Friday, May 22, 2009


On this Memorial Day Weekend, 2009, we remember the multitude of heroes who laid down their lives during past wars that we, as legal citizens and active voters, may enjoy our freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as brilliantly expressed in the Declaration of Independence. Many armed services' personnel never returned from their fields of battle because of their individual heroic efforts to save the many who did return. Whether in the air, on the seas, or on the ground, these monumental people offered their lives as a tribute of their patriotism to the United States of America. During this Memorial Day Weekend, many friends and relatives will attend special services all over the United States and throughout the world for the patriots that spoke with their actions rather than their eloquent and bombastic rhetoric.

The survivors of these past wars include the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the spouses and families of veterans, and the scarred, emotional veterans who know what war really is. Many of these veterans were not welcomed with open arms for their call to service by the American public especially during the Vietnam War years. Many national public politicians gave lip service to the cause but their hearts were far from giving any emphathetic support or funds when needed and requested. Many of the past wars were considered "undeclared wars" or "wars without any honor or understanding" because of misguided and confused political ambitions of selfish congressional and senatorial pundits. There were two Presidents who restored the respect and the honor of patriotism for those who serve in the military.

On another front, the "War on the Unborn" has been going on since 1973 when war was declared on the unborn residents who live in the wombs of women who choose not to continue their pregnancies for many selfish reasons. Also, the information that was given to these women was pro-choice for death rather than pro-choice for life. Even the highest court in the Land declared that taking the lives of innocent unborn human beings was legal at any age, even though they rationalized the reasons and the conditions that may or may not prevail. Yes, even teenagers under 18 years of age were required to have their parent's permission to have their ears pierced but they could have their unborn baby electively aborted for any reason especially if the pregnancy was inconvenient.

The "throw-away mentality" and the "irresponsible sexual actions" were condoned by an extremist groups of women who ignored any other gender who would get in their way of "empowerment" and " total independence" from any Hippocratic Oath, which embodies the duties and obligations of physicians in their field of medicine. For many centuries, this Hippocratic Oath was the sound ethical practice of all qualified and licensed physicians without the concern of being "politically correct" or "non-sexist" in their professional practices. Today, a multi-billion business is protected by seasoned politicians who have lost all respect for the sanctity of innocent human life at all stages of development.

Let us remember the more than 50 million unborn babies that have been aborted since 1973 at the hands of abortionists. Because their abortion practice is legal in the secular, humanist world, but this practice is abhorred and considered heinous in the divine world of eternal existence. Will this irreconcilable practice continue without any possibility of resolve? Will the "War on the Unborn" continue to be the scourge of the 21st Century as it was on the 20th Century? Will we ever realize that there are no winners in any war because the scars continue from generation to generation? Remember to visit the graveyards of the heroes of our past wars and of our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, also remember to visit the dumpsters of the abortionaries that dispose of the innocent human beings after they have completed their "legal" tasks on the "products of pregnancy." Then remember to pray for the victims and the uninformed mothers who were given myths about the recoveries but were ignored concerning their future memories. Many women find healing through Project Rachel programs.

Thank you, ALL ARMED SERVICES, for your desire, dedication, and determination to make our Country a land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE. Let us continue to resolve to understand what we are doing today will impact our future. Let us realize that we have to take responsibility for our own actions and be willing to be selfless in our efforts to care for the persons who need the care the most and for those who think they need the care the least. As the saying goes, "PEOPLE DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE." For all of the caring persons in our Blessed United States of America, both living and dead, THANK YOU FOR GIVING US THE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

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