Friday, November 30, 2012
On Sunday, December 2, a New Church Year will be ushered into the Christian World. Prepare the Way of the Lord, make straight His paths..God is with us on a daily basis. "His Kingdom come, His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Advent is a faith preparation time for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and as a memorial of His first coming more than two centuries ago. "Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life." "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow." The Incarnation of Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is the God-Man who reflected God's unconditional love for all of His Creation. Being prepared for the personal coming of God in our lives allows us to earn respect when our mission here on earth is completed. "Love the Lord your God with ALL of your heart, with ALL of your soul, and ALL of your mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself." This total commitment to the Mission and to our personal mission in union with God's will means to give ALL for the greater glory of God, the honor of His Mother Mary, and for the salvation of all souls and all of the souls entrusted to our care. This Advent preparation for our Eucharistic Christmas means a living faith and a renewed sense of urgency for what really matters in our personal and communal life. Our greatest gift is the gift of ourselves to the love service of God's people wherever, whenever, however, whoever, whatever...cost what that love entails. What are your priorities; and how can you renew your faith convictions that have eternal consequences? "You are either with Me or against Me!" "You are unable to serve God and mammon." Who then are the Anti-Christs? If you are arrested for being a follower of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We are Alleluia People; and we are preparing for a "Mary Christmas."
Thursday, November 22, 2012
On this very special day of gratitude to all of our friends throughout the world, you are offered a day to remember the many blessings that you have received during this past year. For many persons who give daily thanks for the gifts of life and love, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide celebrate with you in making this Thanksgiving a very special commemoration. Hopefully, you have remembered your immediate families wherever they may be located in this world. Just pick up the phone and call your brothers, sisters, mothers, dads, and your spouses and significant others who may need a cheerful voice to brighten their day. Your smile today will bring others closer to inner peace and healing that this wonderful world needs from your uniqueness. There are many today throughout the world who are living in imposed slavery, in homeless shelters, in battle worn refugee camps, in loneliness, in mental hospitals, in state and local prisons, in prisons of their own making, in dependency isolation, in unemployment and underemployment,in extreme poverty from financial and weather-related disasters, in search of peaceful solutions to avoid further bloodshed, and in many other of life's challenges. Be a giver rather than a receiver; and bring love rather than hate to your neighbors wherever they may be. All of God's children have a right to be loved by their friends and challengers.
Thank God, our Creator, for the gift of each day; and Thank God for an opportunity to bring "Eucharist" (Thanksgiving) for all of your brothers and sisters in God's family. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in this 2012 Happy Thanksgiving no matter what your circumstances and state of dependency. Be not afraid-Just Believe! Choose Life and Love!
Thank God, our Creator, for the gift of each day; and Thank God for an opportunity to bring "Eucharist" (Thanksgiving) for all of your brothers and sisters in God's family. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in this 2012 Happy Thanksgiving no matter what your circumstances and state of dependency. Be not afraid-Just Believe! Choose Life and Love!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are proud to celebrate 2012 Happy Thanksgiving Day with even more enthusiasm than in the past. The obvious reasons are their opportunities to live in a Country that still respects the freedoms of all Americans even when there are irreconcilable differences. As Americans, we learn how to cope with challenges that require individual ingenuity and wise, sound judgment. Even when Hurricane Sandy damaged many towns and major metropolitan cities, volunteers within the affected areas plus non-resident volunteers came to the assistance of their neighbors. Even though there was loss of life caused by storm damage, the overwhelming positive responses were from the private sector until the public sector was mobilized to respond. After more than two and a half weeks after the Super Storm, many Americans are still without power and basic necessities. How can an affected victim of this Storm be thankful on this coming Thanksgiving Day? There will be many stories from victims in the days ahead that will be shared indicating how their fellow Americans came to their aid and comfort. Having a human life that will make a difference is the opportunity for all Americans if they are open to share their time, their talents, and their monetary and non-monetary treasures for the benefit of their neighbors.
American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are relieved that the National Election Day is over; however, there is much more work to be done for ALL Americans who have a vested interest in the future of their Country. The United States of America belongs to the PEOPLE; and the PEOPLE'S OWNERSHIP is at stake for the foreseeable future. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that a divided Country will be challenged on its principles; but a unifying effort must be part of the overall PLAN to re-unite all Americans for the cause of FREEDOM that is now enjoyed by many AMERICANS. With all of the human resources that America has, the time has come to have a SOUND VISION that requires divine wisdom coupled with a commitment to keep America free from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Let us all give THANKS by sharing "Eucharist" with our fellow Americans by prayer, study, and action that will transform our Country to respect the value and uniqueness of each AMERICAN. "Thanks Mom and Dad for the gifts of LIFE and LOVE." Each American should be proud to be ALIVE and to share that gratitude with their Creator of ALL human life from conception to natural death. ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS WISH ALL AMERICANS A VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY FOR 2012 and for many years to come. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your LIFE. Guard your education and experiences well!"
American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are relieved that the National Election Day is over; however, there is much more work to be done for ALL Americans who have a vested interest in the future of their Country. The United States of America belongs to the PEOPLE; and the PEOPLE'S OWNERSHIP is at stake for the foreseeable future. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that a divided Country will be challenged on its principles; but a unifying effort must be part of the overall PLAN to re-unite all Americans for the cause of FREEDOM that is now enjoyed by many AMERICANS. With all of the human resources that America has, the time has come to have a SOUND VISION that requires divine wisdom coupled with a commitment to keep America free from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Let us all give THANKS by sharing "Eucharist" with our fellow Americans by prayer, study, and action that will transform our Country to respect the value and uniqueness of each AMERICAN. "Thanks Mom and Dad for the gifts of LIFE and LOVE." Each American should be proud to be ALIVE and to share that gratitude with their Creator of ALL human life from conception to natural death. ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS WISH ALL AMERICANS A VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY FOR 2012 and for many years to come. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your LIFE. Guard your education and experiences well!"
Thursday, November 8, 2012
"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." "It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts; it is the size of the fight in the dog that counts." Never give up, GET UP! You may continue to add as many encouraging axioms to your philosophy of life and to your ongoing learning styles that will continue to make you a better person. Each day brings new challenges and also new consequences for action or for inaction. Taking responsibility for our own actions is the lesson in humility and in maturing in wisdom. Remember to take a look at yourself in the mirror each morning and remember that you need to be true to that person in the mirror. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference." Since we live in an imperfect world and in the special world around us everyday, focus on the true values that respects yourself and respects the many persons that we need to deal with everyday. One person recently said: "If you can breathe, you are needed by someone in your life." Each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast has a special mission that has our name on that mission. We are unable to put our heads in the sands and ignore the needs that surrounds our daily mission. We are in the world but not of the world; and what we accomplish does make a difference. To allow "the world, the flesh, and the devil" to run our lives means to exclude our Creator from working with us and through us to make the world a better place. Discover for yourself the "Real Good News" rather than the edited multi-media news sources that tries to "brainwash" our uniqueness and our "minority of one" status.
Take each day as a new challenge rather than as a problem. Each day has four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. The morning gives us the spring; and the summer gives us the mid-day. The late afternoon gives us fall; and the evening brings our daily winter. Your use of your time during each day and each week are yours and yours alone. However, there will be many persons who may want to "dump" their "problems" on to you. Yet, if you are alert, you will give back those "dumpers" an opportunity to resolve their own dilemmas. Avoid being the "dumpee;" you have enough challenges of each day without taking on the whole world. Look for divine guidance and learn to let go and let God enter your life each day. "Come to Me all you who are burdened and find life burdensome. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. You will find rest and peace in knowing that you are never alone...YOU ARE ALWAYS IN GOD'S PRESENCE who loves you with an unconditional love that surpasses all that the world says about love.
"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard your education well!" "Sufficient for the day is the evil enough." "Love one another as I have loved you."
Take each day as a new challenge rather than as a problem. Each day has four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. The morning gives us the spring; and the summer gives us the mid-day. The late afternoon gives us fall; and the evening brings our daily winter. Your use of your time during each day and each week are yours and yours alone. However, there will be many persons who may want to "dump" their "problems" on to you. Yet, if you are alert, you will give back those "dumpers" an opportunity to resolve their own dilemmas. Avoid being the "dumpee;" you have enough challenges of each day without taking on the whole world. Look for divine guidance and learn to let go and let God enter your life each day. "Come to Me all you who are burdened and find life burdensome. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. You will find rest and peace in knowing that you are never alone...YOU ARE ALWAYS IN GOD'S PRESENCE who loves you with an unconditional love that surpasses all that the world says about love.
"Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard your education well!" "Sufficient for the day is the evil enough." "Love one another as I have loved you."
Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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