Saturday, January 31, 2009


When we watch the national and local news media's attention to celebrities who are honoring the Super Bowl 43 with their presence, we notice that many interviewers are in "AWE" of the different celebrities depending upon their age, their accomplishments, their appropriate or inappropriate dress, their attitudinal behaviors, and their areas of entertainment and expertise. Many celebrities have been put on a pedestal by their fans, by the national/local media, and by the general public because they have made it in their climb up the Ladder of Achievement. Money and glitter attracts many individuals to a false sense of security. Many of these celebrities would admit that their current circumstances did not always exist since many started in very humble existences. In many cases, the celebrities will share their humble beginnings.

Many of these celebrities have handled their fame and fortune with modesty, with humility, with meekness, with honor, and with a sense of thankfulness for the many fan support over the years. Many fans have become exclusive because of the notorious photographers who have deprived the celebrities of their privacy. Respecting the private lives of these public ICONS has become a frantic eyesore in various parts of the world. Money again clouds the vision of amateur photographers who will risk anything for the first picture of their "celebrity prey" in circumstances that are inappropriate for filming and capturing the moment. Yes, celebrities have also brought on the frenzy of the media by their causes or lack of causes, by their resistance to any legal requirements, and by their lives which reflect a disrespect for the decent, for the honorable, and for the God-loving world. Many celebrities have endorsed their own civil religion and secular, humanistic philosophies that are contrary to any sane approach to life.

As the most notable celebrities have embraced their role as models of success, their admirers flock to be a part of their aura and their charisma. Many fans have been lured into a life that is contrary to any sense of understanding and wisdom by saying that they IDOLIZE this or that celebrity. Making the celebrity the scapegoat is a COPE OUT for human reasoning. Every celebrity will tell you that they have their own UNIQUENESS and IDENTITY that makes them WHO they are rather than WHAT THEY ARE!. A celebrity's perseverance is often challenged by many of their careers' hurdles to successfully climbing their ACHIEVEMENT LADDER one step at a time. Many had to learn to crawl before they walked, and many had to learn to walk before they ran at a marathon's pace. Making haste slowly was often the norm for most notable celebrities.

Before we judge a celebrity's right to exist and to be awed, a celebrity must understand that they are in the public eye and what they do in public and private does make a difference in other people's lives. Many of their fans live a fragile life with little or no self-confidence or self-esteem. We applaud all the celebrities who have given back to their communities by their fund raising events and their personal involvements with people in the community. Remember, celebrities are human beings who have been gifted with skills, talents, interests, wealth, honor, and accomplishments recognized by their peers and the general public. These celebrities have a right to be respected even if some of these celebrities forget their fan-base, which gave them fame and fortune initially. To all celebrities: REMEMBER TO SHOW RESPECT AND SELF-RESPECT TO ALL OF YOUR FANS AND ADMIRERS. These people are impacted by your successful accomplishments and achievements. TO THOSE WHO ARE GIVEN MUCH, MUCH MORE IS EXPECTED IN RETURN. "What will it profit a person to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of one's soul."

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