiar or on very new areas may keep the mind, heart, and soul positively occupied with new growth and development. Getting beyond, "I won't do anything because I am retired" to "I did what I really wanted to do to make a difference" will shape the individual to explore new horizons and new challenges.

Yes, going from 0 percent to 100 percent or going from the negative to the positive takes an act of the will and the desire to succeed because self-actualization is possible and probable if you choose to make that choice in a positive setting. You are being REWIRED rather than being RETIRED. To take control of your physical, social, and emotional health means that you are taking better stewardship of the only life that you have been given. What you desire, determine, and dedicate yourself to accomplishing means that you are growing in a different dimension that will benefit yourself and those who you most love and really care about.

My experiences have given me new opportunities to experience community service through Americorps/VISTA and Habitat for Humanity. In addition, my educational background has given me opportunities to expand my professional growth through contracted seminars and facilitating challenges. Also, my family and my extended family have been a great source of encouraging those who are still working their ways through their personal Ladder of Achievement accomplishments in their relative youthful years of discovery. Being there for others in all aspects of loving relationships means expanding my own sphere of influence that could be beneficial to those who need the assistance the most and to those who think they need the assistance the least.

Yes, retirement can be challenging if you are going about the experience with little or no goals or aspirations. On the other hand, retirement will prove to be a rewirement of all of your time, your talents, and your treasures that will be welcomed and rewarded through your positive efforts to be open to the promptings of God's work on earth
as His instruments of His Love.

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