Wednesday, December 19, 2012


On Friday, December 14, 2012, the world was exposed to an unthinkable crime on innocent victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.  The "Why" for this terrible crime has yet to be determined by the mass media that has bombarded a small rural town. Petitions for  extreme measures to avert a future crime spree is typical of many extremists and elitists who look for a scapegoat.  The essential evidence that will be gathered and analyzed over the coming months will hopefully focus beyond the persons responsible for these horrible incidents.  What will help is determining the negative attitudes that people acquire over a period of time that impacts decision making. When a Country projects a "culture of death" that is acceptable and legal, there will be consequences that will cause a vast divide among people of good will.  Two wrongs simply do not make a right as expressed by many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts.  Also, the ends never justifies the means to obtain a secular solution.  Taking responsibility for our own actions and decisions is often neglected by the uninformed as well as the informed.  

When  persons has a "war" going on within themselves, the challenge is to admit and seek effective counseling and guidance by professionals who are well qualified.  "Let there be PEACE on earth, and let that PEACE begin with ME."History has confirmed on many occasions that "leaders" who are bent on destroying others have already destroyed themselves internally.  Let us continue to pray for all victims of domestic violence, for all innocent victims of elective abortions, for all victims of "wars," for all victims of underemployment, for all victims of homelessness, for all victims of loneliness, for all victims of dependency, for all victims of serious health conditions, for all victims in nursing homes and hospitals, for all victims of any crime on innocent and law-abiding persons, and for all victims of any assault on their person, place of residence, or property.  In addition, encourage more persons of good will to stand and be counted to assist their community in their daily challenges.  Solutions come from persons of good will and good intentions that are effectively carried out to a successful conclusion.  The "war" between good and evil will continue until the end of time.  Even though you may lose a few battles along the way, you will win the war with the help of God's infinite compassion and unconditional love that will encourage more Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to show how to listen, listen, love, love.  Listen with the head, listen with the heart; love with the head, love with the heart.  IN GOD WE TRUST is our battle cry; and remember He said:  "I will be with you always until the end of time."

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