Thursday, November 15, 2012


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are proud to celebrate 2012 Happy Thanksgiving Day with even more enthusiasm than in the past.  The obvious reasons are their opportunities to live in a Country that still respects the freedoms of all Americans even when there are irreconcilable differencesAs Americans,  we learn how to cope with challenges that require individual ingenuity and  wise, sound judgmentEven when Hurricane Sandy damaged many towns and major metropolitan cities, volunteers within the affected areas plus non-resident volunteers came to the assistance of their neighbors.  Even though there was loss of life caused by storm damage, the overwhelming positive responses were from the private sector until the public sector was mobilized to respond.  After more than two and a half weeks after the Super Storm, many Americans are still without power and basic necessities.  How can an affected victim of this Storm be thankful on this coming Thanksgiving Day?  There will be many stories from victims in the days ahead that will be shared indicating how their fellow Americans came to their aid and comfort.  Having a human life that will make a difference is the opportunity for all Americans if they are open to share their time, their talents, and their monetary and non-monetary treasures for the benefit of their neighbors.

American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are relieved that the National Election Day is over; however, there is much more work to be done for ALL Americans who have a vested interest in the future of their Country.  The United States of America belongs to the PEOPLE; and the PEOPLE'S OWNERSHIP is at stake for the foreseeable future.  Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that a divided Country will be challenged on its principles; but a unifying effort must be part of the overall PLAN to re-unite all Americans for the cause of FREEDOM that is now enjoyed by many AMERICANS.  With all of the human resources that America has, the time has come to have a SOUND VISION that requires divine wisdom coupled with a commitment to keep America free from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Let us all give THANKS by sharing "Eucharist" with our fellow Americans by prayer, study, and action that will transform our Country to respect the value and uniqueness of each AMERICAN.  "Thanks Mom and Dad for the gifts of LIFE and LOVE."  Each American should be proud to be ALIVE and to share that gratitude with their Creator of ALL human life from conception to natural death. ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS WISH ALL AMERICANS A VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY FOR 2012 and for many years to come.  "Always remember what you have learned.  Your education is your LIFE. Guard your education and experiences well!"

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