Sunday, December 23, 2012


More than 2000 years ago, miracles happened to a young woman who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to say "Yes" to God.  This solitary immaculate woman who was raised by her Mother Anne and her Father Joachim lived her life as a Virgin consecrated to God. On one occasion the Virgin Mary received a greeting from one of God's Angels that would change the course of history.  After listening to the message from the Angel Gabriel, Mary responded by saying: "Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, let this happen to me according to God's plan."  The Virgin Mary was asked to be the Mother of the Messiah, Emmanuel, God is with us.  For the Angel declared that her cousin, Elizabeth, was also with child; and Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy.  The Angel then declared: "Nothing is impossible for God."  With the "Fiat" of the Virgin Mary, the stage was set for the very first Christmas.  Mary became the Mother of the God-Man through the power of the Holy Spirit; and Mary also accepted the role as the  Co-Redeemer for the next 33 years in union with Her Son, Jesus Christ. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

Let the Peace on Earth to men and women of good will be present for the Christmas 2012!  May all men and women say, "Yes" to God's plan in their lives and bring the Christmas message to all who are seeking healing and peace in their lives.  The Hope is that God's Love will be extended into the New Year by "loving one another as God has loved us."  In God We Trust is the rallying song for all who are seeking peace, joy, and love in their lives and in the lives of their children and their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren.  Let there be PEACE on earth, AND LET THAT PEACE BEGIN WITH ME.  MARY CHRISTMAS 2012!  May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph touch the hearts,minds, and souls of those who need that touch the most and for those who need that touch the least.  All for Jesus through Mary and Joseph with a Smile!

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