Monday, August 27, 2012


Every year on the first Monday in September, we set aside time to reflect and to honor those who have made their mark on providing the Human Resources of body, mind, and spirit in the Work Place.  History has recorded many negatives about the adversary conditions that men and women have encountered in offering their time, talents, and treasures to produce goods and services for the common good.  The relationships between management and labor sources have come a long way from the typical autocratic style that was most prevalent during the early part of the 20th century.  When participative and the free-rein styles were introduced, many persons were leery that they were attempting to find the "catch" or the "ploy" from their "bosses."

However, when the Team Concept was encouraged to maximize the most of each participant's time, talents, and treasures, the intrapreneurial contributions were rewarded with advancement and enjoyment in the work place. Many work-related activities demanded additional training that was most successful with apprenticeships, internships, and matrix applications.  In Team Work there is no "I" in the word...Together Everyone Achieves More.  Transferring skills from one job or occupation to another required adaptation to a new philosophy in the work environment.  What may have been experienced in "ABC" Team may not have been the same for "XYZ" Team.
When one individual enjoys applying the skills, talents, and aptitudes that have learned, all other persons on the Team are enhanced by the totality of each person's contributions.  

The greatest asset in any work environment is ATTITUDE.  Having a positive attitude toward one's career or current job situation, makes a tremendous difference on the ultimate growth of that person and the common good that will benefit from that person's positive thrust.  Most of us have had many jobs that were stepping stones to our eventual career choice.  What a person learns from the "School of Hard Knocks" and the "School of Experience" contributes to the holistic approach with the basic education that was received in the "Classroom with Walls."  Now that the Virtual Classroom and the "Classroom without Walls" has emerged during the 21st Century, the value of the human resources takes on a new dimension in all areas of the Work Environment.
Giving our 100 percent in achieving a work environment's mission, means offering the "We Care"to the work accomplished.  Pride in workpersonship demands "doing the job well or not at all."
In our Country when 53 percent of the work force pays taxes for 43 percent who choose not to work or get adequate training or who given up altogether, this approach will drain the Workers who give all for the benefit of all.  Giving a Hand Up is preferable than giving a Hand Out! Currently, there are 91.7 percent employed in the work environments.  Hopefully, with the "entrepreneurial" spirit, the percentage employed will be increased in the next few years by a determined private and public sector cooperation and less government interference. 

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and respect all of those who have contributed in the public and private sectors with their time, talents, and treasures to benefit the common good.  
Happy Labor Day to all of those who have given the ultimate price by laying down their lives for the freedoms that we enjoy in a Free Society.  Let us keep that priceless Freedom by praying, studying, and acting as though the work environments depend on us while we recognize that we depend on our Creator who gave us our human life and human resources to GROW!

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