Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today is a special day of remembrance in my life and in the lives of my brother and my sister. We share a special memory for a Man for all Seasons, for a Faithful Husband, for a Loving and Caring Father, and especially for a Just Man who we call "Daddy." Ten years ago, our loving Daddy was taken back home to His Loving Father, His Abba, His Daddy. We remember all of the times that our Daddy sacrificed for us to provide for our physical, for our social, for our educational, and for our spiritual needs and wants. His Wisdom will far exceed any person with a "sheepskin" from a exclusive or extraordinary educational environment. His "College of Hard Knocks" was a unique CLIMB UP THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT that will be second to none of any of his competitors. He served his country in a special way in working in a shipyard that prepared and repaired vessels of combat. He learned by doing and by hands-on experiences to discover the who, the what, the where, the why, the when, the how, and the how much of every mystery and challenge.

He made time to give to each of his children during his free time and his own time. He always said "yes" to assisting the children with their homework and their educational challenges. He was a "Mister Fix It" by trade and a "Daddy of Inventions" when necessity and life sent him a curve ball. He loved sports of all types and encouraged his children to get involved whenever the opportunity was presented. Going to the local park with our Dad to play catch or to hit the ball was awesome and memorable. His love of music and dance coined him the expression of being an "Old Smoothie" when he danced with our mother. He loved the game of darts. "Knock them in baseball" was one of his favorite games. As a "Lefty" he was extremely competitive, but he sought the fun of the game rather than what money could bring in because of his talents. He was a great "Poker Player." He learned the art of finesse in all of life's challenges including playing cards of all descriptions. In addition, his love of playing checkers was the best. He was unbeatable when his mind was totally on the game.

Although my Dad never owned an automobile nor owned a home, he used public transportation in the city up until his natural death at 87. He was a wonderful provider for the family, and his commitment to his work environment was exemplary. His work ethic motto was: "If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well or not at all." Our Dad lived in the city, in the ghetto, in the environment where he felt at ease with his people. His greatest asset as a human being was that HE HAD A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR. He loved life; and even in death, he continued his LOVING SENSE OF HUMOR. He loved the God who created him, and he loved the family that God gave him to air, care, share, and bear for even into eternity. He discovered even as an orphaned child that LOVE CONQUERS ALL and THERE IS NO END TO LOVE. For those who were fortunate to know him, he was the MAN FOR ALL SEASONS and a LOVING FAMILY MAN who knew what being a DADDY means. As the saying goes: "Anyone can be a Father, but it takes a special someone to be a DADDY."

THANK YOU, DADDY, FOR GIVING US LIFE AND LOVE. IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE AND TO REMEMBER ALL THAT YOU ACCOMPLISHED FOR YOUR FAMILY AND FOR THE MANY FAMILIES THAT YOU TOUCHED IN YOUR LIFE TIME. And as a special remembrance, Dad, as you enjoy eternal happiness with Mother and our Brother and all of your friends, "Here's to it and to it again. If you don't do it when you get to it, you will never get to it to do it again."

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