Monday, May 4, 2009


Today is the last day of a class in College Success Skills. The students will be evaluating what they have learned since class started on January 12, 2009. The variety of skills include how to handle stress, how to effectively use time, how to better prepare themselves for their future career choices, how to deal with test anxiety, how to study using the SQ3R method, and how cultural diversity impacts our learning environments. To gain a self-confidence as a student and as a human being these students have had to research their physical, social, and emotional makeups to determine how they best LEARN with their unique learning styles and unique personalities. We are all students in life, and our success depends on finding out WHO we are rather than WHAT we are. Titles are meaningless.
Each student discovered their own unique Ladder of Achievement and the progress that they are making in their day-to-day challenges. WHO AM I? WHAT AM I DOING HERE? and WHERE AM I GOING? These are but a few of the challenging questions that each of us are asked to discover about ourselves. "Always remember what you have learned. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13) Accept each day as a new challenge in life's success.

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