Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For the past thirty-six years, approximately 4,000 unborn babies have been killed every day in the United States by elective abortions. More than 90 million unborn American babies and citizens with potential were denied their civil rights because of age, residency, dependency, gender, and racial discrimination. Even though considered "legal" by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 by a small margin, the human law ignores divine and natural law by mispresenting and misinterpreting the United States Constitution to meet the standards set by the secular, humanistic, and extreme agendas of desparate proponents of human life negativism. Remember, negativism begets negativism. Choosing life is positive!

We ask forgiveness from all of the 90 million plus unborn babies who have been killed by elective abortions since 1973. May their deaths be a reminder of how "fragile" human life is with extreme elitists and proponents of "choosing death" rather than seeking better human and humane options in resolving challenging human life issues. Human life is a continuum from natural conception to natural death. We ask mercy to the killers of unborn babies at any stage of development, and that these misguided persons may improve and change their negative attitudes toward human life to allow unborn babies with potential to climb up their Ladder of Achievement in meeting their self-actualization at 100 percent. Yes, We Can Do This; and We will do this: CHOOSING LIFE IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY AND EVERYONE'S ACCOUNTABILITY CHOICE!

If Americans are wondering why financial institutions, businesses, political activists, and social behaviorists are causing CHAOS and HAVOC to our free enterprise economic system and representative government, the answer may be in the number of voting citizens that have been eliminated since 1973. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW. We achieve what we choose to accomplish with our attitudes in reaching our altitudes with our aptitudes. In our American Republic, our combined human resources spells either SUCCESS OR FAILURE depending upon our decisions that have CAUSE AND EFFECT for future generations, achievements, and Achievement Ladder Progressions.

We Salute all of the American Unborn Babies who are enjoying ETERNAL LIFE with their Creator primarily because of the choices made by misinformed, ignorant, selfish, greedy, and civil secularists, who are the "Death Promoters" of our "Free" Country. God has already blest America. Now is the time for ALL TRUE AMERICANS to bless God. "HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." On January 22, 2009, remember the past, but also remember to CHANGE THE FUTURE BY CHOOSING HUMAN LIFE AT EVERY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. The time has come for REAL CHANGE IN PROTECTING HUMAN LIFE AND IN GIVING ALL HUMAN LIFE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED IN THEIR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT PROGRESSION.

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