Friday, November 30, 2012


On Sunday, December 2, a New Church Year will be ushered into the Christian World.  Prepare the Way of the Lord, make straight His paths..God is with us on a daily basis.  "His Kingdom come, His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."  Advent is a faith preparation time for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and as a memorial of His first coming more than two centuries ago.  "Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life."  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow."  The Incarnation of Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh and dwelt among us.  Jesus Christ is the God-Man who reflected God's unconditional love for all of His Creation.  Being prepared for the personal coming of God in our lives allows us to earn respect when our mission here on earth is completed. "Love the Lord your God with ALL of your heart, with ALL of your soul, and ALL of your mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself." This total commitment to the Mission and to our personal mission in union with God's will means to give ALL for the greater glory of God, the honor of His Mother Mary, and for the salvation of all souls and all of the souls entrusted to our care.  This Advent preparation for our Eucharistic Christmas means a living faith and a renewed sense of urgency for what really matters in our personal and communal life.  Our greatest gift is the gift of ourselves to the love service of God's people wherever, whenever, however, whoever, whatever...cost what that love entails.  What are your priorities; and how can you renew your faith convictions that have eternal consequences?  "You are either with Me or against Me!"  "You are unable to serve God and mammon." Who then are the Anti-Christs?  If you are arrested for being a follower of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you?  We are Alleluia People; and we are preparing for a "Mary Christmas."

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